make-up for blue eyes of brunettes Brunettes have always been consideredwomen seducers, cunning beauties. And if they also have blue eyes (which is considered a rarity), they were attributed sorcery properties. Yes, such women are very beautiful, but they also need make-up, at least in order to emphasize their natural beauty, to open it to the fullest.

Day makeup

In the afternoon, especially not to the frills, so here it is necessarylearn how to make a modest and as natural as possible make-up. So, start with the alignment of the tone. Use tonal means you need one that is ideal for the type and color of the skin. Be sure to consider what kind of skin you have: dry or oily, with wrinkles or without, whether there is peeling on it. Remember - foundation is your "face", it must hide all the shortcomings and provide a smooth skin, without flaws and roughness. If you do not guess with a shade, then this make-up will look unnatural. Did they tone the foundation? Now we pass to the eyes. There is a more complicated algorithm, one must adhere to certain rules:

  • Be sure to paint the eyebrows with a brown orblack pencil. But we do not single out them, we just correct a little. Before you take up eyebrows, see if extra hairs have grown, whether they stick out in different directions. The fact is that untidy eyebrows can negate all efforts, and even super-professional make-up will look disgusting;
  • Now, on the mobile eyelid, we apply matte white shadows. They will become a perfect base for basic make-up. We work from the inner corner to the outer corner, then a little downwards - under the very cilia;
  • Under the eyebrows we apply pearlescent shadows of lighttones. Gently spread the brush across the surface. For the outer corner of the eyebrows and eyes do not go, but on the eyelid does not fall - strictly a line under the eyebrow;
  • On the mobile eyelid, we first apply lightershadows, and on the outermost corner of the eye - darker. At the same time, the dark tone is shaded to the middle of the eye. Then only light shadows-base should remain. About what shade colors are suitable for blue-eyed brunettes, will be described below;
  • Now we put the arrow-podvodki, here the advice is givenit's hard to start from the shape of your eyes. But usually the lining is done on the upper eyelid and the tip is slightly out of the eye. Wiring is superimposed on the shade, so it will not "stand" as a separate unit in the general form of make-up, but as if to merge with it. Use only liquid podvodku, because a pencil can not be applied to the shadow of a smooth arrow;
  • Further ink, and here brunettes were lucky. Under the blue eyes can apply any color of the carcass: blue, brown, lilac and classic black. The algorithm of carcass application has long been known, so we will not repeat it;
  • The finishing touches are rouge and lipstick. Such a type is suitable for dark, saturated colors. Brunettes do not go too pale. But also pretentious lips should not seem, in fact we do a day time make-up.

make-up for blue-eyed brunettes

A little bit about shades

Makeup for blue-eyed brunettes suggestsUse of coffee, golden, sand, smoky colors of shadows. Here the main thing is to follow the order: first we put light shadows, then dark ones - on the outer corner of the eye. Only this way and no other way! In this case, the combination of shadows should be harmonious, and not scandalous-defiant. Accordingly, lipstick should be chosen under their hue. Do not use bright red tones, and the crimson-crimson will not do. Better save them for an evening out. But all the other colors - please, experiment and go for it! Sometimes not very compatible colors can look so that you can not tear your eyes off! beautiful makeup for blue eyes brunettes

evening make-up

Here the brunettes have a very large field of activity,all colors are suitable. You can improvise and apply decorations, sequins, rhinestones - make-up evening! By the way, you can try to enhance the effect with the help of pearlescent shadows. And do not maintain daytime makeup - light shadows can not be applied at all - emphasize the depth of your eyes deliberately dark shades: dark blue, smoky, dark green, brown. But remember one rule: if you have fair skin, you will need to apply a foundation for a couple of shades darker, but if you have a swarthy face, then there is no need to experiment. Experienced make-up artists evening makeup for these women offer to impose, using various decorations, - the creative option is always in high esteem. Of course, this does not apply to those moments when you go to a romantic dinner or a gala dinner in honor of the conclusion of another deal. For such occasions, the usual daytime make-up will do, just make your lips brighter and adjust the arrows slightly, refresh them by drawing again. Yes, brunettes with blue eyes are happy women. On such persons always pay attention to men, their sight is capable to drive anyone crazy. But behind such beauty it is necessary to look after, protect it and try to save it for many years. Do not forget to take off your makeup every day, cleaning your face with lotion or warm water with soap. Be sure to go over the face with your fingers to do a light massage, and then apply moisturizing and nourishing cream. The person will thank you for these simple methods and will always look like "five with a plus". We advise you to read:

