Attitude to pregnant women, to motherhoodcan be different. However, it is difficult to expect from a person, a woman who chose to help other children with the business of her life, this is the attitude. Lea Torres shared her pregnancy and maternity experience. It, to be honest, a little shocking. Woman's Day translated for our readers a column of a doctor, and we bring it here in its entirety.Photo: @LeahNTorres "Pregnancy is terrible. I know a lot about this. I, fortunately, never had to suffer, being pregnant (thanks to contraceptives!). No, I do not want to give birth. Never. I am amazed by the fact that there are women who are ready for nausea every morning, to many weeks of constipation and even, sorry, hemorrhoids, to myriads of other ailments related to pregnancy. But they are - I see them every day. I can not explain such dedication. I asked one of my patients to tell me that this is actually a pregnancy. She was so grateful to me for taking care of her, that she agreed to write a few words. And this is what she wrote: "I really wanted to have children. If it were not for this, I would never become pregnant. I do not blame those who make a choice in favor of childlessness. Pregnancy is bad. Nausea does not go away. I have a third child. Now I'm on the 37th week, and I'm still sick. And crying. You cry constantly - for no reason. Once you're so angry with your crying that you're making a fight with your husband - not because of anything, on a level ground, just to have a reason to cry. It happens that there is nothing to breathe. Walking from the living room to the bedroom is exhausting. As long as you pass this distance, everything hurts, and you want to die, because life gets too heavy. I'll say this: childbirth is the best part of pregnancy, because it saves you from all these troubles. As soon as the child ceases to be a part of you, everything instantly goes away - and this is not an exaggeration. This is not because you have lost your love for your child so much that you forgot how terrible everything was. No, the child literally sucked life out of you, and now that he was born, you feel better, because you are no longer a single whole. I love my children more than anything. This is the reason why I go through hell, which is called pregnancy. I need children, without them I can not be happy. But I will never pretend that the pregnancy is beautiful and magical, because it is not so. "And the truth is, nothing beautiful or magical. Besides, I know that pregnancy is very dangerous. For 9 months the body of a woman is being reconstructed. She is exposed to such risks as diabetes, hypertension, heart failure, convulsions. In 2010, an interesting study was conducted in the UK, which showed that pregnancy is more dangerous than general anesthesia, hang-gliding or plane flying, diving, rock climbing, rafting. The risk of dying during childbirth or from complications in pregnancy is 10 times higher than from complications due to abortion.
Photo:Getty ImagesBanning abortion or hating childfree people is like banning scuba diving or being disgusted by those who are afraid of flying. Doctors refusing to perform abortions for their personal beliefs is like refusing to perform blood transfusions for the same reason. After all, both actions are aimed at preserving life. The life of an embryo in this case is valued more than the life of a woman who has conceived and is not ready to give birth to a child. We perceive pregnancy as an ordinary event. We do not realize all the risks that a woman is exposed to. Why do not we honor these brave and selfless women every day? Instead, we shrug and say: "It's your choice." Pregnant women suffer for several months, risk their health and life so that a new person can be born. And society, instead of treating them with utmost respect, ignores them. Even their own mothers. And at the same time, we shame those who do not want to have children. "What, you don't want to risk your life and health to give birth? Why don't you feel so weak that even breathing hurts? Why don't you want to risk a pulmonary embolism that could kill you and your baby? Dizziness, hypertension, stroke - it's not that bad, huh?" It's normal not to want to get pregnant. Just like it's normal not to want diabetes, seizures, vomiting. However, we feel entitled to judge women who have abortions or refuse to have children at all. Personally, I understand that carrying and giving birth to a child is good and right. Without it, there are no children. But I don't want to participate in this. And the more time passes, the more I understand this. But I will still remain a doctor who loves you."