How to cook pilaf in a multivariate? After all, pilaf is not the easiest dish to cook. Especially when you consider how much time it takes. Everybody cooks it in their own way, but is your recipe you are used to preparing for in a multivariate? Before we begin the actual preparation, let's talk a little about the origins of this dish. Traditionally, it is considered that the recipe has spread to all the other Uzbek dishes, but the time of the first ever rice cultivation allows us to assume that cooking principles developed in the Middle East and India even before our era.
How to make a delicious pilaf?
So how to cook a pilaf in a multivark? There is not one way to cook pilaf. You can cook it from different kinds of rice, different kinds of meat or by adding absolutely different spices. Let's look at one fairly simple recipe for how to cook a pilaf in a multivariate. Using this method at least once, you can adapt it to yourself by adding another meat or other rice. We often use recipes that are close to the present Uzbek. Many traditionally cook pilaf from mutton. In Ukraine, for example, you can often find an interpretation of it with pork, but you can cook it from anything, even from a goose or duck. We will take the simplest and most affordable recipe - cooking pilaf with chicken meat. And it should be noted that it will turn out of a chicken at the same time delicious and low-fat, which, in my opinion, is important.
Ingredients for delicious pilaf
This recipe is simple enough, even if you first cook pilaf or have never used a multivariate before. In order to make a delicious pilaf in a multivark, you will need:
- chicken (about 1.5 kg)
- one large carrot
- three medium bulbs
- two "multi-cups" of long grain rice
- 6-10 medium cloves of garlic (to taste)
- six "multi-cups" of clean water
- vegetable oil - 6-10 tbsp. spoons (the more, the fatter)
- 1.5 tbsp. spoons of dried berries barberry
- salt to taste
- spices: red pepper, black pepper, coriander, cardamom (if desired, you can use other spices)
- greens (preferably coriander, but it can be different)
Step-by-step instruction for cooking
We have prepared all the products, start cooking ourdelicious pilaf. This is one of many options for cooking pilaf. you can adapt the recipe to your favorite cooking method, to which you are accustomed: to cut products smaller or larger or even add them in a different quantity.
- First of all, we cut onions with large quartersrings and fry it in "multicastry" on preheated vegetable oil for about 10-15 minutes until golden brown. Do this in the "Frying" or "Baking" mode.
- Wash chicken with cold running water, removepeel and properly divide the carcass. The resulting meat chop into portions and add them to the onions. We continue to fry for another 10-15 minutes, stirring gently.
- Sprinkle meat with spices: cardamom, pepper, coriander. How many they need depends on your taste preferences.
- Pour hot water into the multivark (about half of the available quantity), close the multivark and cook, cooking time - 20 minutes in the "Quenching" mode.
- Peel and cut the carrots with straw, add itin the multivark, salt your pilaf. Salt should be added exclusively to your taste - this recipe provides about one tablespoon without a slide. But it is better to nedosolit in the process of cooking and a little salt later, than to spoil the dish, so do not overdo it.
- Rice pre-washed thoroughly incold water from the tap, spread in the multivark (rice is worth buying a good quality, and if you are striving for a healthy diet, then take brown, untreated.
- Now add the remaining half of the water (do not mix !!!) and leave our dish for another hour, in the "Quenching" ("Plov").
- Approximately 15 minutes before the readiness, open the "multicastry" and carefully, so as not to burn yourself, stick cloves of garlic. Sprinkle dried barberry.
- When the end of cooking signal sounds, leave the pilaf in the multivark for another 15 minutes, then remove the cloves of garlic, place the pilaf on a large dish, sprinkle with chopped greens.
Method of feeding to the table
Serve on the table with cut vegetables and redwine. After trying this plov once, you will want to cook it always. Remember that it can be cooked in another way, adding any meat or other various spices. The main thing is to correctly calculate the cooking time. There is another important point: during cooking it is important to monitor how much liquid is in the multicast. If you see that it is small, you can safely add 1/2 cup of water, so that your delicious pilaf does not turn out to be dry. This method of cooking pilaf is not traditional, but after doing a lot of experiments with the multivarquet, you will most likely choose for yourself a similar recipe for cooking. Cook for yourself and your loved ones easily and with pleasure.