flowers from the skin with their own hands Natural leather is a durable material. That is why leather things are out of fashion, while retaining a completely decent appearance and excellent quality of the material. To throw out (for understandable reasons) such a thing is a pity, that's how she lives her age in a closet or on the mezzanine, waiting for the final fate. Some especially economical owners (or heirs) of leather coats and jackets give them to the atelier and receive for a modest fee new leather things, made of rarities. But most of the leather things are mercilessly shredded into flaps and turns ... In skillful hands, leather flaps can turn into new cosmetic bags or even handbags, in phone cases, in stylish patches on jeans and jackets. Yes, there is little on what will trigger the creaking leather scrap really gambling needlewoman! Here, for example, fashionable artificial flowers decorated with clothes, shoes, bags, hairstyles. Why not try to make flowers of your own skin? Let's do it and we'll do it!

Flower - brooch

What can become more feminine decoration thanbrooch in the form of a flower? A leather flower-brooch will be a suitable accessory, not only for a business suit, but for a coat or jacket. To make such an ornament, we will need:

  • base for brooch;
  • flaps of natural leather (better - thin and color);
  • adhesive (PVA and "Moment");
  • candle;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers.

First, we'll figure out what petals will be, andwe make a cardboard template. Now we transfer the pattern to the skin (from the back) and cut out six large, five medium and three small petals. We'll cut out the circle, to which we will paste the petals. Now we begin to make veins on the petals. To do this, we apply a small strip of "Moment" glue to the back of the petal, turn the petal in half (to the wrong side) along this strip, and from the front side we make a longitudinal protector and tightly squeeze it with your fingers to make the skin stick together, and a relief fold formed on the petal -the living room. Thus, in turn, we process all the petals except for the smallest ones. Next, we give the petals of our flower a convex shape. First, dilute the water with PVA glue (one to one), apply this solution on the underside of the parts and let the glue dry. Then, holding the part with tweezers, bring it with the wrong side to the lighted candle and drive the petal over the flame.

  • Please note that you need to keep the parthigh enough above the fire to make it deform under the influence of hot air, but not flame. You will see how the edges of the leather lobe begin to wrap inside.

In this way we process all the details. From small petals we collect a rose, curling one of them and wrapping this bud with two other petals. We fix the joints with glue. It remains to assemble the flower. On the base-circle first glue along the large petals, connecting their lower edges in the center of the base. Similarly, we collect the second tier of the flower from the middle petals, placing them in a staggered manner with the lower details. We glue the rose in the center of the flower. We fix the flower on the accessories and admire our creation! a flower of leather with your own hands

Dahlia made of leather

So where you can adapt such a chic flower - it's yours. And to decorate magnificent leather dahlia can also a bag, a hair clip, and a coat. To make such a handsome man, you need to prepare:

  • flaps of natural leather;
  • beads for decoration of the middle of a flower;
  • glue "Moment" or a hot gun;
  • scissors.

First, we make three templates: a square with a side of four (one can be a couple of millimeters smaller) of a centimeter, a square with a side of two and a half centimeters and a square with a side of two centimeters. With the help of ready-made patterns we cut out fifteen blanks of all three sizes, the largest ones can be made larger (twenty-five, for example). Now cut out the petals. On the underside of the workpiece, measure the two third dimensions of the side of the square in the center and begin to trim the edges with a smooth line to the middle of the sides, and from the center of the sides - a rounded line to the center of the upper side of the square. As a result, we obtain petals with a pointed tip and a straight (horizontal) lower cut. On the lower part of the petal on the front side we put a layer of glue, wrap the edges of the part, connect them (by attaching to each other) in the center of the petal and strongly press the fingers so that they are stuck. So we fold all the prepared details. Cut out the base of the dahlia from the skin, to which we will adhere the petals.

  • Note that this part is best cut out a little more than the right size, and then excess skin is simply cut off.

At the edge of the round part, first glueLarge petals, placing them on the bottom edge of the base. We glue only a part of the petal, putting on the circle only three to five millimeters from the total height of the petal. If the first tier of the petals seems to you not sufficiently magnificent, then add to it the details that we pre-prepared more. Then we paste the petals of the second tier, arranged in staggered order, and on top we collect a tier of small petals. The center of the flower is decorated with beads. That's all! beautiful flowers of leather with their own hands

Leather Rose

This royal flower is made surprisingly easy! And we need for him only:

  • flaps of skin;
  • candle;
  • scissors,
  • glue.

Depending on the size of the flowermake two patterns in the form of rose petals - small and large. Now, from the skin, cut out ten petals of each size and process them over the fire. Holding the petal with tweezers (if the hands are not afraid of the fire, then you can also use your hands), turn it from the wrong side to the flame and hold it over the fire (not low!) Causing the edges of the petal to wrap inside. Now we start to make roses. We take one small petal, we put on the underside of the part a little glue and turn the workpiece like a roll, forming a rosebud. On the next petal, too, we put a little glue (already on the front side) and wrap it with a bud. The next petal is glued strictly opposite the first, wrapped bud. Make sure that the upper edges of the petals are at the same level. Thus, we collect the rose, gluing first the small petals, and then the big ones. If you want to add leaves, cut out the blank for them, apply a narrow strip of glue along the wrong side of the sheet along the sheet, and from the front side form a crease-protector. Similarly, you can make and lateral "veins". And the rose itself, if desired, can be sprinkled with aerosol paint, and you can leave it as it is. The skin itself is very effective, even if it is black, gray or brown. Note! Gorgeously and simultaneously gently look roses, made of fine and soft white skin. In general, the process of making flowers from the skin is reduced to cutting out details, giving them a shape with a flame or glue and making the flower itself: this is actually very simple. But the finished flower of leather looks amazing! Try it, and see for yourself. Good luck! We advise you to read:

