Divorce is usually what? Tears, resentment, scandals. And the child's grief is great, incredible. The whole world is falling apart. How come Mom and Dad are not together anymore? They do not like each other, they do not like him. Otherwise why do they break up? And then one of the parents often disappears from the life of the child at all. Well, if it's really frank - Dad often disappears. And the next generation of children grown only by mothers grows. Apparently, in contrast to the established trend, the incredible photo of little Malin worked so. She's only four years old. Parents Malin, Clara and Ricky, divorced when she was still very small. They divorced, but did not abandon their daughter. "Parting is not an excuse not to raise a child," they decided. All three - Ricky, Clara and Malin - remained a family. And even more. After all, both the father of the girl and mother found their new personal happiness: both were reconciled by marriage. And now Malin has two mothers and two fathers. They and T-shirts so it says: "Mommy", "Daddy", "Another Mom", "Another Dad."Photo: @emilee.baker It's amazing, all four have teamed up for Malin. More precisely, Clara and Ricky - for Malin's sake, and their spouses - for the sake of their loved ones. They spend a lot of time together: they celebrate birthdays, celebrate holidays, play football or just hang out. The picture, so struck by the inhabitants of social networks, was made just on football - all four came to support their girl. "I will never believe that co-education does not work! - wrote Emily, stepmother Malin. - I have learned from my own experience that it works! Choose what's best for your child, and everything in your life will fall into place. "The picture collected more than 84 thousand likes and thousands of responses. And people, leaving comments, called in a post of the former. Like, look, as it should! But the truth is so necessary. So do really grown-up and loving people.

