Walks, romantic evenings, flowers, kisses,vows of eternal love, wedding, plans for the future... A typical beginning for any marriage. When starting a family, neither of the couple thinks about a possible divorce. Each hopes to live a long and happy life together, overcome difficulties, raise children, take care of each other. But cracks in relationships are inevitable, and sometimes, due to the fault of both, a crack becomes an abyss. Time passes, and, looking at the relationship, a person no longer understands what connects them. Feelings, passion, and love have disappeared somewhere. It did not work out to live happily ever after. Things are heading towards divorce.
No one is insured
No, even the mostсчастливая пара. Одни на развод решаются быстро. Сели, поговорили, решили, развелись. Другие годами живут с «чужим» человеком в браке. Стерпится-слюбится, там один соврет, здесь другой промолчит. Вроде женаты, один любит, второй позволяет себя любить и живет своей жизнью. Развестись духа не хватает, жалость, привычка. Развод в конечном итоге неизбежен и в этой ситуации. Дело времени. Итак, муж ушел. Конечно, пережить развод куда труднее,чем расстаться с человеком, к которому женщина испытывала просто влюбленность. Развод — это прежде всего разрушенные планы и надежды, неоправданное доверие к самому близкому человеку. Часто причина — это измена, предательство. Для уверенности в себе это труднейшее испытание. Внутри пустота, в голове множество терзающих вопросов. Развестись или пойти на все, чтобы спасти семью? Если есть ребенок, как минимизировать ущерб для него, вырастить его полноценной, гармоничной личностью? Как наладить незамужний быт после пережитого развода, преодолеть его нелегкие последствия и открыться для новых отношений? Согласно статистике, процент разводов велик, более 58 %. Пережить намного проще тем, кто находит в себе силы сразу же начать новую жизнь, проститься с прошлым, взамен того, что было, принять новое. Если вы не из их числа, что же, тогда вам очень пригодятся несколько советов, как преодолеть депрессивное состояние после пережитого развода, научиться жить и радоваться жизни, снова любить и, что самое главное и нелегкое, научиться снова доверять человеку. Жизнь женщины может быть омрачена и двумя, и тремя разводами, случается разное, нужно преодолеть и это. Освободитесь от негативной энергии Для начала необходим полный выплеск негативных эмоций и энергии. Для восполнения той пустоты, которая появилась в вашей душе после разорванных отношений, ее надо наполнить совсем другой энергией. вы должны позволить части себя «поболеть», поплакать вволю, пережить этот стресс. Другая ваша часть должна получить свободу жить будущим. Пережить развод — это как пережить тяжелую болезнь, только болеет не тело, болеет душа, а вы для нее — первый доктор. Подумайте, что вам подойдет больше всего, чтобы укрепить вашу психоимунную систему, вновь обрести гармонию. Освободиться от негативной энергии вы также можете, выговорившись кому-нибудь. Пусть это будет один человек, который умеет слушать, дать мудрый совет, а пожалеть вас всегда найдется кому. Не стесняйтесь посетить несколько тренингов, например, направленных на развитие личности и повышение самооценки, показывающих, как легче и с меньшими потерями справляться со стрессовыми ситуациями. С поддержкой легче преодолеть любое переживание. Рисуйте, пойте, займитесь любым творчеством, которое принесет вам радость. Слушайте вашу любимую музыку. Не забывайте про свое тело, обязательно исполняйте его потребности. Не переставайте есть, питайтесь правильно, даже когда кусок в горло не лезет. Но и заедать «горе» не нужно, вероятность того, что вам от этого полегчает, близка к нулю. Небольшая зарядка по утрам частично освободит ваши мысли, придаст тонус мышцам, соответственно, вы будете чувствовать себя менее разбитой. Чем вы будете живее, тем скорее придете в норму и станете радоваться жизни. Заставьте себя двигаться, даже если очень не хочется. Помните про общественную жизнь, которая все так же требует вашего участия. Старайтесь общаться с друзьями и родными больше, чем позволяли себе обычно. Займите весь свой досуг, ходите в кино, на выставки, по магазинам, на дискотеки, куда вашей душе угодно. Стремитесь ко всему, что потребует эмоциональной и физической активности. Устройте для себя встряску, это полезно и необходимо. Делайте это чаще. Forgive your ex-partner Resentment -This is a very serious obstacle to personal happiness and spiritual harmony. And only by truly forgiving the person who offended you, you can be happy. Surely in your past life together there were many pleasant moments that united you. Remember them all, this is exactly what you can thank your ex-partner for now. Do not keep resentment, anger and negative memories inside, this can have a very bad effect on your health, both mental and physical. Let go of your ex with calm and kind thoughts, forgive him for all the insults and pain he caused you. All this is now far behind. "Cleanse" yourself, leaving only the good in your memory. It will be easier to forgive the offender if you also understand that everyone can make mistakes, there are no perfect people. Most likely, it is also not easy for him now and he also experiences some kind of mental discomfort. To forgive a person means to show mercy and love even to someone who does not deserve it. It is often very difficult, but having learned to forgive, life will become much easier. Let go of your past When you were married to your loved one, you most likely often dreamed, you had plans for the future. Even if after the breakup it seems to you that having lost your loved one, you have lost your future, remember - this is not so! Many women believe that everything they once dreamed about together, what they aspired to, is now meaningless. And here you are wrong again! Your destiny is now in your hands, it is up to you to decide what to strive for and what to plan. Think about it, you personally probably had some of your own dreams, which were never destined to become a part of your common plans. Maybe because your plans ran counter to the plans of your ex-partner, and your dreams seemed ridiculous to him. Now there is a chance to make these dreams come true. And there is a huge chance for your future, which you need to build without looking back, and without unnecessary regrets and worries. Look to the future with confidence. Direct your thoughts to a wonderful future. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in five years. Try to see yourself the way you want - a happy, successful, strong and beloved woman. Imagine everything down to the smallest detail. This is your ideal life, even if only in your dreams for now. If you think about bad things all day long, constantly feel sorry for yourself and drive yourself into a corner, provoking an irritated and depressive state, this will only attract negative events. Take control of yourself, as soon as you notice bad thoughts in your head, start dreaming about your ideal life. The more often you do this, the more likely it is that everything will come true. Thoughts are material. Believe in yourself, then others will believe in you. Love yourself, then everyone around you will fall in love with you. This simple truth is the best motivation for confident actions that should change a woman's life ruined by divorce. It is with yourself that you need to start all the changes for the better, try for yourself, your beloved self, and fight for your happy future, and not wait for understanding and compassion from others. Do not be afraid to make new mistakes, mistakes are an experience, just like your last marriage. Learn a lesson from divorce, take everything into your own hands. You will succeed.
A new stage in life
It sounds ridiculous, but among men there isa persistent opinion that a woman after a divorce turns into a "hunter", dreaming of quickly finding a new chosen one and marrying him. In fact, it can be very difficult for a woman who has gone through a divorce to build new relationships. After a divorce, there is usually a desire to close off from people, from the outside world. You don’t want to see or hear anyone. A woman becomes extremely sensitive and vulnerable, because the one she trusted the most turned out to be a traitor. Moreover, betrayal does not always mean only cheating. Betrayal is when a loved one has distanced himself, stopped experiencing mutual feelings, stopped appreciating his spouse. When the closest person has betrayed, a woman after a divorce begins to expect a blow from everyone around her. It is better to close off from everyone than to experience a feeling of resentment and disappointment again. Usually, such a period lasts from one to one and a half years. This period passes. The woman blossoms again, rejoices in her reflection in the mirror. Self-esteem returns to normal and there is hope that not all is lost. Once again, you want new meetings, acquaintances and relationships. And this is right, life goes on. New acquaintances can be more successful and happy than those that remained in the past. The past family life, like litmus paper, revealed all the weak and strong sides of the spouses. After a divorce, a woman knows exactly what shortcomings of her future chosen one she will not be able to put up with, what she needs to pay attention to.
How not to repeat mistakes
What is the strategy for finding a new partner?It is up to you to decide whether to take advantage of this to make your future relationship happy. The first option is self-critical - change yourself, and then start looking for a new partner. But you need to know that you cannot change your personality structure globally; you cannot become a completely different person. You can only retouch the general psychological portrait of your personality, while the basic features of your temperament will remain unchanged. Therefore, first of all, you need to change your priorities in your personal life and your attitude towards your partner's personality. The second option is more realistic - do not change anything in yourself, but simply find a person who will accept you as you are, get along with your personality traits and shortcomings. In both cases, finding a new partner after a divorce is like working on your mistakes. In the first case, a woman corrects these mistakes in herself, and in the second, she eliminates the shortcomings of her external environment. A woman who is used to defending her point of view, her independence, will again and again choose spineless and infantile men. Women who are used to being dependent on a man especially need protection and try to find a man with a strong character to build a family, sometimes even a tyrant who turns her life into a maximum security colony. It is quite understandable that after a long time has passed since the divorce, a woman again longs for affection, attention, and care. It is very important to take a close look at your chosen one, and not to rush headlong into it. Remember what specifically repelled you in your relationship with your previous partner, what character traits and behavior patterns are unacceptable to you. Make sure that under the mask of your new life partner there is no copy of the person who brought you so much suffering and through whose fault you experienced a divorce. Starting a new relationship without reviewing all the mistakes of the past is an empty and meaningless undertaking, doomed to the same bitter end. It is necessary to change your life guidelines or slightly revise them, otherwise you will again begin to build a model of a family that previously fell apart.
Explain the beginning of a new relationship child
There is a myth that a woman who is left witha child from a previous marriage, it is almost impossible to get married again. This is nothing more than a myth, there is nothing fatal in divorce, even when there are children. If you have a child, the beginning of a new relationship gives rise to serious worries - you need to explain the appearance of a new person in his life. First, do not let your child find out about the new relationship before it becomes serious. The essence of the problem is that, having met your new partner, the child will most likely become emotionally attached to him, and quite quickly. And if your relationship does not work out, the child can experience all this quite painfully. If the story is repeated several times and becomes quite commonplace, then the child will close in and reject any man who appears in your life.