personal spaceEach of us has our own personalityspace. This is not just a myth from psychologists, but a very real phenomenon. Agree, you will be uncomfortable at the thought that now someone else is in your house, eating from your dishes, sleeping in your bed. Any of these events are regarded by us as an intrusion and trigger defensive reactions in order to restore comfort and safety. In all this, our psychological space is manifested.

What it is?

Not only a person has his own territory, but alsoin animals. Most of them “mark” it and feel calm and safe walking within the confines of their space. In many ways, our behavior is similar to that of an animal: we “mark” the territory of our home with things and design, install a strong door at the entrance to the apartment and put a ring on our husband’s finger. In essence, a person’s personal space is all those things and events that we single out from the entire wealth of life as significant for us. It includes your body, things “territory”, relationships with other people and time. All this is filled with a special and only your personal meaning. For example, a pen given to you at work may be just a pen, or it may be YOUR pen - an object into which you invest a certain meaning and to which you are attached. Let’s talk in more detail about the components of psychological space.

  • Our body is the foundation for all othersfragments of personal space. It is from it that the understanding of one's "I" begins - my hand, my leg, etc. ... Through it we establish contact with the world, become attached to people, define our territory and begin to carry out any activity. Our attitude to our own appearance is connected with the body: we either accept it or reject it.
  • “Own Territory” appears in the film for the first timeworld of a baby at the moment when he begins to crawl and move from one room to another - he begins to separate personal space from non-personal. The child understands that there are other people. "Our territory" plays an important role in our lives: we control the intensity of communication, the intensity of information coming to us, we protect ourselves from everything unnecessary, we can restore strength and create something. Very often, "our territory" is embodied in our home.
  • Personal belongings appear in a person’s possession at the momentwhen he learns to interact with them. They are allegorical messages about who we really are - what our character traits, inclinations and interests are. Thanks to some objects we can study, work and create. Other things tell about our roles and status in society, help us to define our boundaries.
  • Personal space in a relationship is whathow we develop and maintain relationships. Each of us defines a circle of close people, as well as those whose opinion is important to her. We can establish relationships of varying degrees of closeness, even intimate ones. Personal time also manifests itself in relationships - sometimes we want to be alone, and sometimes - with someone, and we ourselves decide when these moments come.

boundaries of personal space

Boundaries of the psychological space

The psychological space of a personhave their own boundaries. They are the ones that we protect from attempts at invasion, help us to separate ourselves from everything that makes up our natural background. This is how we maintain our own safety, freedom and independence. The boundaries of personal space determine our attitude towards society and other people. They can be rigid and flexible. Rigid boundaries are practically impenetrable for other people - such a person practically does not let anyone into his life, accordingly, it can be very difficult to establish close and trusting relationships with him. At the same time, he himself does not particularly “push” anyone. Blurred boundaries - this is a completely opposite phenomenon. Such a person is open to everyone and anyone, is able to tell all the intimate details of his life to a new acquaintance without feeling discomfort. Often, he behaves intrusively with others, demanding the same level of closeness and openness from them, so communicating with him can be very difficult. Of course, there is also a “golden mean”. Such a person changes the closedness of his boundaries depending on the situation. He is open with friends and family. Loves guests, but in moderation. Able to maintain distance in formal communication. In general, he is friendly towards other people, feels part of society. Such flexibility is very good in life, since situations are different, and you need to adapt to all of them. But your psychological space is not only your things, home and friends, it is also certain distances at which you allow different people to approach you without experiencing any particular discomfort. Personal space is a territory where others should not penetrate without your permission, and each person has their own level of access. In psychology, it is customary to distinguish 4 zones of psychological space:

  • Intimate - the zone of an outstretched arm - 40-60 centimeters from the human body. Only the closest people to us - friends, relatives and loved ones - can enter this zone without feeling discomfort.
  • Personal - from 45 to 150 centimeters fromof the human body. Within this zone, business and formal relationships are usually established. It is within this space that the teacher and student prefer to be during training.
  • Social - from 150 to 400 centimeters. Within this zone, we play certain roles for other people: the role of a seller, a buyer, a driver, etc. -
  • Public - from 400 centimeters.It has no upper limit, so it is the freest. Healthy people feel practically no discomfort when it is invaded (otherwise we would all have died long ago, using public transport!).
  • In conclusion, I would like to say thatThe need for personal space is as important as the need for food, sleep, safety and comfort. Without them, we become sick and twitching creatures, incapable of any productive action. So keep your space safe and sound and do not hesitate to mark its boundaries when communicating with others. But do not forget to treat the personal space of others seriously and with respect, and they will respect you in return.

