It is generally accepted that a girl's hygiene is much more importantmore complicated process than hygiene of boys. But as practice shows, inexperienced mothers of boys find themselves in a dead end much more often. Especially often difficulties are caused by hygiene of a newborn boy, as well as a baby of the first year of life. It would seem that what could be simpler - washed the baby's genitals with water and soap and that's the end of it. But it was not so! If you want the baby to be well-groomed, grow up healthy and not know problems, it is very important to follow a number of very important rules. This is exactly what you will learn about now.
Hygiene of boys under one year
To begin with, a young mother should clearly understand what exactly she should never do:
- Do not delay the foreskin!
A newborn boy, like an adult,men, the penis is covered with skin - including the head. That's exactly how the skin that covers the head is called the foreskin. The foreskin of an adult man is completely mobile and completely exposes the head. But in boys up to three or four years old, the foreskin practically does not move, since it fits very tightly around the head of the penis. And the main mistake most mothers make is trying to move it back to wash the boy. Or, which is no better, trying to wash under the foreskin with a strong stream of water. So - it is strictly forbidden to do this! You can injure the baby's foreskin or, even worse, provoke a pinched head of the penis. Which is fraught with surgical intervention.
- Do not abuse soap!
Very often, mothers, in the fight for cleanliness, are tooare very zealous and wash their son's penis with soap almost every hour. However, such a love of cleanliness can result in irritation of the foreskin and overdrying of the skin. Therefore, use soap only when really necessary - for example, if the penis is dirty with feces. In other cases, clean water is enough. And, by the way, wet wipes. Changing a diaper? Just wipe the baby's bottom and genitals with wet wipes. Of course, it is necessary to use only those wipes that are specially designed for newborns - they will not contain any fragrances or dyes. This means that the risk of allergic reactions is eliminated.
- Do not apply any creams!
Do not apply to the penis under any circumstances.boy, no creams and especially no powders - treat only the bottom and folds. Otherwise, irritation and even inflammation of the foreskin may begin. Hygiene for boys in the first year of life is no different from the hygiene of a newborn baby.
Hygiene of preschool children and adolescents
The boys' hygiene does not change in essence either.— preschoolers, as well as teenagers, need timely washing and clean underwear. But, of course, there is still some difference. And this difference lies in independence! Starting from about the third year of life, boys need to be taught to wash themselves. If at this age parents do not instill in their sons' minds that hygiene for a boy is an integral part of life, they risk getting teenagers who have no idea about hygiene.
- Frequency of undermining
Once your boy learns to walkpotty, it will be enough to wash it once a day - in the evening, in winter. And in hot weather, it will be enough twice a day. Of course, if there are no "accidents", which at two or three years old are quite common and are a common thing. But for teenagers, washing in the morning is a must, because they are typical of pollution - involuntary ejaculation in a dream. By the way, you need to tell the boy about this phenomenon in a timely manner so that he does not get scared.
- Your help
Of course, at first your son will need yourshelp. And your main task is to teach the child to do it correctly. Until the head of the penis opens, the baby should simply wash the penis with soap. And then, when the foreskin begins to move away without problems, show the child how to wash the head. It is simply necessary to do this to remove the spores accumulating under the foreskin. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing inflammatory processes - especially in adolescents.
Boy's health
The boy's parents should keep a close eye on himthe condition of the son's genitals. Of course, it is much easier with babies - you can't control teenagers so easily. But you can also explain simple truths to a teenager so that he can keep his health under control. And be sure to ask about this from time to time! And remember a simple truth! If your son's penis - and it doesn't matter whether he is a newborn or two or three years old - causes you even the slightest concern, you need to go to the doctor! Has the foreskin turned red or, even worse, swollen? Is the skin or head of the penis swollen? Is urination difficult? Never touch anything with your hands - leave this matter to a specialist - a urologist. And let your young gentleman grow up healthy and happy! And proper hygiene for boys will help him with this. We recommend reading: