female diseasesWomen's diseases have been affecting everyone latelymore and more women. Moreover, the age of those who have fallen ill in recent years has been rapidly getting younger - these days even teenage girls can sometimes suffer from these diseases. Women's diseases - this expression is on everyone's lips. However, what is related to women's diseases, and why is it so important to know about it? Women's diseases are commonly called gynecological diseases that affect the genitals and the entire reproductive system of a woman's body - the ovaries, uterus, appendages, etc. A woman should very carefully monitor her health in order to notice the disease at its earliest stage of development. This will allow you to start treatment as quickly as possible - in this case, it will be many times more effective. And in order to notice the problem in time and seek help from a doctor, a woman should know the main symptoms of certain gynecological diseases. Unfortunately, more and more often gynecological diseases appear that are completely asymptomatic, and these diseases can be quite serious - sexually transmitted, and also accompanied by the appearance of various tumors of certain organs of the reproductive system. Moreover, these diseases can occur even without vaginal discharge typical for almost all female diseases - they are no different from natural, so-called "leucorrhoea". And the pathological origin of these same vaginal discharge can only be identified with the help of a laboratory study of vaginal discharge. In addition, for the latent course of certain gynecological diseases, painful sensations in the abdomen, deviations from the normal menstrual cycle, functional bleeding, etc. are not typical for such diseases. It is because of this feature that doctors strongly recommend that women visit a gynecologist for a preventive examination and tests at least twice a year. These mandatory tests include general and biochemical blood tests, general urine tests, gynecological tests to determine microflora and cytology. Sometimes the results of these studies become the only way to detect the presence of hidden infections and diseases that are asymptomatic.female diseases and their symptoms

Symptoms of female diseases

However, fortunately, in most casesfemale diseases still occur with the manifestation of their typical signs. Female diseases and their symptoms are very diverse. Moreover, the symptoms of gynecological diseases can often appear in cases where a woman's internal genital organs change their position, or are completely underdeveloped - only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of the symptoms of illness, and no one else. Another group of female diseases very often occurs due to the fact that various pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms are introduced into the woman's body. Basically, such diseases are sexually transmitted, but they are not the only ones. Another group of female diseases are diseases that develop due to the fact that the activity of the endocrine glands, and primarily the ovaries, is significantly disrupted. Due to this pathological process, a woman's normal hormonal background is significantly disrupted. Such hormonal disorders can develop as a result of a certain number of diseases, complicated pregnancy, labor and the postpartum period. As a rule, women's diseases that arise as a result of hormonal imbalances in the body are accompanied by the development of a variety of tumors - ovarian tumors, fallopian tubes, uterus and others, both benign and malignant, alas. Such types of diseases must be treated with increased attention and caution, otherwise the risk of developing all sorts of complications is very high. Of course, all women's diseases without exception develop only against a background favorable for their development, but unfavorable for the general condition of the body, under the influence of various provoking factors. A variety of circumstances can become such provoking factors. Below is listed only a small part of them:

  • Chronic fatigue of women.Modern women are burdened with too many different responsibilities – housekeeping, raising children, and, as a rule, a full working day. Of course, the female body sooner or later becomes exhausted, especially if the woman neglects proper rest. And overwork is a real trigger for all diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Severe emotional stress.No less often, diseases of the female reproductive system begin to develop due to severe stress. Moreover, stress does not necessarily have to be chronic - sometimes it is enough to just get very upset or scared once for a pathological process to begin to develop in the body.
  • Poor nutrition, decreased immunity.A decrease in the functioning of the immune system, a lack of certain nutrients, vitamins and microelements can also, with a very high degree of probability, lead to the development of functional disorders of the female reproductive system.
  • As mentioned above, almost everythingGynecological diseases have a number of symptomatic signs. Moreover, the disease can manifest itself both locally and by deterioration of the general condition of the human body. Such a wide range of symptomatic signs is explained, firstly, by the huge number of various causes of diseases, and secondly, by the physiological characteristics of the body. In addition, the close relationship between the female genital organs and the entire reproductive system and various internal organs and systems of the female body plays a significant role in the appearance of symptoms of gynecological diseases. So, it's time to talk about what these very symptoms of the disease can be:

    • Vaginal discharge

    A very common symptom thatappears in women with almost all diseases of the reproductive system, are abundant vaginal discharge: leucorrhoea, mucus, both with a change in the usual color, consistency and smell, and without this change. However, sometimes even in the presence of gynecological diseases, changes in vaginal discharge may not be observed.

    • Bleeding from the genital tract

    In some cases, a certain seriesgynecological diseases may be accompanied by bleeding from the female genitals. Moreover, the intensity of this bleeding can be very diverse - from barely noticeable bloody to very abundant bright scarlet. If bleeding occurs, a woman should seek medical help from a gynecologist as soon as possible, regardless of the intensity of the bloody discharge.

    • Painful sensations

    Often with gynecological diseasesWomen complain of pain of varying intensity. The nature of the pain itself can be very different - pulling, cutting, stabbing, sharp. The localization of pain can also be varied - the lower abdomen, back.

    • Violation of the menstrual cycle

    In addition, a very large numberGynecological diseases may be accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle, especially those diseases that arise as a result of a violation of the hormonal background of the body. Moreover, these deviations can be both greater and lesser.

    • Violation of the work of adjacent bodies

    Due to the fact that all organs of the reproductive systemsystems are located next to other internal organs, for example, the rectum, bladder, often gynecological diseases can lead to the development of diseases of these same adjacent organs.women's diseases gynecology

    Varieties of gynecological diseases

    Gynecology classifies female diseases as follows:

    • Inflammatory processes of genital organs

    Leading place among all gynecologicaldiseases are occupied by various types of inflammatory processes, which involve one or another organ of the reproductive system, most often the ovaries. Moreover, there can be several reasons for the development of this disease - from simple hypothermia to bacterial and other pathogenic microorganisms that have penetrated the woman's genitals.

    • Cervical erosion

    The second most common disease thatdoctors - gynecologists have to deal with - this is cervical erosion. As a result of this disease, the mucous membrane of the cervix gradually begins to ulcerate, and healthy cells gradually begin to degenerate into precancerous ones. Unfortunately, this disease occurs in one out of three women. Moreover, it often proceeds almost asymptomatically, or makes itself known by barely perceptible pain and smearing bloody discharge after sexual intercourse.

    • Myoma of the uterus

    This disease affects women approximatelyafter 45 years of age. This condition is characterized by the fact that muscle cells begin to pathologically grow into the wall of the uterus. As a rule, there are no vaginal discharges or any pain. But heavy menstrual flow with this pathology is a common occurrence.

    • Cyst or swelling of the ovaries

    Also, gynecologists quite often diagnoseWomen have either tumors or cysts. Women also do not complain of pain, but heavy menstrual bleeding is almost always present. Very often, this disease is discovered absolutely by accident, during a routine preventive examination. The earlier the disease is detected, the easier it will be to get rid of it. It is very, very important for a woman to visit a gynecologist in a timely manner, even if absolutely nothing bothers her. And if something bothers a woman, she should see a doctor as soon as possible. Fortunately, despite the fact that there are quite a large number of gynecological diseases, and they are not uncommon, the vast majority are quite easy to treat. If, of course, women's diseases were identified at the very beginning of their development, and treatment is started immediately. Ignoring visits to the gynecologist, and especially treatment of a particular gynecological disease is extremely fraught with danger for your overall health. Sometimes complications can be quite serious:

    • Development of malignant tumors

    Moreover, even the most common human papillomavirus can transform into cancerous tumors. As a rule, it leads to the development of cervical cancer.

    • Steady disorder of the menstrual cycle

    The menstrual cycle can either significantlydecrease or increase significantly, secondary amenorrhea also often occurs. As a rule, such a complication is often a consequence of the inflammatory process affecting the ovaries. It goes without saying that all these complications have the most negative effect on a woman's ability to conceive and bear a child. Agree - not the most rosy prospect for any woman. Therefore, it is highly advisable to cope with your reluctance to visit a gynecologist. It is much wiser to spend one hour once every six months than to end up in a hospital for treatment with some gynecological disease in an advanced form. You are unlikely to want to spend a couple of weeks in a hospital, in the company of IVs and injections, treating advanced female diseases. Therefore, visit your gynecologist on time and be healthy! We advise you to read:

