toxicosis in pregnant womenPregnancy is probably the most important andis a crucial stage in the life of every woman. During these nine months of waiting for the birth of the baby, the physical and psychological state of the woman changes dramatically. However, very often the bright time of waiting is overshadowed by such an unpleasant "trifle" as toxicosis. Some women perceive toxicosis during pregnancy as inevitable, while others try to fight their new, sometimes very unpleasant, condition. And what do doctors say about this? In order to understand how to get rid of toxicosis and whether it is possible at all, you need to know exactly what symptoms are characteristic of toxicosis, as well as what causes it. Toxicosis is not only nausea, as is commonly believed. Signs of toxicosis also include such phenomena as:

  • Decreased appetite. A woman can observe just a slight decrease in appetite, and may experience an uncontrollable aversion to food in general, or to some specific types of food.
  • Increased salivation. Most often it occurs paroxysmal, in more rare cases - continuous.
  • Inadequate reaction to habitual smells.
  • Vomiting. Some women complain of single cases of vomiting in the morning, while others are tormented by indomitable vomiting all day and night.
  • "Perversion" of appetite. A future mother can strongly want something from food, which before pregnancy could not eat at all. I would like to draw your attention to the readers: if a woman wants chalk, whitewash, chew rubber or foam sponge, if she is attracted by the smells of household chemicals, you should not write off this to the quirks of pregnant women. In 96% of cases, such desires indicate the presence of iron deficiency anemia in a woman.
  • Low blood pressure. There is no definite bar on which to orient. A woman should be guided by the normal pressure for her, which was before pregnancy.

There are two types of toxicosis in pregnant women:

  • Toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy. Appears in the first trimester (first 12 weeks) of pregnancy. To some extent, occurs in 80% of all pregnant women.
  • Toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy or late toxicosis of pregnant women. Has much more terrible consequences and can be a threat to health and even life, both mom and baby.
  • At the first signs of toxicosis duringpregnancy, a woman must inform the doctor - gynecologist, with whom she is registered for pregnancy. In the same case, if the woman has not yet registered, she must do so as soon as possible.

    Early toxicosis of pregnant women - causes

    late toxicosis of pregnant womenEven doctors still haven't come to a conclusion about whatже истинные причины возникновения токсикоза и сколько длится токсикоз у беременных в норме. Одна группа врачей считает, что виной токсикоза являются имеющиеся у женщины хронические заболевания желудочно – кишечного тракта, другие утверждают, что токсикоз вызывает переизбыток определённых гормонов, третьи склоняются к версии, что всему виной реакция иммунной системы женщины, реагирующая таким образом на развитие ребёнка и отчасти воспринимающая плод как инородное тело. Ниже поле подробно описаны все существующие на этот счёт научные гипотезы. Теория о гормональной природе токсикоза. Достоверно известно, что во время беременности организм женщины переживает настоящую гормональную бурю. В первую очередь, сразу же после зачатия, в организме женщины стремительно возрастает уровень гормона прогестерон. Вырабатывается прогестерон так называемым жёлтым телом, которое образовывается вместо разорвавшегося в процессе овуляции фолликула. Этот гормон призван подготавливать матку к имплантации плодного яйца. Кроме подготовки матки этот гормон отвечает также за нормальное функционирование нервной системы с учётом нового «беременного» состояния женщины, также прогестерон отвечает за полноценную подготовку молочных желез к последующей лактации. Также гормон пролактин может вызывать подавленное настроение, головные боли и прочие признаки токсикоза у беременных. Следующим гормоном, уровень которого также увеличивается в разы у беременной женщины – это хорионический гонадотропин человека (ХГЧ). Действие данного гормона направленно на усиление выработки гормонов щитовидной железы, уровень которых играет крайне важную роль для нормального развития беременности. Ещё один, менее известный, но не менее важный гормон – хорионический соматомаммотропин. Именно этот гормон отвечает за рост молочной железы, вследствие чего она приобретает более округлую форму. Уровень эстрогенов во время беременности также стремительно возрастает, так как их вырабатывает и плацента, и кора надпочечников малыша. Эстрогены способствуют нормальному росту тела матки, предотвращают возникновение отёков и повышенного артериального давления. Глюкокортикоиды и минералокортикоиды – это гормоны, вырабатывающиеся надпочечниками. Отвечают за подавление материнского иммунитета, что позволят избежать отторжения плода женским организмом. Также плацентой вырабатываются так называемые факторы роста. Они необходимы для того, чтобы кожа живота и груди растягивались в процессе роста. Именно недостаток этих факторов роста и приводит к возникновению растяжек. Повышение уровня этих гормонов происходит стремительно, на женский организм буквально обрушивается настоящая гормональная атака. И далеко не каждый женский организм способен перестроиться сразу же и без побочных явлений. Именно этот факт некоторые врачи и называют основной причиной токсикоза беременных. Следующей причиной, которая, по мнению медиков, вызывает токсикоз, является работа иммунной системы женского организма. Согласно данной теории, тошнота возникает именно вследствие того, что женская иммунная система воспринимает развивающийся плод как нечто чужеродное, так как в ДНК малыша есть информация и об отце. Спустя некоторое время материнский организм адаптируется и прекращает отторжение плода. А в тот период, пока этого не произошло, у женщины наблюдается токсикоз. Также очень часто «заслугу» возникновения токсикоза приписывают имеющимся у матери заболеваниям желудочно – кишечного тракта. Данную информацию ни подтвердить, ни опровергнуть нельзя, так как примерно 80% всего взрослого населения имеют в своём активе различные заболевания ЖКТ. Существует ещё одна, крайне интересная, теория о возникновении токсикоза. Её сторонники считают, что все вышеперечисленные причины токсикоза беременных не столь часто встречающиеся, а основной является психологическая причина. На их взгляд, появление токсикоза есть ни что иное, как неприятие факта беременности самой женщиной. Причём это неприятие может быть на подсознательном уровне, женщина может даже не догадываться об этом. Однако стоит всё же попробовать разобраться, нет ли у женщины каких – либо скрытых страхов и опасений.

    • You may be concerned about your relationship with your father.child. Most often, these fears haunt those women whose pregnancy was not planned. The best solution is to talk, in most cases the doubts are groundless.
    • The financial side. Very often the woman is worried about the family budget and the upcoming spending.
    • Radical change of a way of life. It is very difficult for many women to get used to the cardinal changes in the way of their life that are inevitable.
    • Break in his career. Many women are frightened by the fact that they will soon have to leave work. The future mummy should understand that this is a temporary phenomenon.
    • Appearance. Some women are afraid of changes that occur with a pregnant and nursing mother. In fact, most women after the birth of a child look much better than before pregnancy. Such metamorphosis is a merit of hormones, in a large number of women present during pregnancy in the body.
    • Experience of unsuccessful pregnancies. The woman is very afraid of the repetition of the tragedy, her emotional background is constantly in suspense.
    • Steady stereotypes. Our body is quite easy to subject to psychological suggestion. If a woman thinks that nausea is the inevitable companion of pregnancy, it will be so. This often explains why pregnant women have toxicosis.

    However, whatever the reasons whya pregnant woman has toxicosis, there are a number of recommendations that can significantly alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman, and in some cases, eliminate it altogether. Prevention of toxicosis should begin in the morning. Do not jump out of bed at the first sound of the alarm clock, even if you were capable of such a courageous act before pregnancy. Be sure to lie down for a while. In the evening, prepare a light "snack" consisting of your favorite foods. These can be crackers, or nuts, or cookies. Remember that the nutrition of pregnant women with toxicosis is very important. It can improve the situation, or it can significantly worsen it. Avoid overeating: eat small portions, but often enough. Eliminate from your diet all fatty, smoked and simply heavy foods. Give preference to foods high in protein and calcium. They will not only help keep your hair and nails in good condition, but are also vital for the proper development of your baby. Do not eat dry food under any circumstances, this contributes to the intensification of toxicosis symptoms in pregnant women. It is most reasonable to eat liquid or semi-liquid dishes. After eating, do not allow physical activity, it is better to try to lie down, or at least sit for 20 minutes. There are several more secrets of "first aid" means:

    • Take multivitamins for pregnant women with high content of selenium. This simple tool has helped to get rid of nausea to so many women.
    • In case of nausea, do not eat with drinks at the same time.
    • Also an excellent remedy for nausea isalkaline mineral water. Always have a small bottle with you, and at the first signs of an impending attack of nausea, take a few sips.
    • A wonderful, time-tested, remedy fornausea - ordinary mint. You can come to the aid of mint candies or tea with mint. But the use of mint chewing gum gives an absolutely opposite effect - nausea can greatly increase.
    • Another great tool whenbegins toxicosis in pregnant women, is a glass of water. The secret is that you must first dissolve a spoonful of honey and half a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. A glass drunk on an empty stomach will save you from nausea all day. However, unfortunately, this remedy can not be used for those women who have high acidity of gastric juice, which can be suspected by frequent attacks of heartburn.
    • If you have seizuressalivation, you will help periodic mouthwash with infusions of herbs such as chamomile, sage or all the same mint. To make infusion, you will need dry grass from the calculation of 100 grams per liter of water. Boil water, then pour the grass, previously placed in an enamel tank. Leave for two hours, then strain using gauze.
    • I would like to reiterate the important rolenutrition of pregnant women with toxicosis. Be sure to listen to your body, as a rule, he almost always tells you what exactly is necessary for him at the moment. Today it can be a couple of lemons, and tomorrow a kilogram of halva. Do not argue with him.

    Also, if you have early toxicosisPregnant women treatment should not only consist of adjusting their diet. It is very important to reconsider your lifestyle. Be sure to give up bad habits, try to be outdoors as much as possible. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, and also try to find time during the day for at least an hour of rest. Try to avoid crowded public transport, stuffy rooms, especially those filled with smoke. Remember that passive smoking is even more harmful than active smoking. Firstly, it will increase toxicosis many times over, and secondly, it can lead to intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus. In particularly severe cases, treatment of toxicosis in pregnant women can be medicinal. The most effective ways to combat toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy are described below, but treatment should be carried out only as prescribed and under the strict supervision of a doctor.

    • Intravenous infusions (droppers) of suchdrugs, such as saline or glucose with the addition of vitamin C. Usually prescribed with indomitable vomiting to purify the body of women from toxins and prevent dehydration.
    • Also, women can be prescribed injections of cerucal preparations, splenin. In no case should the independent use of the above mentioned preparations be inadmissible.
    • One of the newest methods of getting rid of the earlyToxicosis of pregnant women is a treatment called immunocytotherapy. The essence of this treatment is the introduction into the body of a pregnant woman the blood cells of the child's father. Before this treatment, a man must pass blood tests to conduct a laboratory test. Typically, a woman suffering from toxicosis, notes a significant improvement in the condition after only a day.

    What is the risk of late toxicosis of pregnant women?

    toxicosis during pregnancyUnfortunately, there is no toxicosis duringpregnancy in its first half cannot give a 100% guarantee that a woman will not face toxicosis later. In the second half of pregnancy, a woman may face such an unpleasant and formidable complication as toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy, in medicine called gestosis. This disease is not so common - about 25% of all pregnant women, but every expectant mother still needs to know the signs of late toxicosis of pregnancy. After all, it is much easier to cure this disease at the very beginning than in an "advanced" form. The most unpleasant thing is that the initial stage of gestosis is almost asymptomatic, so it is extremely important to regularly and promptly visit the doctor who monitors the woman during pregnancy. The main "companions" of late toxicosis of pregnancy are listed below:

    • Hidden or obvious edema of soft tissues of a woman. When swelling occurs, do not try to correct the situation by correcting the drinking regimen, but immediately consult your doctor with a gynecologist.
    • Increased blood pressure is also often a sign of gestosis and should in no case be left without due attention from the pregnant woman.
    • Another, very reliable, sign of gestosis is the presence of protein in the urine. This again confirms the need for a systematic visit to the doctor.

    During gestosis, a woman's body is greatlysuffers: there is an imbalance of water and salt metabolism, due to increased permeability of blood vessels, excess fluid gets into the soft tissues and internal organs of the pregnant woman. As a result, there is a violation of blood circulation, which, in turn, causes a decrease in oxygen saturation of all tissues and internal organs. The fetus suffers most in such a situation. As a result of deterioration of blood circulation in the mother's body, the placenta receives much less not only nutrients, but also oxygen, which threatens to result in fetal hypoxia. Fetal hypoxia has an extremely negative effect on the development of the fetus, especially strongly - on the formation of the nervous system. It is necessary to approach the issue of treating toxicosis of pregnancy very responsibly, since, otherwise, there is a high chance of developing a very formidable complication called eclampsia. Eclampsia can cause loss of consciousness, severe convulsions, retinal detachment and placenta. In this case, doctors are forced to do an emergency cesarean section, regardless of the gestational age, since there is a real threat to the life of the mother. Doctors identify several risk groups in which the chances of developing late toxicosis are slightly higher than in other women. Those expectant mothers who fall into the risk group should monitor their condition with double attention and, at the slightest sign of trouble, immediately seek medical help.

    • Presence in the anamnesis of a life of abortions on any term of pregnancy.
    • Small interval between births. Usually, less than two years.
    • Age of the pregnant woman. A much higher chance of developing gestosis in young girls who have not reached the age of 18.

    This is explained by the fact that their body is ingrowth stage and is not fully prepared to cope with the stress that pregnancy places on it. Also at risk are those women who have crossed the age threshold of 35 years. In their reproductive system and in the body as a whole, the aging process has already begun. Women who are in a chronic state of stress. Stress is not only a psychological problem, but also a physical one.

    • Chronic fatigue also increases the risk of developing late toxicosis. In a state of chronic fatigue the body is not able to fully cope with their work.
    • Poor uterine elongation in case of multiple pregnancies, or polyhydramnios.
    • Existing hormonal disorders.
    • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    • Kidney diseases such as pyelonephritis and nephritis also increase the risk of developing toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy.
    • Chronic hypertension.
    • Any inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, as well as cysts and fibroids.

    In some cases, there are casesthe occurrence of toxicosis in absolutely healthy women, for whom even the complete absence of toxicosis during the first half of pregnancy is typical, gestosis occurs. As a rule, it occurs in the last month of pregnancy. The causes of toxicosis in such cases are very diverse:

    • The most common cause is a violation of the adaptive mechanism
    • Also, to provoke the development of gestosis may be an improper, poorly balanced diet of a pregnant woman.
    • Violation of the usual routine of the day or lifestyle of the future mother.
    • ARI, ARVI without appropriate treatment often leads to the development of late toxicosis of pregnancy.

    I would like to remind you once again about howtoxicosis of the second half of pregnancy manifests itself, so that women are always on the alert and do not miss the development of this formidable complication of the normal course of pregnancy. At the slightest hint, a pregnant woman must immediately consult a doctor. The first sign by which the expectant mother may suspect something is wrong is extreme thirst. The pregnant woman drinks a large amount of liquid. But much less urine is excreted than the liquid drunk. As a result, the fluid retained in the woman's body leads to the occurrence of edema. Edema occurs due to the fact that blood plasma, penetrating the walls of blood vessels, accumulates in the soft tissues of the body. At the very beginning of the disease, swelling of the legs may occur. Most often, swelling appears in the evening and disappears on its own by morning. If the disease remains unnoticed at this stage, it begins to actively progress, the pregnant woman begins to swell not only the legs, but also the hands, especially the fingers. After some time, the face begins to swell. Periodic increase in blood pressure is also a cause for concern, as it is most often caused by gestosis. The pressure rises to critical levels and cannot be lowered even with the help of pharmacological drugs. As mentioned earlier, gestosis is characterized by such a phenomenon as the presence of protein in the urine. It appears because the walls of the vessels allow not only the blood plasma that causes edema, but also the protein contained in the blood. As a result, the kidneys begin to remove proteins from the body of a pregnant woman.

    Prevention of late gestosis

    early toxicosis of pregnant womenIn order to reduce the likelihood of occurrencelate toxicosis, and if it could not be avoided, the development of eclampsia, a woman should regularly visit her gynecologist and take all the necessary laboratory tests.

    • Constant strict control over the weight of a pregnant woman. Excess weight gain can occur as a result of the appearance of latent edema.
    • No less strict control over the level of blood pressure, which is also a vital indicator.
    • Periodically it is necessary to calculate daily diuresis. Diurnal diuresis is the ratio between a pregnant woman's fluid and the amount of urine.
    • Laboratory tests of blood and urine. Control of urine will reveal the presence of protein in it, and blood control will help to avoid ignoring iron deficiency anemia.
    • For an adequate and objective assessment of the statethe pregnant woman should undergo the ultrasound in the required time. With the signs of late toxicosis of pregnant women, as a rule, the future mother will be offered CTG or dopplerometry.

    However, in some cases even all these measuresprecautions do not help to guess about the pathological process occurring in the body. As a result, gestosis appears very unexpectedly, and develops very quickly - sometimes within a few hours. It is imperative, without delay, to call an ambulance if a pregnant woman has the following symptoms:

    • Sudden, but very significant increase in blood pressure to 160 digits per 100 or more.
    • Ringing in the ears, the appearance before the eyes of black dots.
    • Nausea, turning into indomitable vomiting.
    • Painful sensation of any degree of intensity, localized in the upper abdomen.

    There are several fairly simple methods,which can prevent the development of gestosis. Unfortunately, very often expectant mothers simply ignore these well-known things, thereby putting at risk not only their health, but also the health of the baby. The most important thing that a woman should pay attention to is her diet. Be sure to exclude chocolate, cocoa, coffee, all types of canned food, smoked, fatty and especially salty foods from the diet. Also, do not abuse bakery products. A woman should give preference to vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil, all kinds of cereals. As a drink, we can recommend a wonderful decoction of dried fruits, as well as cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks. You can also use ready-made chokeberry or rosehip syrups sold in pharmacies. In addition to the benefits for the kidneys, they will help get rid of vitamin deficiencies. In addition, it is very important to ensure that the volume of liquid drunk per day does not exceed one and a half liters. You shouldn't perceive pregnancy as a disease and spend all your time lying in bed. A healthy, moderately active lifestyle significantly reduces the chances of developing gestosis. Of course, you shouldn't go conquer Everest, but quiet hour-long walks will only benefit the body of both mother and baby. Some women often ask themselves: how long should toxicosis last in pregnant women? It is very difficult to answer this question - it depends on a combination of multiple factors and the individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, try to treat your toxicosis as a temporary phenomenon, which is just another stage on the way to your meeting with the baby. We recommend reading:

