To be young and beautiful, modernWomen resort to various methods. Visits to beauty salons are very popular, where professional cosmetologists perform a series of specific procedures for facial skin care. However, this pleasure is not cheap. Not everyone can afford it. Therefore, many women are looking for an opportunity to take care of themselves and maintain youthful skin. One of these methods is facial masks in a bathhouse. Such procedures are much more effective than those that are carried out simply at home. But at the same time, they are quite affordable.
On the benefits of baths for the skin
As is known, bath procedures are useful forof the whole body. However, they have a particularly beneficial effect on the skin. Regular visits to the bathhouse and sauna help maintain the health and elasticity of the skin. This is due to the fact that during the procedure the pores open up, the skin naturally gets rid of toxins and impurities. To achieve positive results, it is recommended to visit the bathhouse once a week. You should stay in the steam room for no more than four hours and go there in three visits, the first of which lasts only 3 minutes. In order to increase the effectiveness of bath procedures, they should be combined with various masks and scrubs.
Basic rules of skin care in the bath
The skin care routine starts even beforeoutside the bathhouse. Before entering the steam room, thoroughly cleanse your face of makeup and dirt. To improve sweating, it is recommended to drink a glass of herbal tea, preferably linden or mint. Such a drink will help remove toxins. You can take such tea with you in a thermos and drink it between visits to the steam room. It is strictly not recommended to drink alcohol in the bathhouse. Special face masks for the bathhouse maximally improve sweating and removal of toxins. Such cosmetics are usually made on the basis of sea or table salt. Remember that they are not applied immediately, but between the first and second visits to the steam room. Initially, the skin should be tuned to natural sweating in a natural way. The second stage of the facial care procedure in the bathhouse is deep cleansing of the skin from dead cells that prevent the sufficiently effective removal of toxins from the dermis. For this, all kinds of scrubs are used, which are made on the basis of coffee, nuts, sugar, salt and nut pits. Other natural ingredients can also be used. The scrub mask is applied to the face between the second and third visits to the steam room. To better rub the composition into the skin, you can use special massage gloves. So, after the preparatory stage, when the skin is completely cleansed and steamed, it is ready to apply the mask and accept the beneficial components. The range of facial cosmetics for the bathhouse is very wide. Any woman can choose the most suitable mask for herself, corresponding to the requirements and type of skin. They are made on the basis of all sorts of components: yeast, oatmeal, honey, eggs, kelp and many others. They are quite affordable, but very effective. It is important to know that any mask for the bathhouse is prepared immediately before use. The choice of cosmetics is made in accordance with the age and type of skin.
Face masks for baths
Preparatory masks
The above masks will perfectly prepare the skin for the main procedures of deep cleansing, nutrition and moisturizing. Therefore, they are a must for facial care in the bathhouse. Masks - facial scrubs for the bathhouse
Masks - scrubs for the bath cleanse the pores, relieveskin from keratinized particles that prevent the dermis from being filled with oxygen and better absorption of nutritional components. After using a mask-scrub for a bath, the effectiveness of nourishing, moisturizing and rejuvenating cosmetics will increase several times. Face masks for a bath
In the bath you can use anycosmetics, both store-bought and homemade. However, alternate nourishing and moisturizing masks. After visiting the bathhouse and performing procedures, try not to be in the open sun. During this period, the skin's sensitivity to light increases significantly, as the protective fatty layer is washed off. Therefore, after bath procedures, take special care of your skin. Regularly lubricate your face with protective cream. After the bath, it is recommended to rest quietly, drink a herbal infusion to compensate for the loss of moisture. Visiting the bathhouse at least once a week will not only bring pleasure, but will also help to maintain youth and beauty. Thus, you can easily combine business with pleasure!