hyperacid gastritis What is a hyperacid gastritis? Why do they suffer from almost half the world's population? If you translate this name of the disease from the Latin language, it will sound like this: inflammation of the stomach (gastritis), which is accompanied by high acidity. From the school course of anatomy, you know that in the stomach digestive "juices" are produced, including hydrochloric acid (in very small amounts). Acidic medium is simply necessary for the digestion of many products. However, there are situations when the acid is produced too much, and it begins to "eat away" the walls of the stomach. Excess acid (it is called acidity) can cause a lot of harm to the patient. The most "innocent" manifestation of it is gastritis, but there are also more menacing ones, such as a stomach ulcer. If you do not carry out serious treatment of gastritis, then it can be complicated by ulcers, and it is much more difficult to treat it, sometimes you even have to undergo a surgical operation.

How does a hyperacid gastritis manifest itself?

Let's analyze the symptoms of this insidious disease. First of all, it is characterized by pain in the stomach, it is also called pain in the pit of the stomach. It wears a aching, pulling character and arises more often on an empty stomach. After eating, the pain decreases, but after an hour and a half they appear again - until you again do not eat. What is "heartburn" and where it is taken Often gastritis is accompanied by a burning sensation in the stomach (it is called "heartburn"), and in cases where acid is "thrown" into the esophagus, the burning sensation may be behind the sternum. By the way, pain and burning behind the sternum is also one of the signs of an acute myocardial infarction. Therefore, when these symptoms appear suddenly, against a background of complete health, it is worthwhile to be alert and immediately make a cardiogram. Heartburn can begin after eating black bread, fresh baked goods, smoked or fried foods, halva or sour fruits. Such a diet, if used constantly, leads to frequent exacerbations of the disease. It happens that intensive physical exercises lead to an increase in the production of gastric juice, including hydrochloric acid. In these cases, patients also feel heartburn and pain in the upper abdomen. What other signs of hyperacid gastritis are known to doctors? Doctors often pay attention to such signs of gastritis:

  • White or gray coating on the tongue, while the tongue is often bright red;
  • appetite persists, but there is nausea or vomiting after eating;
  • increased irritability;
  • muscle spasms;
  • sweating.

Symptoms of hyperacid gastritis are diverse,it is possible to reduce peristalsis of the intestine, as a result of which the patient is tormented by constipation. When the doctor asks the patient, it is important that he tells about all the symptoms, so that the doctor has a complete picture of the disease. Of course, further it will be necessary to undergo a survey: to pass blood and urine for analysis, to make a probe to find out the acidity of the gastric juice. This unpleasant, but necessary procedure makes it possible to clarify the picture of the disease, its stage. If the acidity is very high, then it is likely that the gastric mucosa already has ulceration. Symptoms - severe pain and frequent, prolonged heartburn - indicate the possibility of an ulcerative process. In such cases necessarily make FGS (fibrogastroscopy) of the stomach. A flexible long endoscope is injected through the mouth directly into the patient's stomach. The doctor immediately sees all the mucosa, assesses her condition and, in accordance with this, prescribes treatment. Symptoms such as increased irritability, suspiciousness, anxiety are present in most patients with hyperacid gastritis. There is even a stress theory of the onset of this disease. According to this theory, acidity rises in response to stress (remember the student gastritis, which worsened before the session). And only one diet can not cure this disease, sedatives are needed. Gastritis certainly falls into the number of diseases, about which they say that "everything is from the nerves." hyperacid gastritis symptoms

How to treat a hyperacid gastritis

Stress theory is not the only oneexplains the increase in acidity in the stomach. Even in the last century, scientists discovered a bacterium (Helicobacter pylori) and announced that it caused a hyperacid gastritis. After this, patients with gastritis began to be prescribed antibiotic treatment with the addition of usual antacid agents (reducing acidity). After such treatment, the symptoms of gastritis, indeed, are rapidly declining. An appropriate diet is prescribed, treatment is considered complete. But all the cunning of this disease lies in the fact that after a while it can manifest again, and with the same force. Then gastritis is called chronic, the diet is observed for life, and the treatment of seasonal exacerbations is carried out according to the usual pattern. Many patients have studied their illness so well that they know when the aggravation is approaching and they prescribe treatment themselves. Doctors do not advise self-medication, because gastritis gives such complications as an ulcer, and with it jokes are bad. But the patient can not independently determine the ulcer, which threatens with internal bleeding. hyperacid gastritis treatment

What can I do on my own in case of chronic gastritis?

If treatment with medication still shouldappoint a doctor, then such a simple thing as a diet can be observed by the patient independently. The diet of the patient with a hyperacid gastritis is rather strict. It is forbidden to eat fried and smoked foods, fat ones should also be more careful. You can not eat sour fruits and vegetables, fresh white bread. In addition to prohibited foods, a diet with gastritis suggests that you should eat a fraction, often and gradually. You can not tolerate a state of severe hunger, breaks between meals should be 3-4 hours. Here what products it is recommended to eat at such disease:

  • milk soups from cereals and vermicelli, in which you can add non-acidic vegetables (cabbage is prohibited!);
  • low-fat meat;
  • eggs only soft-boiled or in the form of an omelet;
  • steamed cutlets, fish, vegetables;
  • jellies and compotes;
  • milk is recommended to drink at least 3 glasses a day (if there is no problem with its tolerability);
  • very useful butter and vegetable fats.

Observing all the doctor's prescriptions for taking medications and following a diet, gastritis can be controlled, avoiding exacerbations.

