What is happiness and what is its secret? There is no single answer to this question, and it is unlikely that it will ever be found. Speaking the language of philosophy, happiness can be called an inner state of a person, in which he is completely satisfied with his life, fulfilled all desires and achieved the main goals. "But it's almost impossible!" - Many will exclaim. Very much the opposite. After all, happiness is a subjective concept, for each person it is different. The main thing in this feeling is harmony, contentment with oneself and the surrounding world. Someone to achieve happiness needs, as they say, to roll mountains and conquer the whole world. Someone is content with relatively few - a favorite job, a strong family, a certain wealth. And many people in general see it in freedom from money and conventions, without which it is impossible to exist in a modern developed society, and therefore create their own separate worlds. In them they remain alone with nature and live only at the expense of the gifts of the forest, the river, and the land that they themselves cultivate. And each representative of the categories described above reveals his own secret of his happiness. It is he who gives the very harmony and peace that are so necessary for all of us. Some people say that happiness is not in money, and others say that it is, exactly, and is calculated by the amount of finance. And all are right - it's just that each person determines for himself the measure of personal happiness and what it is. However, people who are striving for spiritual development, of course, it is difficult to be satisfied only with material well-being. They can achieve harmony by adhering to certain moral values and realizing their desire to be happy, for example, in science or creativity. In ancient times, some nations portrayed happiness in the form of a woman with a long braid. She flew, picked up by the wind, and seemed both close and far away. After all, it could only be caught once in a lifetime. Hence, happiness can be called with certainty and luck, a chance or a brilliant coincidence of circumstances. After all, thanks to them, a person achieves his main goals and carries out his wildest dreams. The blue bird, invented by Maurice Maeterlinck, incomprehensible and elusive, is also an allegory to happiness. Remember how long it was looking for the little heroes, and when they found it in their home, they broke up without regret for the sake of the neighbor's health. Hence, happiness is the ability to sacrifice something for others, perhaps, with one's own life. There are a lot of such allegories. And each of them will turn out to be correct and meaningful in its own way. This is not surprising, because happiness is a concept so multifaceted that it is almost impossible to find a clear definition for it. However, let us nevertheless try to understand what basic truths need to be understood by the modern person in order to answer the question about what is the secret of happiness.
Scientific point of view
California psychologists say thatThe state of happiness is controlled, and it can be supported by observing the five basic rules. These conclusions were drawn from the data obtained during the experiments. The rules of control are quite simple and quite suitable for any person. Therefore, if you are not yet quite happy, then use them.
- The first is to be grateful for every little thing. This gratitude makes you feel happy even for a few months.
- The second rule is optimism and belief in a good future. And the future should be represented as often as possible, as the execution of the desired.
- The third rule is the ability to rejoice at one's own luck and always remember your strong qualities and apply them as often as possible.
- The fourth rule is the frequent reference to the experience of successful people and due attention to their own achievements. Your success can be recorded and re-read several times a day.
- And, finally, the fifth rule is the regular commissiongood deeds. According to researchers, the statement that good returns is true. A charity and unselfish help to other people significantly raise the mood, as they bring a sense of moral satisfaction and give a real reason for self-esteem.
German psychologists give their definition towhat is the secret of happiness. They argue that this feeling a person experiences at the moment of joyful anticipation of a deserved award. But such happiness for a short time and with time loses its novelty, turning into a routine, because people tend to quickly get used to material goods and financial well-being. Therefore, wealth, according to scientists, can not be considered true happiness. Although the quality of life can not be ignored. After all, citizens of developed countries most often call themselves happy people. The first place in the rating of the population, most satisfied with the conditions of its life, is occupied by Denmark. But in Bulgaria, according to a survey conducted in Europe, the most unfortunate people live. The subject of the discussion of scientists are also factors that prevent a person from becoming successful and prosperous in order to feel satisfied with life. The main one was idleness, and regardless of what provokes it - poverty or, conversely, great prosperity. With this it is difficult not to agree, because laziness has not made anyone really happy. The conclusions drawn by European scholars are not sensational. After all, according to them, the secret of happiness should be sought in relationships with friends, relatives and loved ones, because they give us warmth, without demanding financial advances in return. Therefore, happiness always begins with friendship and love - it is these concepts that are the basis of success and prosperity. Scientists of the university, located in the US state of Indiana, argue that the temperament of a person is often the determining factor of what exactly he needs for happiness. For example, extroverts are more in need of fun, parties and noisy companies than introverts, who pay much attention to relationships with loved ones and relatives, and this is how they satisfy their communication needs. Such a psychotype is characterized by positive thinking and optimism. But the happiest people, according to research data, are students, since most of them have clear goals of their implementation in society. People focused on achieving something useful for themselves are prone to spiritual reflection. They rarely go to nightclubs or sit around aimlessly in front of the television, and make their leisure more useful and informative.
Secrets of true happiness
The history of our world is very ancient, we all live inthanks to the wisdom that was continuously collected bit by bit by philosophers and scientists of the past to turn into the most valuable experience of generations. It is in it that we should seek answers to all the questions that interest us. Therefore, combining the philosophies of the great minds of antiquity and modern views of psychology scholars, and ordinary realities of life, you can give some advice to those who want to catch The blue bird of happiness. These tips are simple and complex at the same time, and not all people are ready to use them on a daily basis. After all, breaking the habitual line of behavior and worldview is often very difficult. But those of us who have made similar devices with the style of their lives, rightly enjoy the results achieved. Do you want to join the lucky ones? Then go ahead, in search of the Bluebird! The first secret. Correct attitude to life
The second secret: a healthy body is a pledge of fortitude
The third secret. Every moment is valuable
The fourth secret: underestimating ourselves, we are not rewarded and happiness. We must learn to love ourselves, to perceive correctly and positively our own "I". After all, we are, in fact, the ones we see ourselves. A person who is constantly unhappy with himself, will not be satisfied with his life, no matter how good it may be. That's why all psychologists advise you to look for yourself not negative character traits and external shortcomings, but pay attention to dignity and good qualities. You need to believe in your own uniqueness. To confirm it, you only need to know that the very possibility of your birth was one chance out of three hundred thousand billions. Do not take criticism in your address from other people as the truth in the last resort. To overcome their own complexes and create a personal positive image, you need:
The fifth secret. Goals - a prerequisite for a happy life
The sixth secret. Laughter does not happen much
Seventh secret. Know how to forgive
The eighth secret. Gaining the Giving Man, who seeks to acquire wealth only for himself, is rarely truly happy. And the one who shares what is called the last piece of bread, receives in return harmony within himself and satisfaction from the right action. Remember that the more we give positive, help and happiness to the people around us, the more we are enriched with their reciprocal gratitude. The happiness of each day lies in the joy that a person is able to give to others around this time. The ninth secret. Happiness is impossible without strong human relations
Remember that the joy shared with someonebecome twice as large, and after telling a friend about the problem, you will make it half as small. And all that you do to other people, you need to do so as if this is the last time and the chance to fix the perfect will no longer be. So try to help someone, and do not do anything "for a tick". The tenth secret. You can not achieve happiness without faith
All these secrets are the right philosophylife, which any modern person must adhere to. And then the personal happiness of everyone will become the basis for an ideal society, where honesty, mercy and love for one's neighbor will become the main and determining components of existence. And if we all become beautiful from the inside, spiritually, then such a beauty can really save the world, and the personal secret of the happiness of each particular person will become clear to all. But the level of our moral development does not yet allow us to achieve universal harmony. And whether it is possible at all, no one will predict. But this does not mean that the above secrets of happiness are useless, since their application on a universal scale is impossible. No, they are necessary and important, since they can help any needy person to solve personal problems related to family or career. All these secrets are directed, first of all, to correct socialization and social adaptation. Each sphere of our life is a relationship between people. And the fate of this or that person depends on what they will be in each particular case. Do not forget that the basis of everything is love, and happiness is the life process itself. It is necessary in time to realize that the Bluebird at least for a brief moment was in your hands. We advise you to read: