Beef is not a traditional type of meatfor pilaf. It is usually prepared with lamb or pork. But the dish can also be tasty and nutritious from beef. The recipe is quite simple. Following simple rules, you can prepare the dish correctly and quickly. Many housewives probably know how to cook pilaf from beef. But not everyone knows the little tricks that will make the pilaf even tastier.
Cooking Instructions
- First, you need to choose the right meat for cooking. The most suitable parts of the carcass will be the brisket and scapula.
- Secondly, the recipe for cooking a delicious plov means another feature: meat can not be stewed for more than three hours.
The rice is washed several times until the waterwill be cleaned and will not become transparent. It is better to choose long-grain rice (Krasnodar rice, Basmati rice). Carrots are cut into strips, and rice - into half rings. Meat is washed and dried with a paper towel. It is better to cut meat into pieces of not too small size. Traditional cookware for real pilaf is a cauldron. If there is no cauldron, then, of course, you can take a saucepan. It is desirable that the saucepan has a thick bottom. The meat will have to be fried in a frying pan. You need to make sure that it does not dry out or burn.
Homemade bovine pilaf recipe
This extraordinary, delicious dish should be able toevery housewife should do it. The recipe is easy to prepare, so even a non-professional and a beginner can make it. For this you will need the following ingredients:
- 0.5 kg of beef
- 100 g of vegetable oil
- 50 g of bacon
- 1 glass of long grain rice
- 0.5 kg of carrots
- 0,5 kg of onion
- 6 cloves of garlic
- hops-suneli and other condiments
- salt to taste
Method of preparation:Zirvak is being prepared - this is the main part of the pilaf. Zirvak consists of onions, meat and carrots. Pour oil into a hot cauldron. Then add the onion and fry until golden brown. Then fry the beef and a piece of lard for about 7 minutes and add the carrots. Zirvak is cooked over medium heat for half an hour. First it is fried uncovered and then covered with a lid. At the end, add salt and other spices. Rinse the rice and put it in the zirvak without stirring. Pour water on top so that the rice is covered. It is necessary to simmer it until done. 10 minutes before the end of frying, you need to stick in cloves of garlic. After removing from the stove, the pilaf should sit for about an hour. It is better to wrap it in a warm blanket.
Uzbek recipe for pilaf from beef
Plov is a national dish of Uzbeks. Therefore, no one cooks it better than them. You will need the following ingredients:
- 1 kg of beef
- 700 g of onion
- 700 g carrots
- 1 kg of rice
- 1 tsp ziri, thyme, barberry
- 1 garlic
- 4 tablespoons vegetable oils
- salt
- pepper
Method of preparation:If the meat is fatty, it is better to remove the fat. Heat the cauldron, pour in vegetable oil and fry the meat. The meat should remain juicy inside and fried on the outside. You can add vegetable oil. Remove the meat from the cauldron, add onion, fry it in the same oil as the beef, then pour the meat back into the onion and add chopped carrots. Fry the zirvak until the carrots are fried and reduced in volume by three times. Then add water to the zirvak so that its level is slightly higher than the vegetables with meat. Simmer over low heat for two hours. To prevent the water from boiling away, stir the pilaf and, if necessary, add water. Then add salt and pepper to taste. Then add rice and pour boiling water over it again so that the water level is slightly higher than the pilaf in the cauldron. Simmer until done. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, stick garlic cloves into the pilaf. After removing from the heat, let the beef pilaf sit for 20 minutes. Stir and serve.
Fergana Plov Pheasant Recipe
This is an improved delicious pilaf.It tastes excellent and incomparable. In different parts of Asia, pilaf is prepared differently, both in technology and in composition. But basically the recipe, of course, remains unchanged. Rice, meat, carrots and onions are always used. For Fergana pilaf you will need:
- 300 g of beef
- 250 g of onion
- 250 g carrots
- 500 g of rice
- 250 g of vegetable oil
- salt
- spices
Method of preparation: Wash and soak the rice.Heat the cauldron and fry the onion in vegetable oil. Add the beef and fry for another 15 minutes. Put the carrots cut into strips and fry for another 10 minutes. Then add salt to taste. Bring the water to a boil, add spices: saffron, barberry, black and red pepper, cumin, turmeric, etc. The result is zirvak, which is stewed with the lid closed for 2 hours. Pour rice on top of the meat, fill with water, simmer until done. After removing from the heat, leave for 15 minutes.
Useful tips for cooking
If you make pilaf in a cauldron, then the rice is in the processIt is better to stir the food when cooking so that it absorbs the taste of spices and meat. Ancient Uzbeks did not stir the dish, since real pilaf is cooked over an open fire, in which case it could not be stirred.
- Carrots should be cut with long straws diagonally. Do not rub it on a grater or cut with a knife into small pieces.
- Zirvak must be cooked correctly. That is, you must observe the proportions: meat, carrots and onions should be in equal proportion.
- The onion is cut into half rings.
- Zirvak is preparing on the most intense fire.
- The best skillet for pilau (if there is no cauldron) is thick cast-iron.
What to do if pilaf is too much for youhigh-calorie dish? There is no point in removing some ingredients from it - the dish will lose its uniqueness. In this difficult situation, there is a way out - you do not need to remove the components, but add them. For example, you can add tomatoes and peppers - these are healthy vegetables that will slightly reduce the calorie content by increasing the volume of the product and add piquancy to the dish. Tomatoes need to be scalded with boiling water and the tough skin removed, and peppers should be peeled in advance or placed in the microwave so that the skin becomes soft and easy to remove. Vegetable oil, in which zirvak is fried, can be replaced with animal fat or lard. Whatever the recipe, the main thing is the soul and the right approach to cooking. Enjoy your meal!