Ogorodniki-amateurs have repeatedly come acrossthe fact that, not seeing the destroyer of their labors, they are watching the unpleasant result of their activities. This beetle is called "earth cancer". For those who have not guessed yet, today's conversation will be devoted to the bear and possible options for combating it. The bear is an insect, the length of which can be from 35 to 50 mm, has short leathery elytra, digging front legs resembling claws (hence the common name). Primarily settles in soil, which is rich in humus. Winter holes bear reach to a depth of up to 100 cm. At an air temperature of 12-15 degrees, mass exits to the surface, and at 5-6 degrees begin to prepare for the winter, arranging a rookery in a heap of manure, sawdust or plant residues, and how deeper. The pests are mated under the ground, after which the females begin to build a nest. In one oviposition there can be from 100 to 500 eggs, the development of which lasts from 10 days (depending on the weather conditions). In order for the masonry to develop normally, it needs 100% moisture. Within 3 weeks after the eggs leave, the larvae remain under the supervision of the parent in the nest. The pest destroys the underground parts of tomato, cabbage, pepper, eggplant, strawberry, flower, onion, etc. After this sprouts wither, lose strength, they are easily pulled out of the soil. In tubers of potatoes and other root crops, the bear eaten cavities, they eat seeds, spoil the root systems. Often, greenhouse vegetable plants and seedlings, planted in tunnels under the film, are destroyed. On the day they are able to destroy up to 15 bushes of eggplant or pepper. If there are winding earthen ridges on the surface of the soil and there are holes of small diameter, about 8-10 mm, in the ground (especially clearly visible after the rain), then your "green wards" were attacked by a bear, which is not easy to get off the garden; -This is possible. So how do you get rid of the bear?
Protective measures
Everyone knows that the disease is easier to prevent,than to treat. Experienced truck farmers carry out a number of protective measures to prevent the appearance of a bear in the garden. Their example should be taken to the note and novice lovers. In the second half of September in the garden begin to dig pits, not exceeding in the depth of ½ meter. These grooves are filled with horse or any other manure along with the straw. (Remember that we talked about the wintering of the bears). When the cold starts (late autumn or early winter), the "traps" are unearthed, and the manure from them is scattered. As a result, all the bears will die from the cold. To get rid of a bear in the garden is possible with the help of half-liter cans, which are digging into the ground at the very neck, and inward water is poured about 2/3. This should be done in places, insects most of all accumulate. Between the end of May and the beginning of July (vegetation), 2-3 rows are loosened between the rows, the depth of loosening is 10-15 cm, with the excavated larvae and eggs killing. When vegetables are planted (peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, etc.), use plastic bottles (1-1.5 liters), which are cut into rings of 10-15 cm. These "designs" are dug into the ground, leaving 5 cm above the surface, and already in them planted seedlings. Destroy the bear can be with the help of bait (lumps of fresh manure), which is laid out in early May. Insects creep in them to arrange their burrows and breeding offspring. After 3-4 weeks, manure is reconsidered and destroyed by pests. Experienced "pest fighters" tell how to get rid of a bear by means of homemade poisoning. To do this, take the eggshell and grind it into powder, moisten with sunflower oil and seal into the ground. You can avoid damage to plants by these insects, if you put garlic in the hole. It will be enough to have one tooth. In autumn, as an option, use a mixture of kerosene and water, at a rate of 100 g per 10 liters. 30 g of solution is poured into each hole. You can use a solution of ordinary washing powder.
Repelling pests
How to get rid of a bear in the garden, if shemigrates from neighboring areas? This issue is quite serious, because "neighbor pests" can look at your well-groomed site, and then rest will only dream. There are several tools that simply scare off the "earth cancer" from the trust territory. Between vegetable crops, you should sow marigolds or arrange green branches of alder at a distance of 1.5 meters. It is necessary to periodically replace fading alder with fresh branches. If, however, these harmful insects have settled on your site, in summer you can use a tincture prepared from the husks of onions for irrigation. Prepare it this way: for 10 liters of warm water take 900 g of husk, insist 4-5 days. Before using the resulting broth, it must be diluted in a proportion of 1: 5. Water should be after rain in 5-7 days 2-3 times. If it does not rain, just water it. You can cook the infusion of chicken manure: 10 liters of water per 2 kg of litter, as it should be mixed and diluted 1: 5. Water the dry soil. In such soil, pests simply will not get hold of. Using sand, moistened with kerosene, you can scare off insects (1 glass of sand). Pour out the sand on the ground, after pour kerosene, shovel for 10 minutes. Sprinkle the received "surprise for the bear" areas where the seedlings are planted (1 m2 - to 0.5 liters).
Several radical methods of struggle
How to get rid of a bear if other wayswere not very effective? In this situation, we will have to resort to radical measures - chemicals. The roots of seedlings before planting in the soil should be moistened in the suspension of the actor 25WG. The solution is diluted to 250 plants with 1.5 g / l water, at a temperature of 18-23 degrees. The exposure time is from 90 to 120 minutes. This method is suitable for protecting seedlings of sweet pepper, tomatoes, aubergines and cabbage. To protect the potato, as well as cabbage and tomatoes, you can use Medvedtox-U (1 weave -300g). The drug is introduced into furrows (3-4 cm deep) between the beds or along the perimeter, after which the furrow is sprinkled with earth, watered after planting seedlings or tubers (1m2-10l of water). Suspension Prestige 290 FS (at the rate of 10 liters - 100 ml), is also able to help combat the bear. Soaking time of plants - from 6 to 8 hours. Phenoxin plus granules possess a tempting odor that attracts a bear, inside the capsule is a poison. In the manure, where often bear nests, make a deepening and fall asleep pellets. "Captain" should be covered, protecting domestic animals and birds from death. You can use the drug directly on the beds, making the beards 3-5 cm deep, into which the pellets are spread with a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. Do not forget about the ground cover. If the bears have replaced the dislocation and the pellets were not necessary, they should not be dug out, they independently dissolve over time from irrigation, without causing harm. If there is confidence in the appearance of the bears, repeat the process in 2 weeks, when a new offspring of the pests will appear.
Folk remedies and useful tips
- How to get rid of a bear with beer. In spring, glass bottles are incised at an angle of 45 degrees to the ground and fill them with 100 g of beer, closing the gauze with a gauze. The dug-in container is sprinkled with earth for 3-4 cm. After two weeks, the "beer" should be replaced with fresh. During the day, 3-4 individuals fall into the trap!
- Pests do not tolerate needles. You can scatter coniferous branches, larch, for example, between beds. In addition, the smell of fir for these insects is very unpleasant.
- The smell of rotten fish this malicious pest is alsoDo not tolerate. It should be put in the hole when planting 2 pieces of cheap fish. Seeds with crops can be put on the perimeter of the pieces of fish and sprinkle them with earth. During the germination of seeds, the fish will spoil and frighten off the bear.
- You can pour the fermented beer directly into the hole of the bear.
- How to destroy a bear with the help of porridge,prepared according to a special recipe? Cook a small pan of wheat porridge. The preparation "Regent" is introduced into the porridge, the balls are rolled from the received "delicacy" and pushed into the burrow of the bear.
- Identify the presence of a bear can be as followsway: abundantly water the path leading to the beds, let the water soak in, and squeeze into the ground a piece of plywood or board. A day later we look: if there is at least one move under the board, it means that the bear has already settled in your garden. You can pour the passages with soapy water.
- Mix metaphos with boiled corn, barley, wheat, cake, at a rate of 1 kg per 50 g of the preparation. Then add 30 g of vegetable oil and spread out near the manure (1m2 -50g).
- Lubricate the jar with honey (below the neck), dug into the ground level, cover with a piece of cardboard or a bent sheet of iron, put straw on top. Medvedka reacts to honey and is in the bank.
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