You've probably heard about this in hairdressing salonsservice as a haircut with hot scissors. This procedure appeared in Egypt during the reign of Cleopatra. At that time, hair cutting with hot scissors was very different from the modern service, since they had no idea about electricity. The ruler's slaves then simply heated the hair cutting tool over a fire, and then the hairdresser did her haircut. Many centuries later, an entrepreneur from Switzerland learned about this type of haircut, who decided to revive this procedure in modern hairdressers. Of course, hair cutting with hot scissors in its current form did not exist during the reign of Cleopatra. Now haircuts are performed with special electronic devices. Outwardly, they look like ordinary scissors, but the metal in them is sealed under plastic. A mini-computer monitors the temperature regime, which sets the appropriate temperature for the hair type and maintains it at one level throughout the haircut. There are two types of such devices: mobile and stationary. In our article, you will be able to find out whether a hot scissors haircut is useful or not, how this procedure is done, and whether it helps to get rid of some hair problems. Read on to find out all about it.
What is the essence of cutting with hot scissors?
Has hair cutting with hot scissors reviewsmillion women, and most of these reviews are positive. So what is the essence of this procedure? To understand this issue, you must first consider the structure of the hair and the dependence of the health of the hair on the condition of its ends. In its structure, hair is a thick rod, its walls are covered with many microscopic scales. If the hair is healthy, then all the scales fit very tightly to each other, so the hair shines. But such procedures as washing hair with soap, drying with a hair dryer, using curling irons, straightening tongs, hair dyes, mousses, gels, and so on, affect the structure of the hair in a not very good way. The result of such a negative impact on the hair is that the scales on the hairs move away from each other and the hair can only be compared to a brush. Naturally, the shine of the hair in this case disappears, they become dull and split. In addition, very often you have to deal with such a problem as split ends when you grow your hair for a long time. And in order to restore the external beauty of the hair, you have to cut off quite a large part of the hair, as a result of which hair growth is delayed for a very long time. Haircuts with regular scissors, of course, also help improve the condition of the hair, but the effect of such a haircut is much less long-lasting. This is due to the fact that regular scissors leave an "open" cut of the hair, as a result of which the hair scales quickly split and the hair is much more strongly affected by negative factors. Result: hair very quickly loses its healthy appearance. So what does a haircut with hot scissors give? This procedure allows you to solve the problem of split ends for a long time, since during a haircut with hot scissors, the scales on the ends of the hair are fused, due to which moisture and nutrients remain inside the hairs. After several procedures, the hair structure is completely restored and healthy shine, elasticity and smoothness return to the hair. How do you do a haircut with hot scissors? Technically, a thermal haircut looks like this. During a regular haircut, the hairdresser takes strands of hair and cuts them, but during a thermal haircut, the master takes the smallest strands, twists them into bundles and then ruffles these bundles. Such ruffling leads to the fact that all the split ends of the hair begin to stick out, due to which they can be easily cut off, which is what the hairdresser does in this case. In general, a haircut with hot scissors has mostly positive reviews. Women who have undergone this procedure claim that their hair not only looks healthier, but also grows faster, and the haircut retains its shape much longer. Therefore, a haircut with hot scissors, the benefits of which are undeniable, can be recommended to everyone without exception.
Pros and cons of cutting with hot scissors
Hat haircuts are not onlyодной из новейших процедур по уходу за волосами, но и одной из самых популярных. Кроме того, на опасливый вопрос женщин «вредна ли стрижка горячими ножницами?» можно однозначно ответить: «Нет!» Эта процедура обладает лечебным воздействием на волосы, о чем мы уже рассказали вам выше. Лечебный эффект стрижки горячими ножницами становится заметен уже после первой же такой процедуры. Ну а пик эффективности от данной процедуры достигается после 2-3 стрижек, что гарантирует полное избавление от такой малоприятной проблемы, как секущиеся кончики волос. Кроме того, спустя 4-5 стрижек общий объем волос заметно увеличивается – примерно в два раза. Это связано с тем, что в кончиках волос увеличивается давление, и толщина каждого волоска становится равномерно одинаковой по всей длине. А если стрижка горячими ножницами заменит любую стрижку обычными, то волосы станут меньше выпадать, будут сильнее и толще. Если поинтересоваться на форумах в интернете о стрижке волос горячими ножницами отзывы женщин, несомненно, заставят вас задуматься, а не пора бы и вам взять на вооружение вашей красоты эту процедуру. Особенно стоит обратить внимание на такую стрижку людям, чьи волосы не только посеченные, но и сами по себе очень ломкие. Обычно такими хрупкими бывают длинные волосы. Но и для тех, у кого волосы короткие такая стрижка тоже не повредит, поскольку стрижка горячими ножницами способствует более легкой и длительной укладке волос. Также данная процедура полезна и для обработки волос сразу же после химической завивки или окрашивания, поскольку стрижка горячими ножницами пользу на такие волосы оказывает несомненную: убираются высушенные химией и краской кончики волос. Ну вот, мы и разобрались, полезна ли стрижка горячими ножницами. Но, как говорится, у всякой медали есть обратная сторона. Стрижку горячими ножницами минусы не обошли стороной. Самым большим минусом тут является трудоемкость этой процедуры – длится такая стрижка более двух часов. Причем чем длиннее волосы и хуже их состояние – тем дольше времени требуется на стрижку. Кроме того, можно поспорить и о пользе данной процедуры. Конечно, твердо заявить, вредна ли стрижка горячими ножницами, нельзя. Тут все индивидуально. В большинстве случаев стрижка горячими ножницами имеет лишь положительные результаты, но бывает и так, что после такой процедуры волосы наоборот становятся более ослабленными и начинают больше выпадать. То есть, стрижка горячими ножницами отзывы имеют и не совсем хорошие. Некоторые объясняют подобное ослабевание волос тем, что дыхание волос осуществляется как раз через кончики, которые при стрижке горячими ножницами как бы «запаиваются», что препятствует поступлению кислорода в волосы. Но в первую очередь такой минус бывает лишь в тех случаях, когда горячую стрижку делает не достаточно квалифицированный специалист. Так что определить, помогает ли стрижка горячими ножницами придать вашим волосам здоровый вид или нет, сможете вы сами только после того, как сами пройдете данную процедуру. Кроме того, не следует заблуждаться в том, что стрижка горячими ножницами спасет вас от проблемы секущихся волос навечно. Увы, это не так. Благодаря этой процедуре волосы просто гораздо дольше не секутся, но все же рано или поздно это происходит. Поэтому важно задуматься о том, как поддержать здоровье волос в дополнение к термострижке.
What do you need for healthy hair in addition to thermotricking?
Now you know if hot cutting helpsscissors to make them healthier. In order for the health benefits of thermal haircuts to last much longer, you need to not only regularly perform this procedure, but also follow some hair care rules. The need for regular trimming of the ends of the hair is due to the fact that when a certain length is reached, the protective layer of the ends of the hair begins to collapse. In addition, do not dry wet hair with a hair dryer - let it dry on its own. If using a hair dryer for some reason becomes very necessary (for example, when you are going somewhere, and you do not have much time), then the temperature of the hair dryer should be set to medium, but not maximum. Also, contact with hot metal - for example, hair straightening tongs or curling irons - causes great harm to hair. In this case, it is better to use devices with a ceramic coating, not metal. Well, it is important to avoid unnecessary stress, since stress not only worsens overall well-being, but also affects the condition of hair, nails and skin. In addition, it is useful to drink vitamins and use hair care products that are suitable for your hair type. And you should not abuse alcohol and cigarettes, since these bad habits also do not contribute to the health and beauty of hair. Well, our article about hot haircuts is coming to its logical conclusion. Now you know everything about thermal haircuts, including whether hot scissors haircuts have any disadvantages. And to all that has been said, I would like to add that the frequency of this procedure is strictly individual. It is not only about the technique of haircutting, when, thanks to twisting the hair into bundles, the hair along its entire length gets rid of split hairs, but also about the speed of hair growth. In this regard, someone visits a specialist in thermal haircuts once every six months, while someone has to do it every 3-4 months. Moreover, hair that is regularly permed or dyed needs this procedure more often. In general, take care of your hair and its healthy shine and silkiness will attract not only the attention of men, but will also bring you a lot of positive emotions with its magnificent appearance. Be beautiful always and everywhere! We recommend reading: