how to quit on one's own will In life, something is constantly changing - so toothe world is arranged. People are born, go to universities, get a job, leave, marry, give birth to children, get divorced and move from place to place, doing it all on their own. The desire for change is in the blood of a person, and especially this can manifest itself in the professional sphere. It's much easier if the decision about your dismissal is taken by the bosses - you just obey him and are looking for a new job. Of course, there are a lot of negative emotions, but responsibility is zero. But how to decorate everything, if you decided to quit on your own?

Analysis of the reasons

So, you have such thoughts. But before disrupting the authorities by their decision to resign at their own will, first understand the reasons that caused it. First, it is necessary to understand what kind of job you should look for next. And, secondly, only so you can understand what is the best way to part with the current place of work. In addition, you will have the opportunity to understand that the problem is not at all what you are doing now, but in you, and changing the position and the company will not solve anything. So, let's try to figure it out. Low wages Most people call this reason for dismissal at their own volition from their previous job, although in reality the real percentage of those who are dissatisfied with wages is much lower. But we're not talking about that now. Before writing a statement of care, think about why you are paid so little money. It is possible that the matter really is in the general level of salaries in the company, which turned out to be much lower than the average market. But often it happens that they pay little to an employee who does not work well. And in this case, first you need to look for a speck in your eye - maybe you have long been fulfilling your duties through your sleeves? Or do you lack special knowledge and skills? It is necessary to determine the answers to these questions. Job offer On the one hand, your desire to leave the previous place is understandable - a good position in our (and any other) time is not lying on the road. On the other hand, there is no limit to perfection: there will always be some work that will be better than this. And if you change it too often, sooner or later (sooner rather than later) it will alert staff managers. Therefore, before you leave on your own to a new place, soberly evaluate all the pros and cons of the future position, as well as the reasons for which you want to do it. Conflicts with the authorities Very few people have relations with the leadership such that the mosquito of the nose does not undermine. More often it is the other way around: the employee seems to think that the bosses require him to perform a lot of inappropriate job descriptions and reward duties. In this case, you need to analyze whether you have any problems in order to obey and execute orders from other people. It is possible that you react aggressively to the requirements themselves, although in fact they are absolutely justified. In this regard, it is very useful to talk with someone who is on the opposite side, for example, with a person who occupies a similar leadership position. We assure you, you will be surprised by the aspects of relations that have opened before you. And dismissal at will will cease to be a tempting prospect and a way to get away from real problems. The climate in the work collective Sometimes the relationship does not develop not only with the bosses, but also with all colleagues around you. Everyone quarrels with each other, gossiping and trying to substitute their neighbor. Of course, some part of the responsibility in this case lies on the management of the organization, whose policies determine the organizational culture of the company. But communication is realized by the employees themselves! And if you can not get along with any colleague, it's possible that something is wrong in your behavior. Well, if the situation began to heat up not so long ago, and this is due to some managerial decisions and working moments that you can not influence, then dismissal on your own can very well be an adequate way out of the situation. Although a trap can also be hidden here in the form of low stress resistance and the inability to adapt to complex changing conditions. The content of the work You began to realize that what you are doing no longer gives you satisfaction. More and more often boredom and irritation become your usual companions during the working day. Perhaps this post was never interesting for you, and you perceived it as a staging post between idleness and the work of your dream. And then the desire to quit on one's own will only mean that it's time to look for a really interesting lesson. But it may also be that the interest in the work disappeared at some particular point. And then you just need to find out the reasons for what happened. You could simply "grow" from this post and want more, that in this company you are not ready to give (but this must be clarified with the authorities). Another option is when you are simply tired of stability: if in your professional sphere there is a calm, you become bored. There can be two outlets here. The first is to look for a position where you will be like a volcano, but this is only if you have high resistance to stress and flexibility. Well, the second - to understand why you quickly become bored with monotony and stability, which makes you gravitate to a change in the situation.

Quit with the mind!

So, you already understood that the decision to dismissYour own desire should be taken with a sober head, weighing all the pros and cons of this action. But if you continue to stand firm on your own and know why you need it, then it's time for a conversation with the boss. How to do it right? First, wait until you are left alone with the boss. It is important that your conversation is not attended by outsiders, as it can greatly affect its atmosphere and the reaction of the chief. Try to be as tactful as possible, even if the former relationship between you is far from ideal. You should not have the kind of "hurray, I'm finally dumping out of this den!". Try to convey to the boss the reasons why you leave the company. If they are really strong and objective, there is a high probability that he will understand you and, probably, even rejoice for you. At the same time, a recent increase in cases where management tends not to release a truly valuable employees and are willing to compromise, which would negate the causes which impel you to leave of their own accord. In the course of the conversation, focus on the positive aspects that you have gained through working with this company and with specific people. If the boss is really interested in honest feedback, then you can explain to him the reasons for his departure, but, again, in a tactful manner. Do not swear, and goodbye to water all the dirt: each of you, on the whole, will feel bad because of the conflict, and there will be no benefit from this. how to quit on one's own will

What to do?

Let's talk about the organizational and legal aspectsdismissal at will. First of all, you will need to write an application addressed to the director of the company with the date of its registration and the date of the last business day. You can transfer it to the HR department or your line manager. If this causes problems for some reason, then you print out your application for resignation at your own request in two copies and transfer one of them to the authorities through the receptionist and the secretary, with the obligatory signature of the latter on both papers. Or you can just send the document by registered mail with a notification. After that, the very two weeks that you have to work out and during which the authorities must find a replacement come to you. You can be asked for help in this matter, and it will be right if you do not refuse. In the end, to look for a replacement is not difficult and quite decently. But if you are working part-time or on other conditions specified in Article 292 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the period of work is reduced to three days. After two weeks you will need to go to the personnel department and get all the necessary documents from them, as well as the calculation. You must give it on the day of dismissal. By the way, if something goes wrong in the process of leaving your work, then you have every right to complain to the labor inspectorate, because now you have nothing to fear from the former company.

Working off

Time has gone, and here you have to work out twoweeks in the company, all employees of which are aware of your decision to resign at will. Remember that you may often need a recommendation of former colleagues in the shop, so treat your duties in good faith. It is not necessary to allow delays and errors during this period. At the same time, we must not forget that your days are numbered in this place. Accordingly, you should work with the idea that you will have to hand over to someone all your business. Try to make it so that the new employee can easily understand all your projects, contacts and working environment. If the changer is already there during your work, meet him and enter it into the course. how to properly quit your own free will

Searches for a new job

Surely you have a ripe question, when it costsstart looking for a new job? Of course, if you quit on your own because of some interesting proposal, then it is not worth it. But what is the right thing to do if your care is related to other reasons? We will tell you about this. In general, it would be nice to have something in mind before you talk to the boss - this is an ideal option. In this case, you have enough strong insurance in case the boss agrees with you, and no obligations, if suddenly he decides to meet you and offer the best conditions for work (yes, that too happens!). But it may be that the conversation has already taken place, and no ideas yet. So, it's time to think about interesting vacancies. A two-week work-off is a suitable time for this. First of all, report that you are in search, to your friends and acquaintances - there is some probability that one of them is looking for a worthy employee or colleague. Remember, we suggested that you analyze the reasons for your dismissal? It's time to use this information. On its basis, make a list of wishes related to the new job: content, growth prospects, company size, salary level, working conditions, corporate culture, brand awareness, compensation bonuses - try to think through all the details. It is not necessary to find a place that will fully meet all expectations. However, it is possible that in the process of compiling a list and ranking its items, you will receive inspiration as to where you want to work. We do not accidentally pay so much attention to this, because it often happens that after the dismissal a person does not know what he wants to do and where to go. Do not forget to evaluate each item of the list by its importance, for example, on a ten-point scale. But at least five positions should be "iron" - that is, you will not consider vacancies that do not meet these requirements. Where can I find job offers? Everywhere! And it's not a joke. In reality, you can find the work of your dream, by the edge of your ear after overhearing a conversation in the subway. Or go into some organization and find that everything is "there" because of the absence of any employee. Therefore, you should be careful all the time. The most standard and effective is finding work through ads on the Internet. If you want to find a vacancy in a large company, then look for it on well-known and advertised websites - the publication of the offer there is worth the money, and it sifts out representatives of small businesses. If you are interested in working in a small organization, then use local forums, social networks and modest sites. Those wishing to work in the civil service, we would recommend contacting the organizations themselves, since ads about them are usually not published anywhere, or to the employment service. However, recently on the websites of such services are quietly posted announcements of vacancies. In general, the most reliable way to find such a job is through only acquaintances. Having found some interesting vacancies, you should prepare for the interview. First, you should carefully think over the answer to the question about the reasons for your dismissal. It should not be associated with conflicts or material problems. It is more correct to tell the recruiter about what you gave and received from the previous work everything that was possible, and now you are looking for where you could fully discover your potential. Or explain that you want to change the scope of activities, because the former position was not interesting to you. Be sure to determine the minimum wage bar below which you will not "fall." You should only go for interviews about those vacancies that you are really interested in. If you offer something that you do not exactly do - better refuse immediately, so as not to waste either your own or someone else's time. And, of course, in the course of a conversation, find out all the details of the future work in order to rid yourself of unpleasant surprises: a complete list of functional duties, the name of the manager, the nature of reporting, conditions, etc. ... It is very important not only to look for work properly, but also to quit it. If you know how to do this, then, most likely, your professional growth will not keep you waiting. Of course, we must not forget that dismissal is always a huge stress for a person, no matter how it happens. But the ability to minimize its consequences is good for your strength. We advise you to read:

