allergies in newborns If you could ask the stork to bringhealthy strong baby in the right period of life in every sense, every woman, without hesitation, would do it. However, storks carry children to their homes only in fairy tales, and in modern reality young mothers after childbirth often face difficulties of a different nature. One of these problems is an allergy that can occur in the infants at the most inopportune moment and for the most inappropriate reasons. The fact is that the organism of the newborn child is extremely susceptible to various harmful factors from the outside, and therefore each mother tries to protect her child with all her strength, carefully selecting food and observing the regime of the day. But neither the mother nor the pediatrician can determine in advance what the baby may be allergic to in the future. After all, this medical "vice" can not be fully controlled, since a person can live all his life without even knowing that there is an allergy to certain factors. And this means that the problem of infant allergy should be given special attention.

What we know about allergies

As you know, the human body is growing and changing withbirth moment and up to about 25 years. This means that for all these years the body, as it were, knows itself from within, struggles with illnesses, destructive surrounding factors and, of course, allergens. The latter, as is generally assumed from a medical point of view, is a sort of catalyst, thanks to which the human immune system develops, strengthens and learns to resist the environment. However, not always a manifestation of such a struggle are mild symptoms (a slight runny nose, cough). often the body literally stands on the warpath with its allergy. The newborn's body, as mentioned earlier, is more severely affected by negative factors due to low resistance and weak immune system. And if the adult symptoms of allergy manifest, as a rule, after a few hours or even days after contact with the allergen, then the baby can become noticeable in a few minutes. allergy in newborns treatment

Allergies or not: how to understand the problem?

However, quite often the picture has nothinggeneral with the present allergy, although it looks rather alarming. It often happens that the baby has small pimples of red color on the face and upper body. Inexperienced young mummies tend to take them for allergies, but in reality they can be just hormone rashes. What to do in this case and how soon to run to the doctor? First, try not to panic much, it is harmful for milk in case you feed the baby with a breast. Secondly, do not limit your diet, because with hormonal rashes in this there is no serious need. The fact that pimples, as a rule, go themselves about two months after the manifestation. However, there is something to do in the case of such rashes categorically not worth it - you can not squeeze out such pimples. Having done this, you can bring infection to the wound and harm the baby, as, as already mentioned, the immune system of infants is most susceptible to harmful effects. Also, quite often young moms confuse allergy with a common cold. After all, both these problems, as a rule, are accompanied by coughing, stuffy nose and prolonged sneezing. However, as in the case of hormonal acne, the treatment for these diagnoses is different.

How to identify a true allergy?

To begin with it is worth noting that, for any kindrashes and redness all the same it is necessary to address to the pediatrist, so as not to engage in dangerous self-medication. If in fact it turns out that the rashes on the body of your baby have a hormonal character, the pediatricist will tell you about it and you will calmly go home knowing that the pimples will probably go down themselves after a certain time. However, if the rashes are allergic, neglect treatment is in no way worth it. How, then, can you classify this allergy yourself? Symptomatic manifestations of it, as a rule, are more pronounced and are not limited to pimples only. So, the skin can blush, become dry and rough to the touch, as a result of which the baby will be bothered by constant itching. In addition, you can observe an atypical chair of a green hue, as well as cold manifestations of allergies: a runny nose, coughing and sneezing. All this, of course, will cause the child general anxiety, he will sleep badly and often cry. However, this list can be supplemented by other manifestations, because every kid is already a person, which means that he has his own individual organism. allergies in newborns

Is diathesis as terrible as it is described?

Perhaps, to date, there is not oneMom, who would not have faced the concept of diathesis in a child. In the case of his appearance, the majority of anxious mothers, wishing her child only the best, begins to actively treat its manifestations. However, this is not quite the right decision. After all, diathesis, and more accurately allergic diathesis, it is rather a predisposition to inflammatory processes, rather than disease. It can appear the same as an allergy, that is, as a result of eating certain foods. However, it is worthwhile to know that even diathesis can develop into a serious allergy, if not to take timely qualified measures. Because of what all the same shows a diathesis? Perhaps, primarily because of the low protective function of the baby's intestines. In such early years of life, the resistance of the body to all kinds of harmful factors is practically at zero, which is why diathesis and a serious allergy in newborns is a fairly common problem. In addition, the situation is complicated by harmful ecology and food containing GMOs, the presence of which is almost impossible to recognize without a special laboratory. This is the lack of resistance manifests itself in the baby's gastrointestinal tract. The permeability of the walls of the intestine is at a high level, as in babies there are not yet produced so many protective antibodies and digestive enzymes. As a result, food components that can not be completely cleaved up get into the blood. Such components, and first of all proteins, as a rule, are the cause of the chain of allergic reactions: from diathesis to serious allergy.

Symptoms of allergies in children

It is known that any allergic reactionis accompanied by the production of so-called antibodies. Subsequently, these substances come into contact with the main allergen, and this leads to the formation of a special substance called histamine. It is this substance that contributes to the appearance of typical allergic reactions, which are manifested not only in infants, but also in adults: swelling of the tissues, vasodilation, itching, etc. However, in this case it is necessary to distinguish the difference between the course of an allergy in an adult and a newborn child. The fact is that in children histamine from blood cells can be released not only because of the contact of the antibody with the allergen. But also because of other factors, including even environmental manifestations, for example, a low temperature of the air, as a result of which a child may experience hypothermia. This is the essential difference between a serious allergy and a lighter diathesis. allergies in newborns

Causes that may cause allergies

To date, factors that cancontribute to the emergence of an allergic reaction, there are many: from poor-quality food products and ending with negative ecology in general. In more detail, you can make a list of the reasons that are basic in the process of the allergy. First of all, many specialists, as the main reason, call the non-compliance of the future mother with a special hypoallergenic diet during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. In this case, most of the substances received by the mother from food will pass to the child, including antigens with their corresponding antibodies. That is why it is extremely important to observe the correct nutrition system prescribed by the attending physician. Another popular in the ranking of allergy predecessor factors is vaccination. The fact is that the current vaccination medications, through which routine vaccination is carried out, already initially contain a particular allergen. So, from the first years of life as a result of a banal vaccination, the mother, without knowing it herself, rewards her child with an allergy to one degree or another. If during pregnancy the expectant mother suffered any infectious diseases, most likely, the child will have an allergy. This factor is also proved by many specialists. In addition, among the factors of allergic reactions of infants is not the last place is heredity. The fact is that the child receives a unique genetic code from the parents, but, in addition to the positive characteristics, we can reward our child with disastrous features. In this way, quite often a child inherits an allergic background from his parents. And, finally, another common factor is the early consumption of cow's milk by the baby. In medical pediatric language, this factor is called artificial feeding. Specialists and in this case it is proved that the cow's milk protein is one of the most common allergy factors in a baby. Thus, the causes of the problem of allergy can be many, and the list is far from complete. However, it is extremely important to determine as soon as possible the cause behind the allergy of your child, and this will facilitate the course of the disease in the future and accelerate its elimination.

How to help your baby: treatment and prevention

Once the underlying cause of the allergy is identified,of course, it is worth starting her treatment as soon as possible. So, in more severe cases, the pediatrician can recommend appropriate antihistamines to you, as well as medicines to treat skin manifestations (although this is done at the last stages of treatment, as rashes, redness and other manifestations on the skin are just a consequence of the cause). Also, a doctor can prescribe a newborn intake of activated carbon. In turn, the young mother will also have to exclude from her food products that are allergens, as well as products with preservatives and various food additives. It is also important to remember that for a baby there is nothing more important than breast milk and that cow's milk not only does not replace the breast milk, but it can also harm the baby.

