"Use our epilator, it removeshairs painlessly! ", "Finally, an epilator has appeared that makes your skin smooth without pain!" - these are the kind of commercials that flash on TV screens every now and then. But any girl who has ever held an epilator in her hands and used it for its intended purpose knows: advertising lies! It doesn't matter what the cunning marketers of famous companies tell their customers, promising instant, easy removal of excess hair on the body - the reality is completely different. In fact, this is a rather painful process that requires time, patience, and courage. And often after using an epilator, skin irritation and ingrown hairs appear. So what should you do, go back to your old razor or other means of removing unwanted hair? Or is it still possible to tame this beast with rotating wheels and learn how to use an epilator correctly? Don't give up: an epilator is far from the worst tool, it has many advantages compared to other methods of removing unwanted hair. Firstly, having bought an epilator once, you can use it at home without resorting to the help of expensive specialists. Secondly, it really gives a good result: hair after treatment does not grow from two to four weeks, and it appears thinner and weaker. Of course, there is a fly in the ointment, and as for using an epilator, there is a whole ladle. And its name is pain. For some it is stronger, for others it is weaker: it all depends on the pain threshold of each. However, as a rule, after several epilation procedures, the painful sensations weaken, many girls easily remove hair in such delicate areas of the skin as bikini and armpits. In order to help you get used to this device and make the procedure as effective as possible, we give some valuable advice on how to use an epilator correctly.
Rules for using the epilator
In order for the rotating wheels to griphairs completely and remove them from the root, the hair length should be about half a centimeter. This is not very convenient for those girls who do not like to "grow" unpleasant vegetation on open areas of the body, but otherwise it is simply impossible to catch a hair. The only consolation for such young ladies can be the thought that they will not touch this harmful machine for almost another month, because hairs really do not grow for a very long time. As a rule, any epilator has at least two speed modes. The slow mode is convenient for beginners: the hairs are pulled out slowly, and there is an opportunity to prepare for pain. For "seasoned" representatives of the fairer sex, accustomed to using the device a long time ago, a higher speed is quite suitable, because, as mentioned above, over time the painful sensations become weaker. But it's not just about endurance: different epilator speeds are suitable for different hair thicknesses. The thinner the hair, the slower the epilator mode should be, otherwise it will not pull it out, but simply break it at the surface of the skin. Try experimenting with different areas of the body, where the extra hairs have different thicknesses. In order to minimize pain, start epilating with thin hairs. This way you will slightly get used to and adjust to the device before moving on to thicker hairs. It will not be superfluous to take a hot bath before epilation - this will open your pores, and it will be much easier to pull out the hair. Just do not lubricate your body with creams and lotions under any circumstances, otherwise the hairs will become slippery, and you will have serious difficulties when using the epilator. Do not press the epilator too hard, hold it at a slight angle and move it against the hair growth. The slower you do this, the more extra hairs you will capture, and the less irritation there will be on the skin. Red dots will appear in any case – this is a sign that the use of the epilator was successful and the hairs were pulled out by the roots. In order to soothe the skin after epilation, use a special lotion. And, of course, try to tune yourself psychologically. Turn on your favorite music, light scented candles, promise yourself to buy something nice after epilation – in a word, you can do everything that will distract you from unpleasant sensations. Do not think about pain – imagine how stunning you will look after the painful procedure.
Epilation of the armpits and in the bikini zone
Treat delicate, sensitive skinarmpits and bikini area are only possible for the most resilient girls or those with a very low pain threshold. But if you decide to do hair removal in these delicate areas, then the following tips will come in handy:
- Unlike the large flat surface of the skin(for example, legs), epilation of the bikini and underarm zones requires a special approach. Do not be afraid to properly pull the skin in order to make the site a little more even and it was more convenient to use the epilator.
- Carefully watch that the hairs are notlong, otherwise the epilator either will not be able to pull them out, or the pain will be unbearable. Moreover, having pulled out some thick long hairs, you can easily injure the skin. Prepare the skin in advance and cut off excess length.
- In order to reduce pain,try to buy a depilator with different attachments. For example, there are nozzles with special mechanical brushes that massage the skin after removing the hairs, extinguishing the feeling of pain. There are nozzles with a reduced number of tweezers, and there is - with a helium "glove", which before use is cooled in the refrigerator. You can buy one of them. Of course, the pain will still remain, but still it will not be so strong.
The problem of ingrown hairs
No matter how effective the epilator is, onethe problem after using it still remains - ingrown hairs. And the most unpleasant thing is that this problem is not only a question of aesthetic appearance, but also of the health of the skin in general. After all, what are ingrown hairs? These are hairs that after epilation have become so thin and weak that they are unable to grow through the upper layer of the epidermis and, bending, develop right under the skin. There is even a medical term for this case - pseudofolliculitis. How to avoid this misfortune and what to do if the hairs have already appeared? Let's first talk about the prevention of ingrown hairs. First of all, it is worth remembering that this problem appears in girls who have not prepared their skin for epilation. After all, in addition to buying an expensive device and the ability to hold it at the right angle, you need to remember the condition of your own skin. It is necessary to exfoliate it regularly, using scrubs and thick washcloths while taking a shower. In order for the hair to overcome the upper layer of the skin surface, the latter must be soft and gentle, which means that you must not forget to use creams suitable for your skin type. Girls who use an epilator have long noticed that the process of hair removal is much easier on smooth, well-groomed skin. Believe me, it is not only the skin of the face that requires care, but the rest of the body too. Do not forget to do this! Many cosmetic stores sell special cosmetics that prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs after epilation. This is a real salvation for all girls who decide to do hair removal at home. Another piece of advice: do not wear synthetic underwear and poor-quality tights, and do the epilation itself before going to bed. Do not put clothes on the places where the hairs were removed. Ideally, it is better to sleep naked this night. If ingrown hairs have already appeared, then our main advice is this: do not use a needle or alcohol to remove them. Pseudofolliculitis is already an inflammatory disease, so do not pick at it with a needle, risking worsening the condition of the skin and introducing an infection there. Let the inflammation pass - the hair will eventually come out, and then you can easily remove it with tweezers. But you should never repeat the epilation for ingrown hairs. We recommend reading: