1 We all want our children to becomprehensively developed. And the notion of comprehensive development necessarily includes knowledge of foreign languages. After all, it is not only prestigious, but also extremely useful. In the process of learning languages, children develop memory, attention, ability to concentrate, plasticity of thinking, perseverance and erudition. Well, finally, the possession of foreign languages ​​testifies to the education of a person and his work capacity. Scientists say that the left hemisphere is responsible for studying a foreign language in humans. It is in him that the phonetic, grammatical and syntactic knowledge is composed. As for the right hemisphere, it remembers the skills of pronunciation of foreign words and, thanks to imaginative memory, various designations of words from other languages. This is another plus of learning foreign languages: it perfectly develops the right hemisphere. For example, the success of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun in the field of high technology is explained by the harmonious functioning of both hemispheres of the brain, achieved due to the fact that the Japanese letter is a few thousand hieroglyphs denoting individual concepts. Remembering all these hieroglyphs, the inhabitants of Japan contribute to the joint development of both the left and the right hemisphere. But in Chinese, the meaning of words depends on the tone, how they are pronounced, and the same word, uttered in different tones, can mean absolutely different concepts. And these tones can be quite a lot. The music center of the right hemisphere is responsible for the difference in tones. Therefore, the study of the Chinese language promotes the development of a good musical ear for the child. Both Japanese and Chinese are the most difficult to learn. However, the most useful, as the harmonious development of both hemispheres contributes to the psychological progress of the person himself. To start learning foreign languages ​​with children should be as early as possible. The later it starts, the more difficult it will be. Researchers are sure that a child can learn foreign languages ​​almost from infancy, because at this age the brain will bring both languages ​​into one area of ​​the brain. And some words will be remembered and the right hemisphere, which preserves information about the nuances of pronunciation and intonation. Thus, at an early age, a foreign speech will be remembered on a par with the mother tongue. When and how to teach a child to foreign languages Children who have started studying foreignlanguages ​​only after eight years, all information about them will be deposited in another center of the brain and only in the left hemisphere. As a result, for that. To extract data from this center, a person will need additional time. In addition, the accent and pronunciation in the study of languages ​​from this age usually leave much to be desired, and it is rather difficult to improve them. In children up to nine or twelve years of age, the structures of the brain are still flexible, so they are able to absorb both two and three languages ​​at the same time. Therefore, in the case when parents want the child to speak freely in several languages, they should start teaching him very early. If only a basic level of knowledge is enough, the child can be given from six to seven years to a special language learning center or circle. Some parents believe that at an early age a pile of knowledge is not appropriate, since children are still poorly developed and can not think sufficiently plastic. However, this is not so - additional loads cause the brain to develop and increase the intellectual level of children. The best way to learn a foreign language with them is to speak it. If parents are not fluent in the language, they can give their child basic knowledge: knowledge of letters and simple words. Of course, this will require a lot of patience, but after all, the study of the native language is also given not without difficulty. Children quickly remember new words, but they also forget them just as quickly. Therefore, the child needs to be reminded of words or phrases until he or she understands well. To raise the voice in this case does not follow, but to praise for the slightest success, on the contrary, it is necessary. Of course, the study of languages ​​will require the help of specialists. Choosing some courses and circles, you need to focus on those that are designed for preschoolers. This also applies to tutors, because school teachers are not always aware of the specifics of teaching young children. Methods of teaching students are focused on logical thinking, and preschool children are taught, focusing on visual-figurative thinking. Therefore, for a child to learn easily, he needs to buy books with bright illustrations, pictures, games, cartoons in the language that he is studying. Learning the same baby should take place in a game form, interesting and without coercion. Otherwise, foreign languages ​​will cause a negative reaction in the child, and it will be difficult to absorb them. Everything must be done gently, with love.

