fish baked with vegetables About the beneficial properties of fish known to all. Unfortunately, this product is not very significant segment in the ration of the average Russian family. Meanwhile, in addition to the undeniable health benefits, there is another important factor that should motivate every housewife to include in her menu fish dishes, in particular, such low-calorie as fish baked with vegetables, for example, without fail. Means the simplicity of cooking. Fish is prepared much faster than meat, which means that preparing dinner in a normal working day does not require an exorbitant expenditure of time and effort. So, your attention is offered a few fairly simple fish dishes (including stewed fish with vegetables), which, quite possibly, will take a permanent place in your menu.

Fish in sweet and sour refueling


  • 500 grams of fish fillets (hake, cod, pollock, etc.)
  • 2 onions
  • 3 large carrots
  • 300 grams of tomatoes canned in their own juice
  • salt, sugar, pepper to taste
  • black pepper, fragrant peas
  • pepper ground
  • chili pepper
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • 50-70 milliliters of vegetable oil

Cooking method: Prepared fillet salt, pepper, roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil until light crust. Heat the oil and fry all the spices, then add finely chopped onions and grated carrots and fry all together over low heat. Then add the tomatoes, season with salt, sugar, pepper and bring the vegetable mixture under the lid until it is ready. In the frying pan put a layer of vegetables, then fish and again a layer of vegetables. Put out all together on a small fire for 15 minutes. Leave for several hours, so that the fish soaked in the dressing. Serve cold. Note: Tomatoes can be used fresh in the season, you can, of course, apply tomato paste or ketchup, but, of course, tomatoes are preferable and healthier. In order for the fish to be salted to taste, it is best to salt the oil, in which you are going to fry it, - the fish will take salt exactly as much as necessary. For ease of cooking, you can not fry the fillet, but shift it with vegetable dressing and fry until done (30 minutes). This is a dietary option, but, of course, with a sauteed fillet dish is more delicious. stewed fish with vegetables

Fish with vegetables baked in foil


  • 600 grams (3 servings) of fish fillet
  • 6 small potatoes
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 onion
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • Bay leaf
  • 30 grams of olive oil
  • 50 grams of mayonnaise
  • 100 grams of hard cheese
  • lemon

Cooking method: Prepared vegetables cut, salt, pepper, sprinkle with olive oil. On the foil put the vegetables, a couple of black peppercorns, laurel leaf and a mayonnaise-flavored piece of fillet. Seal the resulting package and send it to the oven, heated to 180 degrees. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, open the package, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake everything until a ruddy crust. Fish, baked with vegetables, is served to a table with lemon.

Mackerel in foil, steamed


  • 500 grams of mackerel fillets
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • lemon
  • salt to taste
  • black pepper and fragrant peas

Cooking method: On the foil sheet lay a piece of fillet, bay leaf, a couple of peppercorns, a few slices of lemon, chopped onions, a few slices of carrots. Make a sealed bag and place in a steamer for 35-40 minutes. It turns out a tender fish in a transparent aromatic broth. Serve in deep plates. Before serving decorate with greens.

Fillet of salmon in the "sleeve"


  • 600 grams of salmon fillets (pink salmon, salmon)
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 stalk of leek
  • 50 milliliters of white wine
  • 30 grams of butter
  • Bay leaf
  • salt to taste
  • black pepper and fragrant peas

Cooking method: Carrots and leeks chop large and fry together with spices in butter, pour wine and put out 5 minutes, season with salt and pepper. Keep in the resulting sauce for about 30 minutes. Put everything in a "sleeve" and bake in the oven. Serve with crumbly rice or boiled potatoes. Before serving decorate with dill. fish with vegetables in the oven

Carp with mushrooms and vegetables


  • carp
  • 200 grams of champignons
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 spoon of mayonnaise
  • parsley and dill greens
  • salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method: Champignons to clean, cut into plates, fry together with finely chopped onion and carrots, add flour, season with salt, pepper, greens. To cool. Gutted and drained carcass carp stuff it with a mixture, fasten the abdomen with wooden skewers, grease with mayonnaise. Turn the prepared fish into foil and bake in the oven at 180 degrees. And in the end, the recipe for English fast food. This, of course, is not a very useful dish, but (with the right preparation) is very tasty. Try to cook. fish baked with vegetables in the oven

Fish & chips

Ingredients per serving:

  • 200 grams of fillets of good cod (ideally fresh)
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 1 egg
  • 2 potatoes
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • lemon
  • greenery
  • olive oil

Cooking method: Fish salt, pepper, roll in flour, dip into a beaten egg and fry until golden brown. Potatoes cut into strips and fry in vegetable oil until it turns golden. Serve with lemon and greens. You could be sure that all the proposed fish dishes (stewed fish, fish with vegetables in the oven or a couple) are prepared quickly and simply. They fit perfectly into diet food, because the fish is not fried (except for the last recipe), but is prepared, as they say, in its own juice. Take them into service and often include fish in the family menu. We advise you to read:

