hair mask from eggEggs have long been used for groominghair, the vitamins contained in them eliminate brittleness, add softness, and prevent hair loss. Hair masks made from eggs are used for strengthening, shine, and even against dandruff. There are several types of such masks, and all of them can be prepared at home, you just need to know the composition, proportions, and frequency of use.

Strengthening the hair

Hair masks made from eggs, used for strengthening, are made from several components. Here are some of them:

  • Peach oil, burdock root, honey and egg (all taken 1 tablespoon);
  • Aloe juice, honey, 2 yolks, cognac (all measured by teaspoons);
  • Tincture of arnica, sour cream, 3 eggs (all 3 tablespoons).

These simple remedies can be used 2 times a day.week, before washing your hair, be sure to rub them into the scalp to nourish the hair follicles with useful substances. You should keep this composition on your hair for no more than 20 minutes, rinse with cool water, otherwise the protein may curdle from the high temperature, and then you will have a lot of trouble washing it out of your mask for eggs

We Shine

Even the thickest and longest hair withoutnatural shine look dull and lifeless. And this happens for many reasons - the negative impact of the environment, frequent use of fixing agents, the use of hot drying and styling of hair. Whatever the cause of this phenomenon, you need to make maximum efforts and return the curls to their former shine and luxury. And in this case, hair masks made from eggs will be effective assistants:

  • Kefir, egg, olive oil (1 glass and 2 eggs);
  • Juice of one lemon, yolk 1 egg, 2 tablespoons sour cream (or fat kefir);
  • Crushed dry leaf of mother-and-stepmother, egg and yogurt (2 tablespoons of everything).

Such products can also be used a couple of times aweek, but it is better to do them in the form of a compress: wrap your head in polyethylene and cover it with a towel, walk for 15-25 minutes and then wash your hair. It is after masks for shine that you can apply balms to your hair - in other cases they are not recommended. You can also try to simply rinse your hair with acidified water after such a mask - here you can use both regular vinegar and freshly squeezed lemon juice. But if your hair is dry in structure, such rinses are contraindicated!

From falling out

Many women (even those with thickhair) there is constant hair loss. Believe me - this is not normal and it must be dealt with. First, go to the doctor - a trichologist will always conduct the necessary examination and tell you the cause of this misfortune. Secondly, at the initial stage, you can try to cope with the problem yourself - the same testicles will come to the rescue. Add castor oil to one raw egg, mix everything thoroughly and spread it on your hair. Rinse off after 20 minutes. Such procedures should be done once a week and for 2-3 months - only after this period can you see real results. You can add lemon or aloe juice to this mixture of castor oil and egg.

We treat dandruff

If you have dandruff, then here too it will come tohelp hair mask from eggs - with lemon it helps. True, here you need to be careful and observe exact proportions: 2-3 drops of juice per 1 egg. No more, otherwise citric acid will dry out the scalp and the opposite effect will occur - dandruff will become even more. Only here you first need to go to a trichologist and find out whether it is dandruff or seborrhea. The latter disease is treated in a completely different way - a simple egg mask will not save you. Here you need to undergo a full examination by many specialists, since seborrhea can be caused by anything: stress, diseases of the nervous system, and even poor nutrition.masks for hair from eggs

A few tips

  • First, adhere to the regularity - only a long application of masks will help to achieve the desired effect;
  • Secondly, only fresh ingredients should be used - it is better to take the eggs from the village, but only among the tested people;
  • Thirdly, to wash off masks from eggs it is necessary exclusively cool water and only then wash with shampoo.

Another problem that scares many ladiesfrom using these masks - the smell. Yes, the unpleasant aroma eats into the hair and it is quite difficult to wash off, but there is a way out of this situation and it is elementary. When you rinse your hair, add a few drops of essential oil to the water - choose any aroma, the one you like. That's it, your hair will smell the way you want! In general, in order to take care of your appearance, you need to set aside absolutely free time - beauty does not tolerate fuss and nothing will work out quickly. If you are ready to sacrifice personal hours and be diligent and patient, then you can safely start using the above-described products. It is noteworthy that the egg hair mask is suitable for absolutely any hair type and helps very effectively. So, be patient, take the time, and go ahead - for beauty and luxury for your hair! We advise you to read:

