What is the difference between the Lunar calendar?

There are several different types of different species in the world.calendars. The calendar determines certain periods of time in accordance with the movement of such celestial bodies as the Sun and the Moon. The lunar calendar is a special type of calendar that is based on the phases of the Earth's satellite - the Moon. Calendars that are guided by the phases of the Moon appeared a long time ago, in ancient times. Many different sources cite a large number of facts indicating where exactly the Lunar calendar was first invented. According to one version, the very first calendar in the world based on the lunar phases was first invented in the lands where Iraq is now located - in Mesopotamia. The ancient Sumerians began to use the Moon as a time measure back in the third millennium BC. But the inquisitive minds of scientists to this day do not calm down and continue to search for an answer to the main question: "Who and when became the creator of such a wonderful invention as the Lunar calendar?" and build many versions and guesses on this matter. But opinions are unanimous on one thing: the Lunar calendar was still the first. The phases of the Moon are very easy and simple to observe. That is why the ancient Chinese, Jews, Babylonians and Greeks used the Moon calendar.

What was the reason for the transition from the Lunar calendar to the Sun?

Once upon a time, a long time ago, people led mainlynomadic way of life, not staying in one place for a long time. Over time, there was a division into nomads and farmers. The latter led a sedentary lifestyle. In order to properly care for the land and get a good harvest, it is necessary to monitor the season. After all, solar heat and light are extremely important for a farmer. That's when the Solar calendar replaced the Lunar one. Now almost all major calendars are based on the phases of the Sun, with the exception of the Muslim one, which is completely based on the Moon.

Calendars of ancient Russia

About what kind of calendar our people usedancestors, there are many versions and theories. Historians claim that it was a lunar-solar calendar. It is known that, being pagans and very superstitious, the people who once lived on these lands found harmony in everything, and most importantly, lived in unity with nature. For our climate, the Lunar calendar alone was definitely not enough. The version of the solar calendar that we are used to using is quite easy to use, since it has several clear rules. For example, there are 24 hours in a day, a new day begins exactly at 00.00. A feature of the modern solar calendar is some irregularities, namely, an alternating number of days in each month: in one - 30 days, in the next - 31 days. February is an exception. In the lunar calendar, there is no clear, generally accepted system. It is also changeable, like water. The moon has the greatest influence on water. The ebb and flow of the tides depend on its position. However, the officially accepted calendar cannot guarantee that in reality, in nature itself, everything will happen exactly as it is prescribed. As a rule, a new season does not begin strictly on the first day. The warmth can last until the winter months, and the cold does not necessarily have to end in March. It is often colder in March than, for example, in January. Nature is fickle and mobile. Its changeable essence is largely reflected in the Lunar calendar. The fact that the Lunar calendar has faded into the background does not cancel the powerful influence of this celestial body on the Earth, our nature and our lives. We acutely feel the changes in the lunar phases. It is extremely important for a person to feel part of nature, a single whole and change with it, while maintaining flexibility. The human body changes depending on the phases of the Moon. The balance and exchange of water in the body changes, which affects the general well-being of a person. The Moon determines not only the physical, but also the mental state of a person. We begin to change inside, which means that our psyche and behavior are also rebuilt. Following the laws that are given in the Lunar calendar, a person gains the opportunity to become healthier and more successful in everything. About the same as, the lunar calendar will tell you at what momentit is better to take active actions, and in what cases – just wait. After all, going straight ahead is not always the best option for achieving the goal. Understanding the rhythms of nature and energy, which have such a powerful influence on each person, makes it possible to “catch” the energy wave and act correctly. Lunar calendar – basic concepts: Lunar days (24 hours) – the time from the lunar sunrise to the next sunrise. Moon phases – the level of lunar illumination in the sky, which changes periodically. Moon states: Waxing (young) Moon – a time intended for changes; Waning (waning or aging) Moon – a time of rest and waning strength. The main lunar events are: New Moon – a period when three planets (Earth, Sun and Moon) are in a straight line. Full Moon – a period when the Moon looks like a huge shining disk. At this time, the three planets are almost in a straight line. An eclipse is a phenomenon in which one planet (celestial body) obscures another.

