On the eve of the wedding, it is customary to dream aboutcloudless life together, and not think about how to more fairly divide a double bed in case of divorce. What righteous indignation is reflected on the faces of some girls if a marriage contract is mentioned in their presence! But is it worth being so nervous? After all, the procedure for drawing up a marriage contract is not a sign of mistrust and not a reason to suspect you of selfish intent. Rather, a marriage contract is a litmus test reflecting the degree of care that the future spouses have for each other. Undoubtedly, this is not the most pleasant topic for discussion at the beginning of a family relationship. But sometimes a well-written marriage contract can be the only way to maintain more or less civilized relations between spouses who are going to dissolve their marriage. It will help to settle all issues without stooping to litigation and calculations of who “wasted how many of their best years of life on this marriage” and what part of the jointly acquired property is due to him for this. Believe me, the duration of a marriage does not depend on whether a marriage contract is concluded or not. It only provides an opportunity to agree in advance on the rights to the property of the spouses in the event of a divorce. It is worth mentioning that a marriage contract can serve as an additional guarantee for a woman to observe the rights and interests of future children in the event of a divorce. If you are still in doubt, we suggest that you consider in more detail several basic questions: what is a marriage contract? What clauses can it contain? When can a marriage contract be concluded? What is the approximate cost of concluding a marriage contract? Who will help draw up a marriage contract, and how much will it cost?
What is a marriage contract?
We will not go into this in this article.юридические формулировки, прописанные в Семейном кодексе РФ. Говоря «человеческим» языком, брачный договор – это соглашение двух людей, которые уже вступили или только собираются вступить в брак. Данным договором устанавливаются имущественные права и обязанности супругов на время брака или на случай его расторжения. Брачный контракт вступает в силу после регистрации брака и должен быть заверен нотариально. Все условия договора обязательно должны соответствовать требованиям действующего российского законодательства, иначе впоследствии он может быть признан недействительным. Будет очень грамотно, если супруги заранее определят статус имущества, кому оно будет принадлежать после развода, каким образом будет осуществляться его раздел. Да, звучит довольно жестко, но таковы реалии нашей жизни. Именно поэтому во всех цивилизованных странах супруги не боятся оскорбить друг друга предложением заключить брачный договор. Так может, и вам пора перестать видеть в брачном контракте приговор для собственного брака и, трезво рассудив, принять эту успешную практику? И еще – не стоит забывать о том, что заключение брачного договора никоим образом не ущемляет ваших гражданских прав. Договор не может регулировать личные или интимные отношения между супругами, права и обязанности родителей по отношению к детям, не может поставить одного из супругов в зависимость от другого. Даже самый деспотичный супруг не в силах заставить вас бросить работу и стать домохозяйкой, внеся такой параграф в брачный контракт. Тут, как говорится, «мухи отдельно, котлеты отдельно». Итак, вы определились с тем, что брачный договор вам необходим; теперь стоит подумать о том, какие пункты можно и нужно в него включить.
What clauses can a marriage contract contain?
If you are afraid of the procedure of drawing up a marriage contract,contracts, and you are afraid that the agreement will look like a banal division of kitchen utensils, - first look at the standard form of such a contract and learn all the features of a marriage contract. You will see that legal language is essentially quite humane and delicate. The contract clearly and concisely stipulates property relations in marriage. Namely:
- The rights to the premarital property of each of the spouses for the period of marriage and in case of divorce. It can be not only real estate, but also a car, jewelry or securities.
- Obligations to provide material maintenance to one of the spouses in case of divorce. And the possibility of paying for his treatment or rest.
- The ways of participating in each other's income, the procedure for carrying out each family expenditure.
- Opening a separate account for the education of children, as well as the percentage of income that each of the spouses must transfer monthly to this account.
- Payment of additional maintenance for children in case of divorce.
- Compensation for moral or physical harm in case of treason or battery.
- Responsibility for loans and debts of each of the spouses.
Include clauses in the marriage contract regardingliving conditions for children with one of the parents in the event of divorce, it is possible. But it should be taken into account that if controversial issues arise, the basis for making a court decision will be the recommendations of the guardianship authorities and the norms of laws, and not the previous agreements of the parents. These are only standard points of the marriage contract, and they are not something immutable. You can make your additions and clarifications until it meets all your requirements. By the way, a marriage contract can be either temporary, that is, the term of this contract is separately stipulated, or permanent - indefinite. From all of the above, it is clear that it is impossible to cope with drawing up a marriage contract on your own if you do not have a legal education, and at the same time avoid "fatal" mistakes. Therefore, it is worth thinking about who will help you correctly draw up a marriage contract.
Who should you trust to draw up a marriage contract and how much will it cost?
Choice of various legal and notaryThe number of offices is so large that at first you may be confused when deciding where a marriage contract can be concluded - with a state notary or in a private law office. If the fundamental issue is the price, then you should contact a state notary. Services for drawing up a marriage contract will cost you approximately 10,000 to 15,000 rubles. But it is worth remembering that the main criterion for you should be the lawyer's qualifications. It is even better if the lawyer you choose has practical experience in considering cases related to family legal relations in court. And it does not matter at all whether he works in a state or a private office. He will take into account all your wishes and will not offer you a "standard" marriage contract. After all, each life situation is purely individual and requires a thorough, well-thought-out and competent approach. Your trust in the lawyer is also important, because you will have to touch on quite personal topics when discussing the points of the contract. A competent lawyer will definitely consider with you the situations in which it is possible to terminate or amend the clauses of the marriage contract. After the contract is drawn up, the future spouses should discuss the legal consequences of each clause of the contract together with the lawyer. And if any of them does not meet the requirements of one of the spouses, make amendments or additions. A marriage contract is a document that must be drawn up with all possible attention, carefully considering and weighing even the smallest and, as it may seem to you, insignificant details. After all, this will help to avoid many problems later. After a compromise agreement has been reached, the marriage contract has been drawn up and all the features of the marriage contract have been approved by both parties, it must be signed and notarized. Be prepared for the notary to once again explain to you all the clauses of the contract being concluded and, having made sure that the parties have no disagreements, register it and notarize it. So, away with doubts - you have come a long way from rejection to understanding the necessity and timeliness of the possibility of concluding a marriage contract in our country. We hope that this article has helped you with this. But do not forget that a marriage contract will not become a guaranteed "happiness coupon" for you. Only a sensitive attitude of spouses to each other, mutual understanding and the ability to come to compromise solutions, without stooping to quarrels and mutual claims, can become a guarantee of long and happy family relationships.