Actual problem that worries the majoritywomen, - how to prevent an unwanted pregnancy and not cause irreparable harm to the body. In our time, pharmacology provides us with broad methods of contraception. Oral contraceptives of the new generation can easily solve this problem. One of such effective remedies are contraceptive pills, the correct reception of which, according to researchers, protects against unwanted pregnancy in 98 cases out of 100, which automatically defines them as reliable methods of protection. But before you figure out how the contraceptive pills work on the female body, what are the advantages and disadvantages, how to choose and how to take them correctly, it is worth to find out what they are.
Birth control pills
Contraceptive pills are oralContraceptives related to hormonal drugs, the direct purpose of which is to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The contraceptive pill contains a combination of female sex hormones, the long-term effect of which changes the work of the ovaries. If we talk about combined contraceptive pills, it is understood that they include several hormones. And there is. The basis of this type of contraceptives are two hormones: progestin and estrogen. Progestin can be called a derivative of progesterone - a male hormone in the female body. Estrogen, on the contrary, is exclusively a female hormone produced by the body or, more precisely, by the ovaries from the moment of puberty and until the onset of menopause. In the female body, ovulation is accompanied by the release of the maximum level of tarragon, and the contraceptive regulates its level, thereby preventing ovulation. There are two main types of hormonal contraceptives, the choice of each of which is primarily determined by the principle of their action, given the age of the woman, the presence of births or the propensity to different hormonal disorders.
- Combined birth control pills.Tablets that contain a synthetic analogue of female hormones are called COCs (combined oral contraceptives). According to the principle of action, they are monophasic; not changing the level of hormonal substances throughout the entire reception, and three-phase, when the combination of hormones changes during the menstrual cycle. Both these and others can be classified into several groups depending on the parameters of the female body:
- The gestational birth control pills or«Mini-drank». This type includes mini-pills that do not contain the hormone estrogen, they contain only progestin. Suitable for those women who for some reason can not take estrogen or for those who are breastfeeding.
The principle of modern contraceptives
As a rule, contraceptivesinhibit ovulation, as a result of which the egg does not fertilize. In addition, they have an effect on the mucous membrane of the uterus, that is, thicken the mucus in the uterine canal and make it impossible even the penetration of spermatozoa into the fallopian tube. In addition, the mucous membrane of the uterus thinens, which is why even with the penetration of the spermatozoon, the embryo is unable to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity.
Pros and Cons of Birth Control Pills
Fear of hormonal contraceptives andanxiety for their own organism is understandable and justified, but modern contraceptive pills have virtually no side effects, but they have a number of positive effects on the female body. In any case, before taking oral contra-cents, you should undergo a gynecological examination and consult your doctor-gynecologist who will tell you how to take birth control pills correctly. A clear advantage of using hormonal contraceptives is to improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair. In addition, as recent studies have confirmed, taking oral contraceptives reduces the risk of cancer of the ovaries and cervix. Widely used such tablets for the treatment of various hormonal disorders and malfunctions of the menstrual cycle. A positive effect on taking oral contraceptives in women during menstruation can be considered a significant decrease in the amount of blood lost and a reduction in painful sensations. The main advantages of hormonal tablets can be attributed to the fact that their principle and contraceptive effect does not violate the genital function of the female body, which is completely restored a few months after the end of admission. Speaking about the merits of birth control pills, we should mention some side effects of this method of contraception. Despite the fact that most of these drugs are prescribed by a gynecologist individually, it is very difficult to assume the tolerability of each individual organism of a drug. It's no secret that an additional dose of hormones can lead to undesirable effects and changes in the body. For example, the occurrence of acne or weight gain can be considered a frequent problem. Many developed a stereotype that later from the hormonal tablets grow stout. Previously, similar hormonal tablets, in comparison with modern, contained a much higher concentration of hormones, which often led to weight gain, but now this problem is reduced to a minimum. Therefore, do not panic immediately after you have noticed a couple of extra pounds, perhaps you should just balance the food during taking hormonal medications or change your habitual way of life a little, because during the adaptation the body behaves like during pregnancy. Changing the hormonal background with insufficient physical activity can lead to a significant increase in body weight, in such cases it is better to consult a doctor and correct the drug intake or replace it with another. The intake of oral contraceptives at the initial stage can also have such consequences as frequent headaches, pressure changes, nausea, or vomiting. If these symptoms are manifested, do not expect that eventually everything will change for the better, most likely, you have an individual intolerance to the drug, so you should contact your doctor and change the hormonal contraceptive. The disadvantages of hormonal contraceptives include the fact that, in comparison with a condom, they do not guarantee protection against various kinds of infections. That is why oral contraceptives are perfect only for those women who have sex with a single partner, in all other cases it is better to use classical methods of protection from unplanned pregnancy. A side effect of oral contraceptives may occur as a discharge or bleeding. If, during taking birth control pills, you notice the occurrence of secretions more than usual, first determine if they are causing you inconvenience, whether it is accompanied by an unpleasant itch or have a specific smell. The presence of such symptoms often indicates the presence of fungal disease, so you should consult your doctor. Contraceptive pills often create a favorable environment for the development of bacteria, which can be attributed to another negative of such drugs. In addition, you should immediately consult a doctor if you have bleeding due to taking birth control pills. It is worth highlighting two types of bleeding: smearing bleeding and copious. Spotting bleeding in the first months of taking contraceptives may simply be a consequence of the restructuring of the body, but in case of heavy bleeding, stop taking the drug and immediately consult a doctor. This kind of bleeding can be caused by ectopic pregnancy or inflammatory diseases.
How to choose a contraceptive pill
To choose the right hormonalContraceptives among a wide variety of such, can not do without professional advice from a doctor. This will be the most correct and reasonable option for choosing this group of medicines. In this matter, you do not need to listen to the recommendations of your friends, since what is ideal for one organism can harm another. Do not forget that oral contraceptive is also a kind of medicine and you need to take into account some features of the organism for its reception. Before you start properly, you should do all the necessary tests for this:
In addition to the general condition of the body in the appointmentthe doctor is guided by the age category of the woman, weight and sugar level. If, after all necessary examinations, your condition is satisfactory, it is worth paying attention to some factors that may reduce the positive effects of such drugs. Such factors include:
And remember that the unauthorized choice of certain medications, especially when it comes to hormonal drugs, can often subsequently lead to undesirable or even irreparable results.
Reception of oral contraceptives
In order to obtain the desired result fromcontraceptive pills, you must follow certain rules and recommendations. In addition to the question of how to properly take oral contraceptives, there are often questions: when to start drinking hormone pills and how long you can continue to drink them without harming the body. So, how do you start to drink birth control pills? The intake of hormonal contraceptives is correctly performed according to a strictly indicated scheme, the violation of which is undesirable, as this can lead to an unplanned pregnancy or disrupt your menstrual cycle. Receipt of birth control pills must be done daily and preferably at the same time. It is best to do this in the evening before going to bed, then it will be easier for you not to forget about the reception. Before you start taking it, you should also make sure that you are not pregnant, so start drinking oral contraceptives on the first day of menstruation. The contraceptive pills do not start immediately, therefore, in order to avoid an unplanned pregnancy, in the first weeks of admission, use additional methods of contraception. As a rule, hormonal contraceptives are taken during 21 days of each menstrual cycle, after which a break is made for 7 days, when menstrual flow begins. If you forget to take a pill on time, then do it as soon as possible, then drink the tablets according to the indicated scheme. If the contraceptive pills were interrupted for a time of more than 12 hours, it would be correct to use additional contraception. Regarding the duration of taking oral contraceptives, many women think that if they are taken for a long time, they can have a negative impact on both the reproductive function and development of the fetus and on lactation after childbirth. The abolition of birth control pills, of course, is different for everyone, but in general the period of restructuring of the body is from 6 to 12 months. However, it is not uncommon for women to become pregnant in the first months after the drug was discontinued. Like all medications, oral contraceptives are excreted from the body for 36 hours, which is why it is not recommended to interrupt reception for longer than 12 hours. Beginning to take birth control pills, women should first of all observe the main rule - at least once a year undergo a full gynecological examination.
Taking birth control pills after giving birth
Reception of oral contraceptives aftergenera has some features that must be taken into account. If you have recently had childbirth, then to avoid the side effect of taking contraceptives should start, waiting for 3-4 weeks. It will be right. This need is due primarily to the fact that after the birth, the first few weeks have a high risk of blood clots, and the hormone estrogen contained in oral contraceptives can subsequently contribute to this. When breastfeeding after delivery, to avoid side effects of birth control pills, such as reducing lactation, only progestational drugs are prescribed. Further, after cessation of lactation, it is possible to proceed to receive combined oral contraceptives. But if after giving birth you do not breastfeed, ovulation may occur, therefore it is better to be safe with other methods of contraception to avoid an undesirable effect. In any case, for some time after birth, it is right to take microdosed medications with low levels of hormones, which will significantly reduce the risks of side effects.