Healthy, sound sleep is one of the componentsan active lifestyle, which provides enough energy for all areas of activity, be it work, study, household chores, communication with loved ones, etc. During sleep, the human body replenishes the energy lost during the day, rests and stores up strength for the next day. Moreover, healthy sleep heals, you can lose weight during sleep, sleep allows you to relax psychologically. However, a person's sleep is not always complete and healthy. Often, distracting factors interfere with it, for example, snoring. A person suffering from this ailment (and this is how snoring has been classified by doctors in recent decades), without noticing it, becomes irritable, prone to hypertension and even impotence. Sleep, in which snoring interferes, will never be complete, which means that the person will feel tired and sleepy the whole next day. In fairness, it should be noted that a person who snores in his sleep interferes not only with his own, but also with someone else's peace. As you know, it is extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible, to fall asleep while someone else is snoring. Various methods of distracting the sleeper during snoring help only for a while, then the situation returns to the starting point. This means, as with any ailment, you need to cure the root cause of snoring to get rid of it forever, and only then can you use an anti-snoring remedy so that its effect is positive.
A few words about the mechanism of snoring
In short, snoring isa process that accompanies human breathing during sleep. This process is quite specific, since it is characterized by a low-frequency vibrational sound. A person suffering from this affliction does not hear himself from the outside and can sleep normally, even if the next day he is tired and irritable. However, it is quite problematic for his household members to fall asleep, since the vibrations of snoring can sometimes be very loud and even rattling. By the way, there is an interesting fact that not only people suffer from snoring, but also animals. So if you only have a dog in the house and you hear distinct snoring at night, do not be alarmed. Animals are also vulnerable in this sense. What is the mechanism by which a person makes such loud vibrational sounds in his sleep? It is all about the contact of the soft areas of the pharynx with each other. In other words, during sleep, some vibrations of the soft palate and uvula occur, which, in combination with the flow of air passing through the narrowed airways, creates a similar sound phenomenon. How then can we explain that not all people snore in their sleep? The fact is that a healthy person simply does not experience vibrations of the soft palate. And if these vibrations block the air supply, a person is forced to make an effort to simply not suffocate, and this is made difficult by the lying position during sleep. This is how snoring occurs. And if we take into account that such efforts cost a lot of energy, it becomes clear why a patient with this disease feels exhausted and tired in the morning.
What does the statistics say about snoring?
For a complete analysis of the disease for the purpose of subsequentrecovery, it is useful to get acquainted with the statistics indicating the number of people suffering from it, the frequency of development and the percentage of successful recovery. Thus, statistics say that snoring is an affliction that people aged 30 and older suffer from. Speaking in more detail, it is believed that approximately every second person in this age category snores in their sleep. And if in this case a temporary “infection” can be observed, then according to statistics, every fifth person over 30 snores in their sleep constantly. And this is not only serious, but also dangerous to health. As for the analysis of “snorers” by gender, statistics indicate that men are more susceptible to this affliction than women. And, as is known, male snoring is much harder for those present to bear, since according to natural physiological characteristics it turns out to be louder and longer. If you are a man over 30, there is a reason to think about your healthy sleep. And since in the US alone, up to 40 thousand people die every year from problems related to snoring, it’s really worth thinking about.
Are there any means to defeat snoring?
Statistics can sometimes be disappointing andharsh, as if to say that the problem is very serious and almost impossible to solve. However, in an attempt to get rid of any ailment, the most important thing is faith in success. Of course, a person who snores in his sleep, in fact, suffers from a serious ailment, and the problem really exists, but it is quite within everyone's power to solve it. Today, there are methods and remedies for snoring that can help get rid of the problem of unhealthy sleep once and for all. It must be said that snoring, like other diseases, has its stages. For example, snoring in a mild stage (not very loud and not such a prolonged vibration sound) can be cured without medical intervention. Sometimes, to recover, you just need to lose weight if you are overweight, or get rid of nicotine addiction if you are a heavy smoker. These measures should be enough for snoring to gradually disappear. However, not always the suffering "snorer" has a mild stage of the disease. And in such a case, when the house literally shakes from night vibrations, losing weight and quitting smoking will not do. Here you will have to either use medical means against snoring, or resort to surgical intervention. Fortunately, modern medicine can provide a number of means and methods aimed at getting rid of snoring. Below are several options for such "first aid".
- Devices for the treatment of snoring, used inoral cavity. For example, it can be special tubes that prevent the base of the tongue from falling in the dream, or devices that supply air under pressure to the respiratory tract. But it should be noted that it is not always possible for everyone to fall asleep with such adaptations.
- Laser plastic of the sky is also popular. With its help, you can correct the shape of the soft palate, so that later it does not interfere with normal breathing in the dream. In this case, like all laser surgery, the operation will be performed without tools, only with the help of a laser beam, under local anesthesia and virtually bloodless.
- Another method of getting rid of snoring -orthodontic treatment. As a rule, not only orthodontists, but also cardiologists, therapists, somnologists and ENT doctors are engaged in it. The method is to correct the position of the patient's lower jaw, because the cause of snoring is often the jaw dropping backwards.
- No less effective means of snoring can befind and among folk methods. For example, many partners snoring at sleep simply do not allow the patient to sleep on their backs, in certain cases this method works. But in this case, it is also important to consider the degree of snoring and the individual characteristics of the "snoring".
So, choose the right one for yourselfThe method of treating snoring can only be chosen by you. By contacting a doctor, you will be able to recognize the degree and characteristics of your snoring, and by analyzing all existing methods, determine which one will suit you according to medical and financial indicators.
Whether it is necessary to treat snoring after all: arguments for
If you have not yet decided whether to treat snoring orno, or perhaps you think that it is not a disease at all, but simply a feature of your body, read the arguments in favor of treating snoring. Perhaps they will make you think.
- The first and most important argument is a stopbreathing in a dream. It is not necessarily that this process will lead to a lethal outcome (although there are also such cases). The fact is that about 500 such stops during the night are equivalent to 4 hours without oxygen, and this inevitably leads to heart disease, up to a heart attack.
- Snoring has a detrimental effect on the brain, literally destroying it.
- In addition, in men, snoring causes early sexual dysfunction and even impotence.
If these arguments are not enough for you,Remember the disappointing statistics for the US, which show a colossal number of fatal outcomes from simple snoring. This should convince you!