Any pregnant woman expecting to give birthof his baby, thinks about only one thing - the health of his baby. And this is not surprising - today more and more children are born with one or another disease. And one of these is congenital pneumonia of newborns. We can argue for a long time why such a large number of children are born with far from ideal health - doctors have been having such discussions for many years. But the fact remains a fact and parents should be prepared for certain difficulties. After reading this article, you will learn all the nuances concerning congenital pneumonia in children. And these nuances are not so few:
- Time of infection
On the severity of congenital pneumoniaThe period of time that has passed since the child was infected and until his birth has a very strong influence - the longer it is, the more severe the disease. This is quite natural - despite the fact that even during intrauterine development the child's immune system is already working, it is, of course, not yet able to cope with the infection on its own. Firstly, the immunity of children even after birth remains far from perfect for a long time. And secondly, even a fully mature immune system of an adult is able to cope with pneumonia on its own in the most extreme cases. And what can we say about an unborn baby?
- Infectious agent
No less important in the forecast of the currentThe disease is also affected by the infectious agent that caused the pneumonia. Some pathogens cause a severe form of the disease, while others cause a milder form. And the treatment tactics for a particular type of pneumonia also depend on the pathogen that caused the congenital pneumonia.
- Degree of fullness of the child
It is equally important whether the child was born.full-term or not. And in the event that the baby was born prematurely, doctors take into account how premature the baby is - this also has the most fundamental effect on the tactics of treating congenital pneumonia and the prognosis of the disease.
- Individual anatomical and physiological features
In addition, the course of the disease is also influenced bya whole range of individual characteristics of the child - both anatomical and functional-physiological. For example, the child's weight, the particular functioning of his immune system.
Causes of congenital pneumonia
As already mentioned, there are reasons that canprovoke the development of congenital pneumonia, there are quite a large number of different reasons. Sometimes there are cases of combined congenital pneumonia, in which the disease is caused by several provoking factors at once. And, of course, such a course of the disease is the most serious and complex, posing the greatest threat to the life of a newborn baby. Most often, the culprit of the child's disease are pathogenic bacteria, such as pneumococcus, staphylococci, streptococci. In addition, various fungi and viruses, and protozoa often lead to the development of congenital pneumonia. Many mothers ask - how do pathogenic microorganisms get into the baby's body, because the child is reliably protected by the amniotic sac and amniotic fluid. There are two types of infection of the baby:
Symptoms of congenital pneumonia
Of course, the course is asymptomaticcongenital pneumonia cannot go unnoticed. There are quite a large number of clinical manifestations of congenital pneumonia. First, it is necessary to talk about several common features. Firstly, the time of the first symptoms depends on whether the infection occurred during childbirth or during intrauterine development. For example, if the baby was born already infected with pathogenic bacteria. As a rule, most often such problems are faced by those children who were born prematurely. In this case, the following symptoms of the disease are characteristic:
- Asphyxia
Asphyxia is generally considered todayis a very common phenomenon - approximately in every fourth birth. But in premature babies suffering from congenital pneumonia, asphyxia is observed in almost all cases. Often, in order to bring the child out of the state of asphyxia, pediatricians - resuscitators are forced to resort to resuscitation measures.
- Scream and newborn
As you know, a healthy baby declares hisa loud cry at birth. A baby with congenital pneumonia either cries very weakly or does not cry at all. And the baby's breathing also leaves much to be desired - it is very shallow, completely arrhythmic and very weak. To an inexperienced person, it may seem that the baby is constantly quietly moaning. There are constant wet wheezing sounds in the baby's lungs, and the breathing is harsh.
- Change in body temperature of a newborn baby
All newborn babies are characterized byinstability of body temperature. However, in those babies who were born with congenital pneumonia, these deviations can be very, very significant - body temperature can rise to about 40 degrees, and in premature babies, on the contrary, it can drop to critical figures - 35 and below. Both conditions for a newborn baby are a very serious threat to life.
- Decreased congenital reflexes
Pneumonia worsens the general condition of the bodyeven in adults, not to mention such little ones. And it is quite natural that a sick child is extremely lethargic and apathetic, in especially severe cases the child's basic innate reflexes, including breathing and sucking, are significantly reduced or completely absent. And accordingly, in such cases, artificial ventilation of the child's lungs and a special type of feeding - through a tube - are necessary.
- Disruption of digestion and weight loss
Fortunately, congenital pneumonia is not always the case.occurs in children in such a severe form. Most often, the baby is still able to breathe and eat independently. However, alas, the normal digestion process in such cases is also disrupted - the child burps very often, and vomiting attacks with congenital pneumonia are also not uncommon. Accordingly, the child's body weight can decrease to the most critical point.
- Pronounced violations of the cardiovascular system
As is known, the work of all vitalorgans are very closely related to each other. And disruption of the lungs almost always entails disruption of the vascular system. This is especially noticeable in the condition of the baby's mucous membranes and skin - they acquire a pronounced pale, and in especially severe cases, even a bluish tint. Often the baby's legs swell very much - the swelling is visible even to the naked eye. Also, babies suffering from congenital pneumonia often have various heart rhythm disturbances. But fortunately, these heart rhythm disturbances disappear without a trace soon after doctors manage to cope with congenital pneumonia. But if infection with pathogenic bacteria occurred not in the womb, but during the birth process, the symptoms of congenital pneumonia will be somewhat different. And they will not appear in the first minutes and hours of life, but only after two to three days. As mentioned above, the severity of the disease depends on several factors, including the type of pathogen and the degree of maturity of the child. Symptoms of this form of the disease are:
- Changing the color of the skin
The first thing that doctors and others pay attention to isthe young mother herself - this is a change in the color of the skin and mucous membranes - they first become earthy-gray, then, as the disease develops, very pale and, finally, bluish. Also, the child's cyanosis very quickly increases - blueness of the nasolabial triangle.
- Disorders of the central nervous system
In almost all cases of congenital developmentpneumonia as the disease progresses, the child experiences certain disorders of the central nervous system - the child may be overly excited or lethargic. Incidentally, apathy and lethargy are much more common.
- Impairment of appetite
The child a few days after birthappetite may decrease significantly or disappear completely - this fact should also alert the young mother and doctors, since it is very often one of the symptoms of congenital pneumonia. When trying to feed the child, he constantly burps, and even quite severe vomiting may occur. Often, such phenomena are accompanied by diarrhea. Unfortunately, it often happens that inexperienced pediatricians do not notice other symptoms of congenital pneumonia, except for vomiting and diarrhea. And as a result, the child is diagnosed with "intestinal infection", completely unnecessary treatment begins, and pneumonia is not treated until its symptoms become obvious. And, accordingly, precious time for treatment is irretrievably lost.
- Changes in breathing
As the disease progresses, breathing changesa newborn baby - it becomes more and more difficult, if you watch the baby carefully, you can notice that the wings of the nose are significantly inflated. If the baby was born full-term, breathing becomes much more frequent, becomes moaning and hoarse. But if the baby was born prematurely, the breathing rate, on the contrary, decreases. This condition of the child requires especially close attention from doctors - because breathing can stop almost at any second.
- Raising the child's body temperature
And finally, almost last of all,a child with congenital pneumonia has a fever, sometimes very high. There is another type of pneumonia in newborns. Although this type of pneumonia cannot be called congenital, it is still necessary to talk about it. Infection with this type of disease occurs several days after birth. And pneumonia in this case proceeds differently. It begins with the appearance of symptoms that are typical for a child with absolutely any acute respiratory disease: cough, slight fever, runny nose. As a rule, the child is treated for an acute respiratory disease. Gradually, the child's condition begins to deteriorate - the child becomes very restless, cries constantly, sleeps very poorly and begins to refuse food. The appearance of such behavior should alert the mother and the child's doctor, since they are not typical for a simple acute respiratory disease. After another day, all of the baby's innate reflexes begin to decrease significantly, the body temperature begins to rise, and, most often, quite significantly. At the same time, the baby begins to experience respiratory failure and heart rhythm disturbances - the heart rate increases several times. By the way, in this case, the maturity of the child also plays a significant role. As a rule, if the child was born on time, the development of the disease takes about a week. And premature babies are much more vulnerable - they develop the disease in just two or three days. And this is not surprising - after all, a full-term child is many times stronger than one who was born in a hurry, and their immune system is much better developed.
Treatment of neonatal pneumonia
As mentioned above, pneumonianewborns can pose a very serious threat to the life of the child. However, as statistics of survivors of congenital pneumonia show, the most important thing is timely diagnosis of the disease, adequate treatment suitable for the baby and proper care. If these conditions are met, the prognosis for the course of the disease is extremely favorable. Of course, treatment of congenital pneumonia should be carried out only in a hospital setting - and this is not surprising, because the little baby needs round-the-clock medical supervision. Congenital pneumonia is a very insidious disease, because complications such as respiratory arrest and heartbeat. And in such cases, medical care must be provided immediately - after all, every second counts. To begin with, it is necessary to talk in more detail about the rules for caring for a sick baby, because most often this responsible duty falls on the mother's shoulders. And the success of the treatment of congenital pneumonia largely depends on this.
- Feeding a sick child.If the child's condition allows breastfeeding, the young mother should remember that her baby is becoming very weak due to illness. And, accordingly, he simply cannot suck as effectively as healthy children do - he gets tired too quickly. But nutrition is vital for him! That is why the mother should offer the breast to the child as often as possible. And even more so in this situation, there can be no talk of any feeding "on the clock".
- Swaddling.Recently, swaddling has been losing its former popularity - more and more new mothers prefer to dress their baby in blouses and rompers from the very first day. But if you still prefer traditional swaddling, you should forget about diapers for the duration of your baby's illness. Doctors explain this recommendation by the fact that diapers constrict the baby's chest and make breathing difficult, which is already difficult.
- Change of position.As is known, congestion in the lungs only contributes to the development of severe pneumonia. In order to avoid this phenomenon, the child should change the position of the body as often as possible. And since a newborn baby is still too small and is not yet able to turn over on its own, the mother should help it. The child must be turned from side to side at least once an hour, and even better - twice an hour.
Doctors will prescribe medication for the child if necessary.проведение как оксигенотерапии, так и аэротерапии. В том случае, если пневмония протекает в тяжелой форме, а в легких ребенка постоянно застаивается слизь, врачи будут периодически удалять ее из верхних дыхательных путей при помощи специального препарата. Ведущую роль в лечении врожденной пневмонии играет медикаментозное лечение. Выше упоминалось, что при врожденной пневмонии у детей зачастую появляются сильные отеки – для их устранения ребенку назначаются диуретические лекарства. Также в обязательном порядке для лечения врожденной пневмонии врачи используют антибактериальные препараты. Очень многие родители пугаются из-за необходимости приема антибиотиков – однако без них вылечить пневмонию невозможно, так как именно данные препараты способны подавить жизнедеятельность патогенной микрофлоры. Подбираются антибактериальные препараты очень тщательно, в каждом случае индивидуально – в зависимости от течения заболевания, а главное – в зависимости от вида того возбудителя, который и стал виновником врожденной пневмонии. Так, например, в том случае, если доподлинно известно, какой именно возбудитель привел к развитию заболевания, то и антибиотик будет подбираться особо тщательно. Если же подобной информации у врачей нет, скорее всего, в лечении ребенка будут задействованы антибактериальные препараты широкого спектра действия – уничтожающие практически все виды известных бактерий. Одновременно с лечением антибактериальными препаратами ребенок должен получать витаминотерапия, а в некоторых случаях и иммуномодуляторы – препараты, призванные усилить работу иммунной системы. И, разумеется, ни в коем случае нельзя забывать о том, что применение антибактериальных препаратов зачастую приводит к развитию дисбактериоза. А у новорожденных детей данный риск составляет практически 100%. Именно поэтому параллельно с лечением антибактериальными препаратами необходимо давать ребенку препараты, содержащие бифидо и лакто бактерии. Это позволит предотвратить развитие дисбактериоза, лечение которого весьма проблематично. Крайне благоприятное влияние оказывает также местная стимулирующая рефлекторная терапия. К ней относятся массажи, горчичники и горчичные ванны. Однако обратите внимание на то, что данные способы лечения должны проводиться только после согласования с лечащим врачом ребенка, ведь, например, при повышенной температуре тела подобные процедуры строжайше запрещены. Да и их проведение у маленького ребенка требует особой осторожности, внимания и, самое главное, необходимых навыков. В том случае, если больной ребенок появился на свет вполне доношенным, для лечения врожденной пневмонии нередко врачи используют щелочные ингаляции. Разумеется, очень немногие детки переносят эту процедуру спокойно – однако результаты стоят того. Помимо щелочных ингаляций зачастую врачи назначают крохе ультрафиолетовое излучение. Как правило, все эти меры, начатые своевременно, приносят очень хороший результат, и позволяет достаточно быстро справиться с болезнью. И вполне естественно требование врачей о необходимости регулярного наблюдения ребенка у врача – пульмонолога, как минимум на протяжении первых двух лет жизни. Каким бы успешным не было лечение врожденной пневмонии, данное заболевание в значительной степени ослабляет легкие малыша. И любая банальная простуда может обернуться для ребенка повторным воспалением легких. И очень просто вовремя заметить эту проблему.
Prevention of congenital pneumonia
As everyone knows, any disease is muchPrevention is better than cure. Is it possible to prevent congenital pneumonia? Despite the fact that at first glance this task seems impossible, doctors say that it is possible. Let's try to figure it out: where does a baby get congenital pneumonia from? That's right, it gets into the body from the outside. And accordingly, it is necessary to ensure that there is no possibility of infection of the fetus. A woman planning to become a mother should undergo a full examination of the body for the possible presence of latent infections even before planning a pregnancy. And if foci of infection are detected, you must first get rid of them, and only then become pregnant. And remember that such a focus can be either thrush or banal caries - there are no trifles in this case. Doctors must take all measures aimed at avoiding possible fetal asphyxia, which greatly increases the risk of developing congenital pneumonia. Well, of course, even after the baby is born, you should not forget that it must be carefully protected from any possible contacts with any sources of infection. And hypothermia is also extremely dangerous for a baby - especially for premature babies. All these measures will help reduce the risk of developing congenital pneumonia. We recommend reading: