In the fact that money loves an account, to convince no onenecessary. Even powerful states plan and control their budget. The family is like a small state with its own wars, sections of territories, demographic explosions and defaults. Therefore, for a successful existence such a mini-state needs economic stability. It depends on it and prosperity, and social well-being, and "international" position. And the question of how to manage the family budget is for every cell of society far from idle. Of course, the incomes and expenses of the family will never reach the state scale, but economic laws everywhere act the same. Therefore, the planning of the family budget is also subject to these laws. A violation of this code is fraught with very unpleasant consequences until the economic crisis and the collapse of the "state" itself. All families are divided into those that keep records of their incomes and expenses and those who prefer to live spontaneously. Moreover, the choice of the financial policy of the family is often completely independent of the level of its welfare. Nevertheless, the reasons why the family's budget is still necessary is not so little.
Why conduct a family budget?
Home accounting disciplines, relievestemptation of unreasonable waste, stimulates to economy and, as a result, allows to increase material well-being. In addition, there are other reasons for running the family budget. What gives us the practice of keeping housekeeping accounts?
- Helps you achieve your goal faster
The indisputable dignity of a planned familyeconomy - financial stability. When you set certain goals that entail specific spending, then, first, you achieve goals much easier and faster, and secondly, do not worry about where to get money for their implementation. On that they also planned expenses that on them always there was money.
- Allows you to control costs
Uncontrolled waste of money never and no onebrought to the good. The best of the worst that you can expect in this case is a suddenly empty wallet long before the next paycheck. The worst is a debt hole, which you will definitely get into, because you have to live on something, and the money does not appear by itself. Therefore, we are immediately looking for someone to shoot a money to somehow get over to paychecks. Only now we forget that we take money from strangers and for a little while, but we give ours forever. And as a result - a vicious circle and a constant shortage of money.
- Enables sparing savings
You never thought that you can savepractically without prejudice to yourself and your family? It is clear that pleasant little things (like ice cream on the way home) are always necessary. But in such quantity, how do we allow ourselves? Having started counting the money spent, you will simply be horrified at how many unnecessary purchases you make within a week (and even for one day!). Statistics say that such unnecessary and unjustified expenses make up about 20% of the family budget. That is, out of every thousand rubles you simply throw out two hundred rubles!
- Strengthens family relationships
Paradoxically, but careful attitude to money -an indicator of love for your loved ones. After all, what is true love expressed in? In care. And what can be more obvious manifestation of care than planned spending on family members? Joint planning promotes rapprochement, understanding and care for the needs of all household members.
- Guarantees funds for unforeseen expenses
Planning costs and incomes will give youpossibility to save money in reserve. On the very "black day", which sooner or later everyone comes. Although unplanned costs do not necessarily have to be associated with misfortunes or difficulties. In any case, knowing how to manage the family budget, you will be able to get a certain amount of money for such sudden expenses. So such events will never catch you unawares.
- Allows you to decide on life priorities
It is the management of the family budget that will allow youdetermine what is really important in your life. Perhaps, after calculating how much you spend on purchasing glamorous magazines and weekly updating your collection of nail polish, you will realize that over the past year, this amount could have been purchased with something more worthwhile. And the amount of money spent on cigarettes and beer will make you understand why you still do not intend to make repairs in the hallway. In general, the management of the family budget will allow any family to gain financial independence (primarily from their addictions and empty spending money). So to lead or not to the family budget is no longer a question. The question is: how to properly manage the family budget?
Forms of the family budget
Before starting financial control andplanning your family's budget, decide on its form. You have three options: a joint budget, a separate budget, or a partially shared budget.
- Total budget
The most traditional and still the most correct one(according to many) the form of the family budget. This is the option when the husband gives the whole salary to his wife (on the contrary, it is rare), and she already disposes of this money, adding to them her own salary. The second half has to be content with spouses' lump sums for travel and for lunch. And then she also insults her lips: where, they say, flowers on the Eighth March and perfume on the anniversary of the wedding. What does a loving husband have to do? Correctly, he is forced to make stash and, starting with these trifles, to deceive the dearest half. If by the end of the month the money for some reason ends suddenly, then she will have to listen to reproaches in the unreasonable waste of money and inability to manage the family budget. Judge for yourselves: the form seems to be correct, but not the most effective and fair. Although adherents of such relations can competently manage the family budget without detriment to the favorable psychological atmosphere in the family.
- Separate budget
A very popular form of the family budgetyoung couples. This form is dictated by modern conditions, modern way of life and modern relations. And despite the fact that the older generation condemns this model of forming the family budget, the youth prefers it. True, this model is good in the case when both husband and wife work (or have their own source of income). General family spending is divided equally or in proportion to the incomes of the spouses: one pays for an apartment, the second buys products and so on. The remaining money spouses spend at their own discretion. However, when a small child appears in the family and the woman is at home, this model of forming a family budget turns out to be inappropriate. It is impossible to maintain a separate budget in the event that one of the spouses simply for some other reason has no income.
- Partially total budget
Compromise form of the family budget. Not all the money earned by the spouses goes to the common savings bank, but only a large part (seventy percent). The rest of the money remains for the satisfaction of personal interests. Or a slightly different version of the partially shared household budget. All the main expenses are borne by the one who earns more, for example, the husband. And his wife's salary (small) is postponed for summer rest or for some major purchase. In this case, the wife may well spend some of these funds on nice things for herself. And, by the way, in this form of the family budget, unpaid work at home should be taken into account as a cook, a laundress and a cleaner. That is, the wife makes her contribution to the family budget, not with money, but with deeds.
Ways to manage the family budget
Having defined the model of yourfamily budget, you need to choose the way it is maintained. Here you have a small choice. The principle of accounting is one: fixing incomes and expenses, planning and summarizing. With a competent management of the family budget, financial analysis would also be helpful, which allows identifying unnecessary and unjustified spending, choosing a way to save money and forecasting profits. Too scientific? Do not be scared: not so scary as it may seem. First, determine the tools of home accounting. You can have a special notebook (ledger) and a calculator, but you can also use a computer. First of all, the Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet will allow you to successfully lead home accounting. By the way, a good reason to master this program, if you do not know how to work in it. Secondly, you can use free home accounting programs or special on-line Internet services. You will only have to fill in the relevant articles of income and expenses, but the entire program itself will count. After the first two or three months of running home accounting, you will understand how to calculate expenses correctly, save money and plan savings.
How to conduct housekeeping accounts?
In how to manage the family budget, nothing complicatedno. You have a combined income of the family, which consists of money earned by the husband and wife, as well as various bonuses, cash gifts, interest from deposits and other sources of income. In addition, you have items of expenditure that can be divided into mandatory, optional and unplanned. By the way (as we already mentioned above), home accounting just allows you to plan for unplanned expenses, that is, to have certain funds for unforeseen expenses. The amount set aside for mandatory spending is usually known and stable until the tariffs of housing and communal services and prices for goods rise. This amount you will spend inevitably, so it should be immediately deducted from the total income. But with the remainder you can already "pokoldovat." So, we calculate the income of the family for a month. Now we summarize all the obligatory payments: utilities, payments on loans, payment for studies or kindergarten and so on. Now we subtract this amount from the income item and get the remainder. The rest must also be planned. This amount should be distributed among the following main items of expenditure:
Naturally, the lion's share of your expenseswill make a purchase of food and household trivia. In general, economists advise distributing the family income as follows: 50% - necessary needs, 30% - optional, but desirable expenses, 20% - inviolable stock or funds for accumulation.
How to plan and account for expenses?
Divide the entire income in half. One half of the budget should go for mandatory payments and vital food. The amount of mandatory payments should be planned from the very beginning and immediately deducted from this half. In addition to the rent and loan payments, write in this cost item, for example, a garage or dacha fee, a children's music school (sports section) or a kindergarten, Internet payment, and funds deposited on mobile phones. That is, this article includes all payments that you simply must do. If the amount of payments exceeds half of your family budget, you will have to plan new opportunities to increase income or reduce the amount of these payments (registration of subsidies for rent, for example). Although in this case, most likely, you will have to save on food or on other purchases. The balance of the first half of the budget will be the item of expenditure for food. Spending on food, divide by week. Include here also the money needed for lunch at work or at school, as well as pet food (they are also family members). With proper management of the family budget, you should not spend more money on products than planned. If at the end of the week money remains on this expense item, you can add the balance to the amount of the next week (and allow yourself something extra) or attribute it to the NZ or to the means of accumulation. Spending on necessary household trivia should also be planned (those same thirty percent). Consider all purchases, all money spent on travel, going to a cafe or visiting a swimming pool or a hairdresser, the cost of purchased medicines. Again, competent home accounting will allow you to proportionally income to plan and spend money on this expense item. The inviolable stock and the means of accumulation are the money that you left after paying for all services, buying food, clothes and household trivia. And if there is no money left? It can not be. After all, you are planning your family budget, distributing expenses according to income. This is the main advantage of a planned family economy. By the way, these items of expenditure can be replenished thanks to competent and painless savings.
How to save the family budget?
To start with, you can start saving withthe main item of expenditure - utility bills. You can not reduce the rent, of course, but you can pay less for gas and for water. Install the counters. Believe that the cost of installing them will pay off very quickly, and you will have to pay much less for gas and water. Or, for example, a home phone. How much do you talk about it? Maybe it's worth to abandon a fixed phone at all or at least change the tariff? Saving on food. At first glance, such an economy looks, at least, blasphemous. However, there is nothing reprehensible in this. Saving you will, for example, allow a list of necessary products made before going to the store. Comparison of prices for the same products in different stores, discounts at the end of the day or promotions, purchases in the wholesale market or in the economy store will save you without compromising the quality and quantity of your home menu. The same goes for other purchases. If you are aiming to save the family budget, then do not hesitate to track sales and compare prices. Do not overpay for a brand thing sold in a boutique in the city center, if the same is sold cheaper in another store. Expensive furniture or household appliances can also be purchased with discounts. The saved money just replenish the budget line of savings. And let the replenishment of this article will not be immediately large, but five hundred rubles, postponed every month, in six months will turn into three thousand (and this is something). And do not be tempted to take money from an untouchable stock. On that he and inviolable, to help you out at the right time. Otherwise, such a moment will necessarily come when in an untouchable stock you will not have anything. If you start to control your expenses, if you know how to properly manage the family budget, you will be able to avoid many unpleasant situations associated with a lack of money. Do not forget that money should not determine your wealth, but the ability to properly dispose of them. Take the first step: the road will be mastered by the going. We advise you to read: