gastritis with acidity Gastritis is the second most commondisease, after all sorts of ARVI and ARI. Doctors allocate a lot of varieties of gastritis, but they are divided into two main groups - gastritis with high acidity and with decreased. Today we'll talk about the first option - with an increased level of acidity of gastric juice. And first we will find out what can provoke the development of such a gastritis? Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, which means that the cause of development is the effect of various aggressive facts on this very mucous membrane. In addition, in a number of cases, the main cause of gastritis is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. So:

  • Improper diet

Unfortunately, the diet of modern manoften leaves much to be desired. Referring to the constant employment, we prefer fast food or, at best, semi-finished products. And about a healthy diet, we simply forget. And such food is the main enemy of the stomach - a month, the other and gastritis is almost assured.

  • Stressful situations

Constant stress situations and chronicfatigue also very often provoke the development of gastritis. Why this happens is difficult to explain even to doctors. But the fact remains - in relation to a gastritis the expression "all illnesses from nerves" is actual for all hundred percent.

  • Bad habits

The use of alcoholic beverages, largeamounts of caffeine, smoking also very severely injures the gastric mucosa. Almost all smokers, lovers of the "green snake" and ardent coffee fans sooner or later will learn from their own experience what gastritis is.

Symptoms of the disease

Gastritis very often very long timeproceeds without any external manifestations - a person may not even suspect the presence of the disease. However, sooner or later - as the disease progresses - the symptoms will still make themselves felt. Pay attention - the symptoms can vary quite strongly. One person may have only one or two signs of gastritis, and the other - immediately all the symptoms, and even very pronounced. Everything depends on the stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism of each individual person. Pay attention - we will tell you only about the symptoms of gastritis, taking place against the background of an increased level of acidity of gastric juice.

  • Painful sensations

One of the first and most distinctive symptomsgastritis with high acidity are just pain. All other signs are attached later. And it is not surprising - in fact hydrochloric acid, a part of the gastric juice, continuously has an irritant effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach. And she will not slow to respond with pain - and quite a lot of intense, localized in the epigastric region.

  • Belching and heartburn

In almost all cases, the sick personcomplains of severe heartburn - and it occurs either on an empty stomach or after a meal. But a steady eructation almost always appears shortly after eating - about 15-20 minutes later. These phenomena seriously annoy the sick person, depriving him of peace.

  • Impairment of appetite, weight loss

As the disease progresses, especially inperiods of its aggravation - a sick person can almost completely lose his appetite. And no wonder - just one spoonful of soup can create a feeling of such overcrowding of the stomach, as if a person, as they say, ate an elephant. Yes, and the pain that occurs after eating, make themselves felt. gastritis with high acidity symptoms

Treatment of gastritis with high acidity

It is inadmissible to let the disease onDrift - Complications can be the most unpredictable. It is very important to start the correct treatment in a timely manner - and in no case should you take any medications yourself. All medications should be prescribed by a gastroenterologist, only after a complete examination and taking into account the individualities of the organism of the sick person. But very much depends on the sick person. In particular, strict adherence to all prescriptions and recommendations of the attending physician is very important. In addition, do not forget about the need to strictly adhere to a therapeutic diet, without which no treatment will not have the desired effect - at best, signs of the disease will disappear. And then for a little while. In the acute stage of the disease, the diet is the most severe - a complete lack of food. This is necessary in order to mobilize the body's internal reserves, and self-healing of the gastric mucosa began. Approximately two or three days a sick person can drink only unsweetened slightly boiled black tea or alkaline mineral water. After that, you need to gradually enter products - from the list of allowed. In the event that a person has gastritis with an increased level of acidity of gastric juice, the following products are strictly contraindicated to him:

  • Stimulating the production of gastric juice

Alcoholic, carbonated, caffeinated drinks. All kinds of fruit and vegetable juices, except potato, legumes and cabbage.

  • Damaging the gastric mucosa

Sharp, smoked and salty dishes, foods,containing artificial preservatives and colorants. Fatty grades of meat, poultry and fish, sour vegetables and fruits, radish. All dishes should be moderately warm - high and low temperatures have a very negative effect on the condition of the gastric mucosa. The same applies to the way food is prepared - it is best to cook the products, cook them in pairs or bake in the oven. At first glance, the restrictions may seem quite tough. But believe me - a similar diet will greatly improve not only the condition of the mucous membrane of the stomach, but the whole body. Over time, proper nutrition will become a habit. And notice - a very useful habit! After all, there is a huge space for culinary fantasy. So, the allowed products are:

  • Low-fat varieties of meat and poultry - rabbit, chicken, quail.
  • Low-fat varieties of fish - pink salmon, hake, cod.
  • Heat-treated vegetables.
  • Mucous soups and boiled porridges - especially oatmeal, rice and semolina.
  • All sour-milk nonfat products, especially cottage cheese.
  • Alkaline mineral water - not less than a liter a day.

A very important point is the meal schedule. Food should be divided - in small portions, but often. Such a measure will help to minimize the risk of heartburn. treatment of gastritis with high acidity

Folk methods of treatment of gastritis with high acidity

Of course, visiting a doctor - gastroenterologistjust necessary. However, you can try to arm yourself with recipes of folk medicine. They can be used in parallel with a doctor-appointed treatment. But, of course, do not forget to consult your physician in advance. He must give his permission, because it is the doctor who can really assess the picture of the disease. And make sure that the composition of the recipes does not include components that the patient had previously had an allergic reaction to.

  • Infusion, eliminating heartburn

In the event that gastritis is accompanied by a strongheartburn, you can try the following remedies. You will need half a teaspoon of dried herbs: peppermint, yarrow, holeed St. John's wort. Place in an enameled container and pour one glass of steep boiling water. Insist for two hours, then carefully strain with gauze. The resulting amount of infusion of a sick person should be drunk within one day, in small sips. Already after the second-third day of treatment, heartburn practically disappears. Moreover - retreats and eructations and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. The process of digestion is normalized, there is an appetite. The course of treatment should be at least 14 days. Typically, one such treatment course is enough for two to three months. But if necessary - if the symptoms do not disappear - in a week it can be repeated.

  • Fresh potato juice

It has already been said that with gastritisincreased acidity is contraindicated in any fresh juices. With the exception of potato juice, it is used for intensive treatment. You will need two medium-sized potatoes, a grater and gauze. Wash the potatoes and clean them, grate them on a fine grater. With the help of gauze cloth squeeze out the potato juice. Everything, the remedy is ready - all juice sick person should drink in the morning, on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment should be at least 10 days.

  • Liquorice root

Most often the licorice root is used forcough treatment. However, the licorice also perfectly normalizes the acidity of the gastric juice. Thoroughly grind 20 grams of licorice root, pour it with a glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath for about 20 minutes. After this, insist for two hours, strain with gauze. Add a glass of boiled water, mix and pour into a glass container. Store the broth only in the refrigerator, as otherwise it will very quickly lose its healing properties. A decoction of two tablespoons is taken, before each meal. The duration of the course of treatment is 30 days. If the symptoms of gastritis do not disappear, after a week-long break, the course of treatment can be repeated.

  • Honey solution

As is known, with chronic gastritis withhigh acidity is strictly not recommended for eating sweets. An exception to the rules is honey. Honey solution helps to treat gastritis with increased acidity due to its anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, honey normalizes the level of acidity of gastric juice. To treat gastritis with high acidity you will need a honey solution - one tablespoon of any natural honey per glass of warm boiled water. Duration of treatment is 15 days. As a rule, the manifestations of gastritis disappear within a week. But, nevertheless, treatment must still be completed.

  • Infusion for the removal of pain

In the event that the painful feelings are annoyingsick person is very strong, you can try the next infusion. Place in a thermos one tablespoon of flax seeds, pour half a liter of steep boiling water and insist one day. After this infusion, strain and pour into a glass container. Every morning, on an empty stomach, a sick person should drink one glass of this infusion - during the day the pain should not bother. As you can see, people's ways of treating gastritis with high acidity are not so little. Surely you will find the most suitable for you. And remember that only the systematic use of this or that remedy will bring a positive effect. Be healthy! We advise you to read:

