how to draw moneyEveryone knows about the unspoken rule:Well-mannered people do not discuss their financial issues with friends. But since it is impossible to see and control a person's thoughts, the question of how to attract money constantly occupies them. After all, the quality of our life directly depends on finances. In the modern world, money is an integral part of people's existence. A poor person knows the price of every penny, and oligarchs often do not have accurate information about their finances. There is no doubt that today everything in the world is bought and sold for money. Health, education, recreation, comfortable living, the opportunity to develop culturally - all this cannot be obtained for free. So why do some people have a lot of money, even more than they need, while others are forced to live from paycheck to paycheck, saving, borrowing and constantly looking for additional funds? Maybe there are some secrets by which money itself finds an owner? Of course, they exist, and they appeared in those distant times when, instead of the paper money we are accustomed to, gold and silver coins were widely used, as it was in the Old Russian state of the late ninth and early tenth centuries. But money in a more familiar form to us appeared in China in 1271-1368, during the reign of the Yuan dynasty (from which the name of the modern Chinese currency comes). And only a few centuries later, paper money began to be widely used in Europe and America, gradually displacing coins made of precious and semi-precious metals from circulation. Nowadays, people often resort to the experience of their ancient ancestors in order to attract good luck and prosperity through ancient magical rituals and ceremonies, looking for special talismans that can attract money. It is also symbolic that it is the ancient Russian and Chinese methods of attracting wealth that are especially popular in our country. You yourself have probably heard this sign from your grandmothers more than once: you need to show a large bill to the new moon so that money will be in the house until the next new moon. And everyone, from young to old, has heard about the Chinese method of managing energy flows, called feng shui. How do such non-standard methods of attracting money work? Let's try to figure it out.

Old ways to save prosperity

Remember the sign that a bag with money onyou can't put the floor? And the one that talks about a strictly defined way of storing money in your wallet - that the bills need to be folded in ascending order with the front side facing you? These statements carry one common idea - finances require careful handling, love counting and order, do not tolerate carelessness and neglect. This means that first of all, in order for money not to pass you by, you need to treat it with love, not consider it evil and not blame it for all misfortunes. Thoughts related to finances should be positive and testify to the fact that you deserve to be rich. Here is the first answer to the question of how to attract money - change internally, do not be ashamed of love for them and show due respect for them. And now let's turn to the experience of our ancestors. The ancient Slavs considered one of the most terrible curses "may you be empty". And the object that symbolized prosperity in the family was a table. Indeed, what could be more terrible than emptiness on the dinner table? This is direct evidence of poverty and hunger. Therefore, the symbols of the concept of "emptiness" are reflected in the signs associated with what can and cannot be done to have money. And all these signs have not so much a magical as a completely rational background, for example:

  • You can not sit on the table. Indeed, a person who allows himself to sit in the place where he eats, obviously does not respect himself, and, therefore, does not deserve wealth either.
  • You can not put empty high capacity on the table. This is a kind of funnel, in which money is lost.
  • You can not sweep bread crumbs from the table with the palm, because one of the symbols of emptiness is a bare, bare body.
  • You can not whistle in the house. In the houses of the poor, instead of a fire in the furnace, there was a whistling wind.
  • You can not borrow money in the evening. It was believed that the day went into oblivion (emptiness) and there you can send prosperity from the yard. This is also connected with the prohibition to sweep in the house after sunset - you sweep away the prosperity.

Agree, all these signs have become an integral partpart of our everyday life, because their wisdom has its roots in antiquity and is supported by life experience. Even the sign that keys and money should not be placed on the table, which at first glance seems to have no common sense, can be explained simply. These items were in constant use, and were not always touched with clean hands. Therefore, the presence of keys and money on the dining table could lead to illnesses, which entailed unwanted to draw money

The ancient art of multiplying wealth

Our glorious ancestors knew not only how to maintain existing financial well-being, but they could also answer the question of how to increase it:

  • In the purse you need to put an aspen leaf, and then the money in it will be just as much as the leaves on the asp.
  • To make money, you do not need to burden your wallet with a small thing - it's better to distribute it to the poor on a Sunday, otherwise only a small coin will come to you.
  • A broom in the house must be only one. And it is necessary that he stand with the handle down, so that the financial flows do not dissipate, but merge into a common one and flow into the house.
  • The above mentioned sign show moneyThe young month also has its rational explanation, because the Slavs time was checked against the heavenly bodies. The new moon symbolized the beginning, the birth of another time cycle. That's why it was considered a good sign if the light of a young one, that is, a coming month, fell on the coin-it meant that the money would also arrive.

Are you free enough to be rich?

It is no secret that he is not tallstandard of living in China, so locals treat finances with special respect and quite naturally believe that there is no such thing as too much money. Feng Shui practice says that a person who wants to get rich must first become worthy of it, and, first of all, in his own eyes. To achieve this goal, according to Chinese teachings, you need to indulge in self-contemplation and mentally try to answer the question of why you need to increase your money. To prove your readiness to be worthy of wealth, you will have to free your living space from old useless things. Remember that by throwing out unnecessary junk, you are preparing a place for the appearance of something new, necessary for you. This is also a kind of mental attitude in Feng Shui, contributing to a change in worldview - whoever gives more, receives more, because external freedom contributes to the liberation of a person from within.

Water - the element of wealth

According to Feng Shui, the element of financialThe symbol of well-being for the Chinese is water. However, its use should be approached with great caution, having thoroughly studied all the nuances that ancient philosophy speaks of. Currently, the popularity of Chinese teachings promotes the use of water elements in most modern landscapes. But the element, like its symbols, is not a simple and even dangerous thing. It is necessary to know that water that flows in the opposite direction from the building or outward can attract ruin. A sad example of such an unsuccessful landscape solution can serve as a well-known office center in Hong Kong - the so-called "Lippo building". It is surrounded by fountains with water flowing outward, which seems to carry away the money of the companies located in this building. Several large financial corporations went bankrupt in this way. Therefore, it is better to take a simpler path and use the element of water correctly or not resort to its capabilities at all. To avoid troubles in the monetary sphere associated with the influence of water, all faulty faucets, taps and drains in an apartment or house should be replaced. Dripping water takes away your money. But the pure energy of this element can be quite beneficial. For example, in most Chinese stores, you can see an aquarium with an odd number of goldfish at the checkout. According to Feng Shui, this makes customers leave large sums of money in the store. No one is stopping you from installing such an aquarium in your apartment or office to attract flows of monetary how to draw money

Symbols of money from the Chinese

It is worth noting that the entire Feng Shui methodologyпривлечению денег состоит из большого количества символов, которые отвечают за энергетические потоки богатства. Все они, согласно китайскому учению, устанавливаются строго в юго-восточной части помещения, ведь именно это направление отвечает за материальное благополучие. Одними из таких талисманов для привлечения денег являются связки китайских монет, которые притягивают важную финансовую информацию. Их нужно носить в кошельке, хранить в папках с ключевыми деловыми документами и сейфе. Способствует росту денежных средств и фигурка китайского бога богатства. Он изображается как старик, сидящий верхом на тигре. Эту статуэтку нужно поставить позади рабочего места в офисе. В квартире изображение китайского бога разместите, например, за своим любимым креслом или диваном, а также у входной двери. В системе символов фэн-шуй особое место принадлежит животным. В их числе так называемые «небесные животные», то есть дракон, феникс и черепаха. Чем больше статуэток и изображений этих существ расставлено по дому или квартире, тем лучше. И поселите у себя живую черепаху, ведь кроме денег, согласно фэн-шуй, она способствует здоровью и долголетию. Также существом, символизирующим богатство, китайцы считают трехногую жабу, которую изображают сидящей на подставке из монет, а ее спину украшают символы инь и янь. Во рту жаба держит монету. Фигурку с изображением этого существа нужно поместить на полу или столе, в стороне от себя. Китайцы расставляют статуэтки трехногой жабы по всем комнатам дома. Часто встречающиеся в наших магазинах модели парусников тоже относятся к символам благосостояния по фэн-шуй. В древние времена парусные суда доставляли разнообразные товары и деньги, и поэтому в наши дни они означают благосостояние и удачу. Модель парусника должна стоять или висеть в прихожей квартиры или украшать собой холл офиса. Носовую часть корабля направляют внутрь помещения — таким образом судно привозит с собой успех в финансовых делах. Особое внимание нужно уделить цвету всех перечисленных выше предметов-символов. Они должны быть золотыми, ведь именно этот металл наиболее благоприятен с точки зрения фэн-шуй для привлечения денег. Конечно, золотой парусник в состоянии позволить себе далеко не каждый, но можно поместить на его палубу несколько золотых монет или золотое украшение. Чтобы привлечь финансовый успех в профессиональную сферу, следует уделить внимание и целому ряду других моментов, например, обязательному наличию на рабочем столе, в северной его части, кристалла натурального кварца, на который должен падать свет. С точки зрения фэн-шуй также немаловажно поддерживать порядок на рабочем месте. Любые нагромождения старых бумаг и ненужных документов концентрируют в себе пассивную энергию, поэтому лучше, чтобы они хранились в шкафу и доставались по мере необходимости. Определенную опасность в смысле создания беспорядочных энергетических потоков несут провода офисной техники, валяющиеся в беспорядке. Лучше собрать их в аккуратный пучок. Рекомендаций по организации пространства с целью привлечения денег в методике фэн-шуй великое множество. Описанные выше — это всего лишь малая их часть. Но главное — это ваши внутренние ощущения комфорта. Учитесь доверять своим чувствам, они не обманут. Если в каком-то месте квартиры или офиса вы чувствуете дискомфорт, это интуиция подсказывает, что его стоит организовать и оформить иначе. Не бойтесь экспериментировать с интерьерными решениями до тех пор, пока не почувствуете удовлетворение и уверенность, что каждой вещи отведено соответствующее место. Не забывайте, что основной закон как китайской, так и любой другой философии по привлечению финансового благополучия можно сформулировать так: только готовность человека достойно принять богатство позволит ему этого достичь. Учитесь уважать и считать средства, и только тогда они приумножатся. Помните, что большие деньги могут найти вас совершенно неожиданно. Будьте готовы к возможности получить наследство или выиграть в лотерею, ведь судьба благоволит к тем, кто способен удивляться ее подаркам. А успех приходит к людям активным и развивающимся. Поэтому не нужно расслабляться: продолжайте поиски престижной работы, ищите способы повысить свой профессионализм, берите от жизни все, что только возможно. Ведь фен-шуй и мудрость предков сами по себе еще никого не сделали богаче. Советуем почитать:

