how to increase your breast at home Girls think that the owners of the fourthor even more so of the fifth size is much easier to live in this world. Magnificent beauties are always in the center of attention, they get the best men, which is very easy to seduce - just unbutton the top button on the shirt. What kind of experiments are not ready to go ladies, just to find the coveted forms. The eating of cabbage and raw dough, mixed with yeast, experiments with mustard and iodine, exercises with dumbbells - this is only a small list of all the bullying that ladies do with themselves. In most cases, all this results in breast cancer, upset stomach, failure of the endocrine system, problems with metabolism.

Can I change the size

To date, there are manyrecipes, how to increase breasts at home. At the same time, the strangest thing is that some of them have no scientific justification. But, no matter how persuaded the representatives of the fair sex doctors refuse such a dangerous venture, all is in vain. Girls continue to torture themselves, thinking that beauty is worth sacrifices, and experts simply do not understand it at all. It should be understood from the beginning that it is possible to change something in your body quickly and radically only through surgical intervention. Increasing the volume of the breast is also no exception. But, unfortunately (or fortunately) not everyone has the opportunity and desire to lie under an acute scalpel. So the beauties try to use any chance, without thinking about the consequences. However, this does not mean that there will be no effect from eating certain fruits and vegetables, as well as from massage. Applying homemade beauty recipes that we inherited from grandmothers and mothers can achieve a slight improvement form or slightly adjust the size, but, unfortunately, nothing more. But for some girls, whose breasts began to sag with age, this is quite enough. how to enlarge the breasts at home

Folk recipes of beauty

Folk medicine is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, all products that can bring you closer to a dream are sold in almost any supermarket. But if everything is so simple and useful, why are thousands of women still turning to plastic surgeons? Although, perhaps, the girls simply do not know about the magic properties of vegetables and fruits. However, in some cases, it's worth the risk. And even if you do not increase the bust yourself, but stock up on vitamins and micronutrients for a year ahead.

  • Cabbage

Since ancient times cabbage has been attributedmagic properties. Her leaves and juice were added to drugs, which helped to treat frustration, constipation, headache, apathy, bad mood, vision problems and the like. In Russia, this vegetable was stewed in a cauldron, sour, from it brewed cabbage soup and made vareniki. It was believed that you can not find any more useful and tasty dishes. Over time, people began to say that this useful product also affects the size of the breast. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that our girls in those days were particularly beautiful and graceful forms. They also ate cabbage from childhood. Unfortunately, these days doctors say that all this is fiction. And no matter how much you eat this vegetable, nothing will happen to your bust. Maximum - you clean the intestines and throw a couple of pounds in the abdomen. To explain why such a belief has arisen is very simple. Did you pay attention to the fact that a thin waist visually increases the chest? Perhaps, because of these metamorphoses beauties begin to feel that this recipe is paying off.

  • Black tea

Usually modern girls drink every morninga cup of coffee on an empty stomach, then complain that they always want to sleep. To cheer up and recharge your energy for the whole day, a strong Ceylon black tea with milk is enough. At the same time, you will not feel as if you are agitated and aggressive, like after caffeine. But, unfortunately, this is all that this useful drink is capable of. It does not affect the increase in the volume of the breast.

  • Beans

As for peas, beans and beans, then suchproducts will allow you to increase your breast yourself in just six months or a year. But be prepared for the fact that your waist, hips, legs, hands and cheeks will also recover. To quickly not gain excess weight, it is recommended that you additionally engage in sports and independently monitor your own volumes. Do not lean on beans, excluding from the diet all other vegetables, fruits and meat dishes, otherwise you can spoil your stomach. It is enough to consume them two or three times a week as a side dish or main dish to make your breasts grow like leaps and bounds.

  • Nuts with honey

Walnuts with home-made honeynot only useful, but also incredibly tasty. Using every morning just one teaspoon of this wonderful potion, you completely forget about what a cold, migraine, irritation, headache, sore throat and such troubles. Your bust is also very quickly transformed: the skin will become more elastic, soft and smooth, and the chest will tighten and become more rounded. Of course, you should not expect that you will sharply become the owner of the fourth or fifth size. But the result will pleasantly surprise you. However, in order that after two or three days you are not horrified by the appearance of a rash on the face and body, test this remedy in advance. You can drink a couple of spoons of honey with green tea to see how your body will react to it. After all, despite its useful properties, it is still quite a powerful allergen.

  • Raw dough

In fact, it is not known who suggested such a"A wonderful" way, but it is clear right away that this man very much hated all the fair sex. But if you still want to earn a turn in the bowels or frustration, you can try to enlarge your breasts at home using a normal raw dough. Washing stomach in the next two days you will be accurately provided. Preliminary it is recommended to make an appointment with a doctor, so that he tells about the negative consequences that wait for such risky girls.

  • Bread crusts

If you want to get well, startuse white bread, and even better - bread crusts. Unfortunately, bakery products very badly affect the figure as a whole, but in fact it is not necessary to eat the whole loaf at a time. One piece can be eaten for breakfast along with sausage and cheese, a couple more to leave for lunch to the borsch and for dinner to the porridge. If you are more worried about your waist, you will have to choose - either cherished lush forms, or diet. Remember once and for all, when the girl grows thin, the hated pounds at first leave the bust and cheeks, when it gets better - the fat appears on the abdomen and hips.

  • Beer

The fact that beer increases the bust can be judged,looking at the magnificent shapes of German women, whom the artists in the Middle Ages depicted on canvases. Therefore, if you want to increase the chest a little, drink a couple of glasses of this life-giving drink a week. If you drink alcohol within reasonable limits, alcoholism and its consequences (headache, nausea, etc.) will not be terrible. But you will improve blood circulation and normalize your appetite. But remember that not all drinks are equally useful. It is better to buy those that are prepared as a result of the fermentation of malt wort and hops. However, to find a natural product in which there will be no various additives that affect the amount of foam, the color of the liquid, taste, is impossible in our time. If you read the composition on any inexpensive bottle, you can come in horror - there is almost the entire table of Mendeleyev. For example, manufacturers often add Cobalt, so that a thick, high and beautiful foam in your glass lasted as long as possible. In small quantities it is safe, but the excess of this substance leads to problems with the kidneys. Do not forget about fusel oils, which appear as a result of chemical fermentation. Proceeding from the above pluses and minuses, the conclusion suggests that beer is not so useful, especially if it was manufactured using modern technologies. Therefore, lovers of low-alcohol beverages should be more careful about how much they consume liters in one day. Especially if they plan to soon become moms.

  • Rice porrige

To eat rice without salt and additives is recommended to those,who wants to buy lush forms, get rid of excess weight and joint pain. It has wonderful properties - grains absorb salt, so that the fluid from the body goes much faster. But do not take too seriously the advice, which says that there is a mess to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, without adding even oil or milk. Thanks to such a diet, you can earn constipation. Another way to increase your breasts at home is by wrapping rice. After the procedure, rinse the skin with plenty of water and apply a nourishing cream. Please do not put hot, freshly welded grains on the skin, because the thermal effect on the breasts is dangerous for your health. If you regularly resort to this method, visit a gynecologist every two months and once a half a year - a mammologist.

  • Fatty food

Salo, fried potatoes and a sea of ​​mayonnaise - all thisyou dream in a terrible dream, and on awakening you recalculate the calories that you used for the day? If you want to quickly recover in the chest, forget for a while about dietary salads, black bread and water without gas. Long live harmful and fatty food. But this does not mean that you need to run as fast as possible to the nearest cafe where fast food is sold, and start tons to absorb pizza, pies and hot dogs. Just try to diversify your menu. Add there products containing glucose, nucleic acids and proteins. breast augmentation at home

Massage for breast augmentation

To improve the condition of the skin and make it moreelastic, the fair sex is recommended once or twice a week to resort to an easy relaxing bust massage. It can be done on a dry, after shower or using special oils and creams.

  • Hydromassage

Bathe in the bathroom, turn on the head on the middlepower and direct the nebulizer to the chest. Circular movements outline the contour of the bust until the skin slightly glows. You can massage the area around the nipples a little. Make sure that the water is not too hot or too cold, so as not to catch inflammation and not catch cold. Hydromassage will help to bring muscles into tone and accelerate the renewal of cells, while after water procedures you will feel much better and younger. However, always consult a doctor beforehand and visit a mammologist. Remember, you can work on the breast only if you do not have pathologies or serious illnesses. Otherwise, if a girl has a small benign tumor, her condition can only worsen.

  • Corrective massage

After shower carefully wipe the skin with soft terrytowel and apply a small amount of cream. It can be like a normal baby or chamomile, and specially purchased in a pharmacy for breast augmentation. To rub it is necessary in circular movements, slightly pressing on a bust. Pay special attention to the décolleté zone, as in time, ugly wrinkles and stretch marks appear on this part of the body. After three to four minutes, you can remove the remnants of the cream and put on comfortable underwear so that the breast does not sag under the weight and does not pull the skin. By the way, you need to wear a bra constantly, even if you only have the first size. Otherwise to forty-fifty years your beautiful forms will lose elasticity. Plus, it will help you visually to make this part of the body bigger. The selection of augmenting underwear should be treated with special care, since pull-up, nylon or bra straps are very harmful to health. Push-up or rather popular model "Angelica" is better to wear no more than twice a month. Silicone, which are adhered to the skin by the sticky side, can be worn only on holidays. After removal, it is necessary to rinse the body with a copious amount of water to remove the residues.

Tablets, ointments and dietary supplements

At home, you can quickly increase the bustfor a couple of centimeters, if you start to drink special pills or apply creams. A huge disadvantage in this case is that once you stop using magic pills, the mammary glands will take the same shape as before. It's worth all this is not cheap, so you should think twice about whether you need to resort to such radical methods. Some experts are alarmed by such an immediate positive effect. Nobody can guarantee that these drugs act locally, without affecting other organs. It is also very difficult to predict how the female body will lead when it receives a significant portion of estrogen. As for dietary supplements (biologically active additives), there is nothing to say here. In our time it is rather difficult to find a good medic, who would normally treat this product. Phytoestrogens in large quantities can cause side effects: apathy, nausea, lethargy, allergic reaction, insomnia, irritation. But you can hardly achieve breast enlargement at home using this miracle remedy.

To increase or not - that is the question

In some foreign clinics, plasticsurgeons recommend that their patients first visit a psychologist to find out if a girl really needs to resort to their services. In our country, unfortunately, this practice is not yet, so only a few will start to dissuade the beautiful woman with ideal forms. In any case, it is recommended to consult a specialist before risking and resorting to folk methods or surgical intervention. Sometimes people who are unsure of themselves aspire to change something in themselves and consider that the fifth breast size will help them to get the desired position or attract more fans. Such a fair sex is better to visit a specialist who will help them feel themselves most charming, attractive and special. We advise you to read:

