causes of bronchitis Everyone, from young to old, knows that smoking is great. When buying a new pack of cigarettes, you can even read on the packaging what this harmful habit leads to. But people continue to smoke, not taking the warnings seriously. Until at some point they don’t notice: a cough appears in the morning, and after intense movements - shortness of breath. What is it? COBC - chronic obstructive bronchitis of a smoker, a dangerous disease that worsens the quality of life and disrupts the functioning of all body systems. How to treat smoker's bronchitis and is it possible to get rid of it without quitting smoking?

How is the disease manifested?

We should talk about the pathology that arose inbronchi, when the smoker begins to realize: before the first cigarette, he feels insecure in the morning. A nasty taste in the mouth, a sore throat, a constant desire to clear his throat. But since this does not happen every day, no one thinks about the reasons yet. After some time, a wet cough in the morning will appear regularly. Coughing up phlegm, you can notice that it is dark in color, there are purulent inclusions in it. Seasonal ARVI consistently end in bronchitis, which is difficult to get rid of. Intense physical activity causes shortness of breath. If you go to the doctor and tell him about what you had to face, the diagnosis will sound like this: smoker's bronchitis. But if you give up the unhealthy habit at this stage, you will not have to treat anything. The body will recover on its own.symptoms of bronchitis

When the disease becomes dangerous

From occasional cough in the morning to daily cougha lot of time can pass. Smoker's bronchitis does not develop into a severe form immediately. The speed of its development depends on the smoking experience, individual characteristics of the body, place of residence, professional employment and standard of living. But even being in the mountains and working in the fresh air, eating healthy food, you need to remember: those who smoke about a pack a day, albeit medium-strength cigarettes, need to think about how to treat smoker's bronchitis after a "smoking experience" of 10-15 years. Most often, treatment begins at the stage:

  • cough occurs not only in the morning, but also throughout the day with a deep breath;
  • even a slight physical effort has to be interrupted due to the resulting dyspnea;
  • a fit of coughing catches up during a temperature change, with a sudden gust of wind or an exit from a warm room to frost.

This interferes with the usual way of life.If you take an X-ray, you can see obstructive changes in the lungs and bronchial edema. The next unpleasant phenomena are memory impairment and impaired coordination. These are direct consequences of oxygen metabolism pathology. Cerebral blood circulation is impaired.

To be treated or will pass or take place?

If you quit smoking abruptly, you need toget ready that relief will not come immediately. The lungs need time to clear themselves of combustion products. In the first days, you may even feel a deterioration in your condition: your cough will get worse, your shortness of breath will increase, and it will be difficult to cough up. At this stage, your doctor will prescribe medications to help relieve these symptoms - the usual means of thinning phlegm and stimulating the center in the body responsible for coughing. The following medications are used:

  • relaxants of the lung muscles - bronchodilators;
  • mucus thinners - mucolytics;
  • and definitely - anti-inflammatory drugs.

Sometimes antibiotic treatment may be required.After the irritation caused by the constant introduction of substances produced during smoking into the body has been removed, it may not be necessary to treat the disease. The swelling will gradually subside - and the function of the bronchi will be restored. If the smoking history is significant, and the smoker's bronchitis has turned into COBC, it is more difficult to treat the disease. Immediately after quitting smoking, there is a feeling that you can choke on phlegm. It is especially difficult after the first week. Only a doctor should prescribe medications to alleviate the condition. If you treat bronchitis caused by many years of smoking on your own, then the disease can be driven deep and provoke chronic pneumonia. It is very good to include physiotherapy in order to clear the lungs of nicotine and tar. Then the recovery will be faster.treatment of bronchitis

Traditional medicine in the treatment of COPD

COPD is also treated with traditional medicine.When using recipes from "grandmother's chest" you should remember: you cannot use one remedy for more than two weeks. When using herbs, side effects occur, as when taking medications. And individual intolerance may be present. Most often, herbal teas are used to treat bronchitis:

  • St. John's wort and thyme;
  • licorice root with ledum;
  • rose hips with chamomile and honey;
  • decoction of dandelion flowers with honey.

These plants in such a combination helpcope with shortness of breath and help remove phlegm, relieve bronchial edema. It is possible to cure smoker's bronchitis with herbs. It is only very important not to forget to consult with your doctor. It is useless to treat the disease without quitting smoking. Even if there is a short-term improvement, after the effect of the drugs wears off, the disease will resume. If the symptoms indicate a serious stage of bronchitis, you will not get rid of the disease on your own.

