how to deal with acneMy light, mirror, tell me... And mirrorreplies with a silent reproach. And it is not surprising if your skin is "decorated" with pimples. There is an opinion that pimples are the lot of the younger generation. However, millions of adults who suffer from pimples will object. In fact, almost no one is immune from the appearance of this misfortune. Therefore, it is so important to know how to fight pimples and acne. Of course, if you care about your appearance. And, by the way, health - after all, as you know, the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the skin is a mirror of the body. And in some cases, the appearance of pimples can indicate health problems.

Causes of Acne

Before you start fighting acne,it is necessary to find out the reason for their occurrence and, of course, eliminate them. Otherwise, all your actions will be like fighting windmills. So, most often acne appears in the following cases:

  • Hormonal disorders

Of course, no one will dispute the fact,that acne and pimples most often appear in teenagers. Do you know why this happens? Because it is during adolescence that a powerful hormonal restructuring occurs in the child's body. By the way, it is for this same reason that acne can very often appear in expectant mothers, whose body is also subject to hormonal changes. In addition, skin problems can also arise with any hormonal imbalance. Therefore, it is so important to see a doctor who will check the state of your hormonal background. This can help to recognize certain health problems in time and identify a possible disease at its very beginning.

  • Lack of proper skin care

Very often the cause of acne and pimplesis a banal lack of proper skin care. Very often, simple washing is not enough, especially if the skin itself is oily. The most reasonable option would be a visit to a professional cosmetologist who will assess the condition of your skin and help you choose the optimal skin care program that will prevent acne.

  • Improper diet

In third place is the wrong oneNutrition! Have you decided to treat yourself to a piece of cake with a cup of coffee? Well, you have to pay for everything. And the price for such a pleasure can be not only extra pounds, but also acne. Flour, fatty, fried, alcohol, coffee - all these products can provoke the appearance of acne. Therefore, first of all, review your to deal with acne

Treatment with specialists

If there are a lot of pimples, do it yourselfit will be very, very difficult to fight them. Therefore, in such a case, it is best to seek help from specialists. First, visit a doctor to rule out possible health problems. If these problems are confirmed, the doctor will select the necessary treatment. After that, go to a dermatologist or cosmetologist. The doctor will assess the scale of the disaster and develop an individual program to combat pimples and acne. This program includes deep facial cleansing, treatment of skin inflammation and other procedures.

Home Remedies for Acne

If there aren't too many pimples, you cantry to get rid of them using home recipes. In principle, all of them are completely safe if you do not have an allergic reaction to one or another component. But it is still worth consulting with a doctor - a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

  • Cleansing the skin

Buy a 1% salicylic acid solution from a pharmacy.acids. This acid is valuable because it has a powerful antibacterial effect and dries out rashes. This acid is very easy to use - just wet a cotton pad twice a day and wipe the problem areas thoroughly. Please note! If the skin on your face is combination, its dry areas may begin to peel. In this case, the solution must be diluted with clean boiled water in a 1 to 1 ratio.

  • Elimination of skin inflammation

In addition to cleansing, it is very important to remove everythinginflammatory processes on the skin. For these purposes, you can use lotions from a decoction of chamomile, which is very effective in eliminating any inflammation. Chamomile decoction is very easy to prepare - place five tablespoons of inflorescences of pharmacy chamomile in a medium-sized enamel pan - you can use both dried and fresh. After that, pour in half a liter of water, bring to a boil and reduce the heat. Boil until half the volume of water evaporates. Turn off the heat, cover with a lid and leave for about an hour. Then you will need a gauze napkin to strain the decoction and a glass container with a lid to store it. Once a day, preferably before going to bed, you need to thoroughly steam your face over a hot bath with soda. After that, soak gauze in a cool chamomile decoction and apply to problem areas of the skin for 20 minutes. The effect will be noticeable on the third day, but the treatment can be continued for as long as you need. To enhance the effect, you can prepare a little more chamomile decoction. Freeze it in molds and do not forget to take out a chamomile ice cube in the morning. Wipe your face and neck with it. Firstly, you will relieve inflammation on the skin, secondly, you will prevent the appearance of new rashes, and a pleasant bonus - your facial skin will become elastic and toned!

  • Masks for problem skin

In order to consolidate the result, cosmetologistsIt is recommended to use special medical masks. For example, a mask made of cosmetic clay, which is sold in almost any pharmacy. To prepare the mask, you need to dilute the clay powder with ordinary boiled water - you should get a creamy mass. Apply it to your face in a thick layer and leave until the clay is completely dry. Then rinse thoroughly with plenty of running water - first warm, then cool. Such masks should be done at least three times a week. Grind several aloe branches to a pulp, mix them in equal proportions and leave for about a day in a cool place, avoiding direct sunlight. Apply the finished mask to your face in a thin layer, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with plenty of cool water. These masks should be done every other day for a month. Those who have tried this remedy on themselves claim that there is no better remedy for fighting acne yet. But do not forget that honey can cause an allergic reaction even if you previously tolerated honey completely calmly. Therefore, before the first use, it is still worth doing a kind of allergy test. Apply a small drop of the finished mask behind the ear and on the wrist, rub it lightly into the skin and leave for 30 minutes. If there are no signs of allergy on the skin - redness, irritation or rashes, and the person himself does not experience unpleasant sensations, you can safely do this mask. Sometimes people complain: we fight - we fight acne, but it constantly returns. Why does this happen? It's very simple! It is not enough to know how to fight acne. You need to remember that no cosmetic procedure will be effective enough if a person does not normalize his lifestyle and does not reconsider his diet. We advise you to read:

