How to cook a goose in the oven - recipe
Cooking this bird in the oven is the besta simple and popular way. This dish will decorate any festive dinner, and guests will admire the skill of the hostess for a long time. Before cooking, rub the carcass with salt and pepper, leave for several hours to soften. While the bird is "resting", you need to figure out how to stuff the goose. The following variations of ingredients are most often used for the stuffing:
- buckwheat and mushrooms;
- raisins and rice;
- apples.
Once you have chosen the filling, you can begin to prepare If the composition includes rice, buckwheat, then they must first be boiled until half-cooked, mixed with mushrooms or raisins. Next, stuff the goose and sew it up with a thick needle and thread. Make small cuts on the carcass so that the fat comes out during cooking, grease the goose with butter or mayonnaise. Put the bird in a goose pan, pour a little water on the bottom and put it in the oven, preheated to 180-200 degrees, for 3 hours. During cooking, pour melted fat every 10-15 minutes for juiciness. Goose with apples recipe The goose with apples recipe is the most delicious, since apples add sweetness to the meat and soak it with juice from the inside. The fruit variety should be sour, Antonovka is most often used. The number of apples depends on their size and the size of the goose. First of all, the fruits are cut into 4 parts and cleaned of seeds. Then stuff the goose with them and sew it up with thick threads. Place the stuffed bird in a goose pan and pour some water on the bottom, bake at 180-200 degrees for 3 hours. During frying, periodically turn the goose over and baste with the resulting fat. Goose in a sleeve - recipe The recipe for cooking a goose in a sleeve is considered the simplest, since the bird does not burn and retains all its juiciness. First, you need to make a mixture of mayonnaise, salt, mustard and pepper, rub the fresh carcass with the resulting sauce and leave it in the refrigerator for 4 hours. It is better to prepare the stuffing for the goose from buckwheat and mushrooms. After 4 hours, remove the carcass from the refrigerator, stuff it and place it in the sleeve, tying it well. Put the goose pan with the bird in the oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for two hours. For even frying, periodically turn the sleeve over; half an hour before the end of the time, cut the film to give the carcass a golden color.
Portion goose without oven
The option of cooking goose in pieces is no less relevant than the whole one, but it requires more time to cut up the carcass. For the recipe you will need:
- goose meat - 2.5 kilograms;
- salt;
- garlic;
- pepper;
- nutmeg nutmeg;
- ginger;
- cherry;
- cherry wine.
Cut the washed carcass into portions.Make small cuts in each, lard with garlic and cherries, having previously freed them from stones. In a large bowl mix all pieces with salt, pepper, nutmeg, ginger. Then according to the recipe put pieces in a deep frying pan and simmer at high temperature for 15 minutes. Then reduce heat and cook until liquid evaporates. Pour into the frying pan a little more than half a glass of wine and simmer until completely boiled away. If you are planning a large feast, then for each recipe you can bake potatoes and apples. Goose cooked according to the traditional recipe looks festive during any feast. Before serving, be sure to pour fat over the bird and place on lettuce leaves. The goose should be cut directly in front of everyone, at the table.
Little Secrets
The goose is a large bird and requiresa certain skill in cooking. There are many cooking tips, but you should start with the features, and not with the recipe itself. Cooking a bird is easy and at the same time difficult. Most often, a goose is cooked in the oven, according to a recipe, but not everyone knows how to choose the right cookware. The container should be deep and wide so that the bird fits in it entirely, it is called a goose pan. The deeper the pan, the better, because during frying the bird releases a lot of fat, which can leak out of the container. Cooking a goose can take from an hour to three, depending on the chosen recipe. The toughness of a goose does not always depend on its age. Practice shows that if you cook a fresh, just plucked bird, then it will most likely be hard, even after a long stay in the oven. Everything depends on the time the goose "rests". Experienced chefs recommend waiting until the carcass has been in the refrigerator for about 8 hours, then the taste of the cooked goose will be more pleasant and the meat will become soft. If there is no time to wait, then you can use one of the following methods to soften the bird:
- marinate goose in a solution of apple cider vinegar;
- grate the bird with spices and pour it with white wine, leave for 6 hours;
- to water the goose with crushed cranberries and let them lie down;
- pierce a fresh carcass with a fork or toothpick, and grate the chopped black chokeberry.