Karlovy Vary sightseeing Karlovy Vary can rightly be called a realCzech fairy tale, which combines the possibilities of royal rest, water treatment from unique sources, luxurious architecture and many attractions. Yes, and industrial products of a romantic town, picturesque Bohemia, is known no less than curative mineral springs. Therefore, the best souvenirs of the resort are the crystal products of the brand "Moser", the famous drink "Becherovka", elite glass products "Mottl Glas", porcelain of the company "Thun", which is distinguished by a pinkish color. Start a tour of the city of Karlovy Vary, whose attractions are of great interest to everyone, with a leisurely stroll along the romantic embankment of the Tepla River, where the grandiose mill colonnade is located. An architectural miracle appeared on the map of a Czech resort in 1871, and the colonnade project was designed by the outstanding architect Yosef Zitek. The construction in the Neo-Renaissance style looks attractive even from afar, and tourists can admire the multitude of columns supporting the majestic roof and the plastic columns on the facade. The market colonnade built in 1883 from wood is also of interest, but now, after several reconstructions, its appearance has changed significantly. And vacationers can appreciate the majestic building in the Swiss style, in the middle of which there is a pump-room with water from the spring of Charles IV. On the territory of the romantic spa town, there are three more colonnades of the XIX century - the castle castle and the Vřidelnaya, and each of them is a kind of canopy for the bathhouses with healing water, and thanks to the luxurious buildings, tourists can easily find the healing springs themselves. Attractions in Karlovy Vary To plunge into the half-forgotten history of the Czech Republic,you can see the sights in Karlovy Vary, built in the XVII century amidst impenetrable forests. These monuments of architecture include the old castle on a majestic hill, which seems to dominate the luxurious resort streets, built-up Renaissance buildings. Even in the Middle Ages on the hill was the romantic hunting lodge of Emperor Charles IV, and in 1608 it was decided to build on this place an impregnable fortification. If you want to admire the unforgettable panorama of this amazing town, hidden among the forested hills, you can pick up on one of the most popular tourist attractions. The old lookout towers are located in the forests surrounding the resort from all sides, and many pointers will help you find them. On the castle hill is the tower of Charles IV, to the viewing platform which is 79 steps, and the building in the pseudo-Gothic style can be seen from almost anywhere in the resort. It is from the fortification structures of the observation platforms located on two floors that the most attractive panoramic photos of the famous resort are obtained. Over the luxurious hotel "Pupp" towers built in 1914, the tower of Diana, to the viewing platform which can be climbed, even on a funicular railway. From this picturesque place in clear weather, tourists can see not only Karlovy Vary and historical buildings, but also the surroundings. sightseeing carlov va Studying the sights of Karlovy Vary,pay attention to the many temples and churches, most of which were built in the XIX century at the time of the transformation of a small royal hunting residence into a prestigious European balneological resort. Since the XVI century, only the Church of St. Andrew has survived, in the old days played the role of a cemetery church, and now the ancient cemetery is reconstructed into Mozart's park. But the graves of the most famous people, including doctors D. Becher and J. de Caro, are still preserved on its territory. The Church of Mary Magdalene rises above the Vřídelná Colonnade, an amazingly beautiful building, erected in a luxurious baroque style. The temple, built in 1737, still operates, and tourists can safely go inside even on days when worship is not held. But of special interest are the cellar rooms of the church accessible to all who wish, where you can see the interiors of an interesting underground chapel. This city is worth a visit! After all, you can relax here not only with your body, but with your soul! We advise you to read:

