Why does the belly button stick out?

As the fetus develops and grows, the stomachthe future mother increases in size, and the skin around the navel is stretched. Given such changes, bulging out the navel is a completely normal phenomenon. In addition, the skin around the navel can be itchy and even aching, and stretch marks often form on its surface.navel in pregnant womenThe navel of pregnant women may stick out, itch anda little sick. Photo: Getty Normally the navel turns into a sticking "button" on the 23-25th week of pregnancy and continues to increase along with the growing abdomen. This phenomenon depends on various factors:

  • the age of the expectant mother;
  • number of pregnancies;
  • the constitution of a woman;
  • size of the fetus.

The pregnant woman bulges her navel, if she has typedoverweight, wears a second or third child, or has a dense physique. In fragile girls, the cause of the appearance of the "button" on the abdomen is most often a large fruit. But there are cases when the navel does not go outside, and this is also considered normal.

Will the umbilicalus recover from pregnant women?

If the navel is too strongly sticking out, and the skin aroundIt itches, it will not be superfluous to wear a special bandage for pregnant women. Avoid stretching the skin around the navel and minimize discomfort will help special creams and cosmetic oils from stretch marks. As soon as the long-awaited moment comes - the birth of the baby, the navel will gradually take the same shape. Do not worry that this cosmetic defect will remain with you for life, the navel finally acquires a pristine appearance after 7-8 months.

