nervous exhaustion symptoms Our body is much more reliable than we think. We have such hidden powers and opportunities, which we do not even suspect. Until a certain moment. Before, when on our shoulders there is a strong stress or a serious nervous shock. But the "emergency resource" in our body also has its limits. And when it is not enough, there is exhaustion of the nervous system. The impetus to the ultra-fast expenditure of our vital forces can act as a permanent lack of sleep, sudden strong emotions and upheavals, as well as a complicated surgical operation or trauma. In general, stress is sometimes even useful, it shakes the body and hardens it. But prolonged stress, which turns into chronic, drains our strength completely. And sometimes there comes a time when only qualified help of a specialist can help us to return to a normal state.

What suffers from nervous exhaustion?

  • Nervous system. In the presence of constant anxious emotions, our nervous system stimulates the heart, vessels, and the immune system with impulses. In this case, the body is always ready for a physical response to stress. And at the same time, the control over the digestive tract and the sex glands is significantly reduced (for the nervous system these organs are secondary and it simply ignores them).
  • Endocrine system. The glands of the endocrine system get tired of constant stimuli sent by the nerves, and cease to release the amount of hormones necessary for the body. This is the cause of sexual disorders, metabolic disorders and the appearance of obesity or, conversely, a sharp weight loss. Diabetes mellitus and ovarian dysfunction may occur.
  • The immune system. The body is weakened by the constant state of being on alert. First of all, the immune system fails. Weak immunity can trigger the emergence of dysbiosis, thrush, herpes, the reproductive system suffers. We become defenseless before colds, flu, joints and spine begin to suffer.
  • The cardiovascular system. The heart does not withstand a constant load, pressure jumps occur, arrhythmia and heart failure begin. The heart is one of the most sensitive organs in response to nervous stimulation. Hormones of stress are destructive for cardiac activity.
  • Digestive system. Left without proper supervision by the nervous system, the digestive organs begin to work somehow. There may be problems with stool, ulcers and gastritis.
  • How to notice the nervous overload in time?

    The exhaustion of our nervous system can sneak upimperceptibly, and the more serious it can be for the organism, the more destructive it will be. Each person reacts in his own way to such a test. Stable in their temperament sanguine and phlegmatic will be constantly in a depressed and oppressed state, and impulsive choleric and melancholic can manifest unexpected aggression. But the most important and basic sign is a prolonged depression. Signs of depression also vary from different psychotypes. Depression associated with physical pain may begin (noctual body fatigue, constant fatigue), depression accompanied by insomnia (you want to sleep, but you can not sleep). The most dangerous and serious variant of depression is a change in normal and habitual behavior. A person with such a manifestation of depletion of the nervous system can even become dangerous to society. Symptomatic of nervous exhaustion of the body:

  • The syndrome of chronic fatigue, a constant feeling of drowsiness and apathy, from the moment of awakening.
  • Life is not happy, the presence of feelings of anxiety and negative thoughts that do not go away, but are persecuted constantly
  • Bad, intermittent and shallow sleep. Frequent anxious awakenings, problems with falling asleep.
  • Arrhythmia, increased heart rate, pressure jumps. There may even be a hypertensive crisis.
  • Migraines and headaches.
  • Unreasonable constant increase in temperature up to 37 degrees.
  • Chronic and persistent colds, a permanently stuffy nose, a runny nose and a cough.
  • Pain in muscles and joints, especially in the morning.
  • Vomiting, unpleasant sensations in the abdomen.
  • Ringing in the ears and incomprehensible noises, even possible the appearance of auditory hallucinations.
  • If you are familiar with such symptoms, if you aredetermined the presence of two or more points - it is necessary to take urgent measures to treat nervous exhaustion. We are all different, with an individual psychotype and attitude to life. Someone is able to cope with depletion on their own, and someone needs the help of specialists. Do not expect that everything will pass by itself. Nervous overexertion never goes without a trace to the body. depletion of the nervous system

    Consequences of nervous exhaustion

    • Problems with society, a person spoilscharacter, the emotional assessment of what is happening and the perception of the surrounding world is changing. People become angry, irritated, there are problems in communication. Man is locked in himself and becomes a recluse.
    • Loss of personality. The attitude to life as a whole is irreversibly changing, and mental illness can begin. Appear manic states and obsessions and ideas. Personality of a person degrades up to neglect of personal hygiene.

    To prevent the emergence of mentalproblems, it is necessary to eliminate the very cause, in this case to put in order the nervous system. Nervous exhaustion, which is better treated with the help of experienced doctors, can improve if you take advantage of our advice.

    Recommendations for general improvement in the state of the body

    Create a life in a sparing mode, being inhome environment, consistently include calm music. There are specially selected audio-collections with sounds of tropical forest, sea elements, singing birds or just pick up a collection of relaxing music. Learn to introspection, put everything inside out on the shelves, everything that worries you and worries, write down all the problems on a piece of paper. Find more time for yourself, meeting with friends and relaxing in nature. Problems in principle, there are no any at all - we ourselves invent and create them. Completely nervous exhaustion, the symptoms of which you have found in yourself, does not pass absolutely without a trace. The trace remains, the spent nerves will not be restored, unfortunately, never. But we need to be able to benefit from everything. After all, any nervous shock is the experience, the experience of reacting and coping with stress adequately and without global consequences. Our crazy life still will not leave us alone, stresses will continue, but in our power to make their appearance short-lived and quick-passing. We advise you to read:

