fish oil for children Fish oil… Few of those who have tried it inpure form, can forget this nasty, slightly bitter taste that it leaves in the mouth for a long time. Even the most desired candy cannot kill it, and meanwhile it is a good source of vitamins.

Why is fish oil worth giving to children?

Let's start with the fact that a child at any ageconstantly and actively grows. And for the normal functioning of all organs and systems, it needs vitamins. Fish oil contains Omega-3 PUFAs, which are easily absorbed and have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, brain function and all organs in general (if we are talking about a healthy child). Agree that this is important for any organism, not only a growing one. Fish oil also contains vitamin D. It is indispensable for the muscular system and for strengthening the skeleton. This vitamin can accelerate growth, improve the immune system and serve as a preventive measure against rickets. Thus, fish oil for children is the best medicine. Surely every mother whose child attends kindergarten worries about the fact that the baby is constantly sick. This causes difficulties at work (well, what employer would like an employee who, instead of performing his duties, is constantly on sick leave?), and this does not have the best effect on the health of the child. Each infection can cause a number of complications that will have to be treated for a long time and carefully. Fish oil helps to strengthen the immune system and reduce morbidity. This is especially necessary in the off-season, when vitamin deficiency is felt the most. Fish oil also helps to reduce fatigue, increase attention and performance. This is important for a small schoolchild, whose body experiences enormous stress due to a change in daily routine. Especially considering that the modern school curriculum is a huge burden that does not provide for gentle options. Recent studies have shown that children whose diet includes fish oil are much less susceptible to allergies and the development of upper respiratory tract diseases, especially asthma. And this problem today, as experts say, is a real scourge of modern families. Naturally, all the elements contained in fish oil can be found in ordinary products, but, as a rule, their content is so low that it has no effect. In addition, not every family can afford to buy only expensive products (and it is not a fact that these are really high-quality options) to ensure a normal diet. So taking additional vitamins, in particular fish oil, is a must if you want to see your child smart, healthy and active.useful fish oil for children

How to persuade a child to drink fish oil?

In fact, nothing.There is no point in appealing to his conscience, because of his age he does not understand the importance of this drug. Who would want to regularly eat something nasty, bitter, even if it is very useful? But a modern manufacturer knows how to turn unpleasant things into more attractive ones. For example, you can find the well-known liquid fish oil in a pharmacy. But, as already mentioned above, to make a small child drink it, the mother will have to sweat. It is much easier to buy special capsules. In fact, this is the same liquid fish oil, only hidden in a special gelatin shell. A pleasant innovation for all parents, since there are many more options to persuade him to swallow this wonderful yellow tablet than to drink a spoonful of liquid and tasteless substance. Although babies do not have much choice, and since they cannot swallow a pill, they have to grimace and submit to the will of a knowledgeable mother. The gelatin capsule is absolutely tasteless, and is swallowed easily. The main thing is that the mother should immediately warn the baby that it should not be chewed under any circumstances, because the taste of the fat does not change over time. And the baby will literally be bitterly disappointed. There are quite a few manufacturers of such capsules, and you will have to choose the right option by trial and error. When buying, pay attention to what kind of fish oil it is. There are options additionally enriched with vitamins, but most of them are synthetic and no longer bring such obvious benefits to the child's body. Although they are also absorbed quite easily. Externally, it can be used to treat various burns. It acts as an excellent healing agent.

Fish oil - carefully!

Everything that is written above does not mean at all thatyou need to drop everything and immediately run to the pharmacy for fish oil. Unfortunately, even when taking such a wonderful thing, you need to take into account a lot of nuances, otherwise it can bring not so much benefit as outright harm. First of all, you must be sure that your child is not allergic to seafood. Such individual intolerance against the background of taking fish oil can lead to anaphylactic shock or swelling of the larynx. If you notice a rash in your child after taking fish oil or difficulty breathing, you must immediately consult a doctor. It is also prohibited for children who have kidney stones or bile ducts. Pay attention to the time of taking the capsules. The ideal option is during or immediately after a meal. Otherwise, it can cause gastrointestinal disorders (this is especially true for liquid fish oil). Another nuance: fish oil affects blood clotting. If too much of it enters the body, it is fraught with new bleeding, which is dangerous for children suffering from hemophilia. And do not forget that it is necessary to take seasonal breaks in taking any vitamins. For example, after a month of regular use, it is worth taking a break (for a month, no more). You should not take it in the summer, when the child is resting from educational institutions, and there is plenty of fruits, vegetables and other products. In general, before deciding whether to give fish oil to a child, it is worth consulting with a pediatrician. He is aware of your medical history, chronic diseases and can say whether it will really be useful for your child. In addition, he will help calculate the correct dosage, which will be both safe and useful.essential fish oil for children

When is fish oil required?

As a rule, it should be taken by children whentreatment of eye diseases, dry skin and as a preventive measure against constant acute respiratory viral infections. Many experts also note its beneficial effect on hyperactive children. They become more assiduous, attentive, and remember more. But in any case, any vitamins should be taken either as prescribed by the attending physician or after consultation with him. And if there are no contraindications, then fish oil should be consumed by all children who attend preschool. This will help to avoid constant illnesses and complications that they can cause. Such prevention is an ideal option not only for the child, but also for the mother. But remember that fish oil is not a panacea and you should not expect supernatural results from it. It is just a biologically active supplement that improves the functioning of the body, but it is not a drug. In any case, the final decision is up to you. The main thing is that you know that fish oil has not only positive qualities, but also negative ones that must be taken into account.

