lasagna bolognese Do you know what lasagna is? This is a traditional Italian dish, which is prepared from layers of dough, shifting them with filling and filling with sauce. This is a kind of pie-casserole with stuffing from minced meat or stew, from vegetables or mushrooms. Traditionally, lasagne is prepared with bechamel sauce and parmesan cheese, mozzarella and ricotta. And the composition (almost like pizza) of this dish is quite traditional: dough, stuffing, cheese. Originally, lasagna was cooked in ovens in special frying pans. In such frying pans, the dough sheets were mixed with the filling and cheese. It is believed that the first lasagna was baked in Emilia-Romagna (one of the largest areas of Italy), and in Liguria came up with the addition of lasagna sauces. It is also known that sometimes a dough for lasagna was dyed green, adding spinach to it. By the way, the fact that the Poles recipe borrowed the recipe of lasagna is also noteworthy, as a result, already in the sixteenth century a dish like lasagne appeared in Polish cuisine. There are a lot of options for making lasagna, but the most famous recipe for this dish is lasagna bolognese. We suggest you cook it. lasagna bolognese recipe

Classical lasagna Bolognese

Recipe for classical lasagna Bolognese embody inlife is simple enough. The only snag may be Parmesan cheese. This is the hardest of all cheeses, featuring a special scaly structure and unique taste. Theoretically, in lasagne it can be replaced by any hard cheese, but the recipe for classical lasagna of the Bolognese implies exclusively Parmesan cheese. Ingredients:

  • Sheets for lasagna - 1 package;
  • Parmesan cheese - 150-200 g;

For Bolognese sauce:

  • Minced meat - 600-700 g;
  • Fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs .;
  • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • Olive oil for frying;
  • Pepper and salt - to taste.

For béchamel sauce:

  • Milk - 1 l;
  • Butter - 120 g;
  • Flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • Nutmeg - to taste.

Preparation: First you need to weld the dough sheets for lasagna: cook them according to the instructions on the package. By the way, you can buy these sheets in any supermarket in the department with pasta. Pour the boiled sheets with cold water and leave it until the lasagna is assembled. Next, start preparing the sauce Bolognese, which, in fact, will be stuffing. The recipe for a bolognese complex is also not called. First, brown the mince in olive oil. While the forcemeat is fried, you can prepare a tomato dressing. To do this, wash the tomatoes, peel them and chop them (you can in a blender, or you can just use a knife). Mix tomatoes with tomato paste and add this mixture to the stuffing. Salt, pepper and continue to prepare the sauce until the excess moisture evaporates from it, and the sauce does not thicken. Then prepare the Béchamel sauce. By the way, the French have given us a recipe for this sauce, but it is also successfully used in Italian cuisine. To make the bechamel sauce, melt the butter in a saucepan and mix it with flour, and then add milk in small portions. And do not forget to stir the sauce constantly so that the flour does not lump into lumps. This sauce needs to be cooked also before thickening. Now that the sauces are ready, start assembling the lasagna itself. Take a baking dish, pour a little white béchamel sauce into it and gently spread it over the bottom. On the top, overlap (edge ​​to edge) two sheets of dough. Dough again, grease with white sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese, and on top of cheese pour a layer of bolognese sauce. Then repeat this layer of lasagna (dough, bechamel, cheese, bolognese) three more times. In total, you must have at least four layers, and ideally - six. The last top layer is poured with white sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese. Put the lasagne shape in a preheated oven and bake for about forty minutes. If the recipe and stages of cooking you reproduce without errors, then you will get a classic Italian lasagna bolognese. recipe lasagna bolognese

Lasagna Bolognese at home

In a simplified version, this dish also has the rightto existence. What can one do if the Parmesan cheese is not found in the daytime with fire (well, not all of us live in capitals!), And it is also problematic to buy ready-made lasagne sheets? In this case, we offer you a home-made lasagna bolognese recipe. And the sheets for it we will do ourselves. For the test, we need the following ingredients:

  • Flour 300 gr;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • Spinach - 100 g.

For Bolognese sauce:

  • Minced meat - 500 g;
  • Tomatoes - 5 pcs .;
  • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • Olive oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • Salt and black pepper - to taste.

For béchamel sauce:

  • Milk - 1 l;
  • Butter - 150 g;
  • Flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt and nutmeg to taste.

For cheese layer: Parmesan cheese or any very hard cheese - 150 g. Preparation: First you need to prepare a dough for lasagna. This recipe includes spinach, which will dye the dough in green, and as a result, our lasagna bolognese will turn out to be unusually beautiful. Spinach (frozen first to be thawed) is ground in a blender. We pour the sifted flour onto the table with a slide and make a small hole in this hill, then pour the raw eggs into this cavity, put the salt and spinach. We begin to knead the dough until it becomes elastic and will not stop sticking to your hands and to the table. If necessary, pour the flour, since the specified amount of flour may not be enough: in different flour, a different amount of gluten. A well-kneaded dough is wrapped in a food film and left to stand for half an hour. After that, sprinkle the table with flour, divide the dough into three parts and roll each of them into a thin layer (one and a half millimeters). From the rolled up layers we cut rectangular plates in the size about ten on seven centimeters. Plates alternately boil in salted water, washed and lowered with a bowl (saucepan) with cold water. Now we need them only when assembling lasagna. The recipe for the Bolognese sauce is unchanged even in the home version of the lasagna. Therefore, we prepare it in the same way as in the previous recipe. First ten minutes fry on the olive oil stuffing. After this, add to it a puree of tomato paste and crushed tomatoes, salt, pepper, stir and cook for another five minutes. For béchamel sauce, melted butter is mixed with flour right in the saucepan, and after this, stirring constantly, cook the sauce, pouring the milk into the sauté pan. There is another way of making this sauce. Pour the milk into a sauté pan and bring it to a boil. Butter the butter in a frying pan and mix with flour, resulting in an oil and flour mash. Then dilute this slurry with a small amount of warm milk and the resulting mixture, pour into a sauté pan with milk. Then put the stewpan on the stove and on a very small fire, stirring constantly, cook the sauce until thick. When the dough sheets and lasagna sauces are ready, we begin to collect it. Form for baking grease with butter and pour a bit of dairy sauce bechamel into it. Then overlap the sheets of dough, sprinkle them with grated cheese and pour sauce on the bolognese (minced meat with tomato). On top again put the dough, white sauce, cheese, béchamel sauce. A total of four to five such layers should be obtained. On top of the lasagna must be very densely sprinkled with grated cheese, and then put the form with lasagne in a preheated oven and leave for forty minutes. Try to cook this extraordinarily tasty dish of Italian cuisine. You will love it! Not for nothing that the recipe for lasagna bolognese is known and popular all over the world. Cook with pleasure! We advise you to read:

