fears during pregnancyIt is generally accepted that pregnancy isthe happiest time in every woman's life. Of course, if this pregnancy is desired. On the one hand, this is true. But on the other hand, pregnancy is a time of fears. Sometimes reaching panic and frankly poisoning the life of the expectant mother. Perhaps this may seem strange to someone, but fears during pregnancy are very, very common. Let's try to figure out what expectant mothers are afraid of and how to cope with these numerous fears. After all, they should not be ignored under any circumstances - the peace of mind of a pregnant woman is above all else.

Unplanned pregnancy

If the pregnancy was planned, the womancarefully prepares for it. But if two stripes were a surprise for a woman, but she decided to have a baby, there will be a lot of reasons to worry. After all, the woman could have taken certain medications, smoked. Or maybe she celebrated some event and drank a little alcohol. Of course, all this greatly worries a woman who wants to give birth to a healthy baby. So the expectant mother suffers, wondering how her minor mistakes will affect the child. In order to cope with these fears, a woman just needs to realize one simple truth. If at such early stages of pregnancy the fetus is negatively affected, the pregnancy is spontaneously terminated. And if this does not happen and the fetus continues to develop, you can be sure that everything is fine with the child. This truth is true in the first 4-5 weeks of pregnancy.

Fear of pathology

This fear is familiar to some degree or another.almost every expectant mother. And it is not surprising, because the development of a new life is a very complex process. And the woman herself understands that she cannot control this process. Moreover - even constant medical supervision and ultrasound examinations confirming that everything is fine with the baby do not calm the worried woman. However, such fears are understandable. Nowadays, a pregnant woman is bombarded with a whole stream of information - and in most cases, very negative. The media, the Internet, stories of "compassionate" acquaintances, relatives and girlfriends - it is no wonder to be scared. These fears are the most difficult to cope with, because they are constantly fed from the outside. Therefore, try not to read various "smart" books that colorfully describe pathologies of intrauterine development, do not discuss these issues with friends. Think positively, because your child will definitely be born healthy! By the way, in most cases, constant observation by a gynecologist helps to reduce these fears. And in the case of a real threat of pathologies, a timely visit to a gynecologist will allow you to recognize the problem in time and take the necessary measures.fears of pregnancy

Fear of birth pain

There is probably not a single woman who doesn’twould be afraid of pain during childbirth. Moreover, this fear arises long before pregnancy - even very young girls associate childbirth with pain, having listened to the stories of their grandmothers and older friends. It is not surprising that such fear arises, is it? Of course, it would be stupid to convince the expectant mother that it will not hurt. It is very difficult to avoid pain - almost impossible. However, it is quite possible to reduce these painful sensations to a minimum. In order to get rid of this fear, it is worth enrolling in childbirth preparation courses. Firstly, you will be told about the mechanism of childbirth. And if a woman knows what is happening to her at this or that stage, it is easier for her to cope with fears. Secondly, a woman will master the technique of correct breathing. By the way, this is very good at coping with pain. And thirdly, you will get the opportunity to communicate with the same expectant mothers - and together, as you know, it is much easier to cope with any problem. By the way - if the fear of labor pain is very strong, you can discuss options for drug pain relief with your doctor. Of course, this does not mean that you will have to resort to it without fail. But the very awareness that such an opportunity exists gives the expectant mother a lot of strength.

Fear of partner births

It is generally accepted that every woman dreams ofthe opportunity to go to the maternity ward with your loved one. However, this is not true at all! Many women are frankly afraid of appearing in front of their husbands in an unsightly form - especially since you can hear a huge number of stories about how, after giving birth together, the husband lost sexual interest in his wife. Psychologists say that in fact this happens very, very rarely - no more than 5% of all cases. If this information does not calm you down, talk to your husband - you will see, he will surely quickly dispel your doubts and you will laugh together at your fears. If this does not help, you can resort to a radical option - do not take your husband to the delivery room. Let him be with you only in the prenatal ward, supporting you during contractions. And let him enter the delivery room only after the baby is born. Of course, if the dad himself agrees to miss such an event.

Fear of change for the worse

There are several fears in this group, so let's look at them step by step:

  • Fear of losing the title of "interesting" woman

It is generally accepted that polygamy is typical formen. However, this is not so - women are also very, very polygamous, they just do not allow themselves anything extra. However, the desire to be attractive to all men lives in every woman - in some to a greater extent, in others to a lesser extent. And it is not surprising that pregnant women are afraid of losing this attractiveness. Especially if they have such examples before their eyes - most often girlfriends who got married, gave birth to a child and lost their attractiveness. But dear women! In such cases, it is not pregnancy that is to blame for the loss of attractiveness, but the woman's own laziness. Look around - you will surely find more than one example of successful, beautiful young mothers. So everything is in your hands!

  • Fear of loss of sexual attraction

Many pregnant women stop"Access to the body" for the husband literally immediately after the appearance of the tummy, as they believe that they become sexually unattractive. However, this is not true! The vast majority of men consider pregnant women very, very attractive and after the birth of the child remember the days of pregnancy with a share of nostalgia. The way to cope with this situation is still the same - talk to your husband, tell him about your concerns. And, of course, do not forget to look after your appearance. Pregnancy is not a reason to walk around with broken nails, dirty hair and in ugly clothes.

  • Fear for your figure

It would seem that the figure of the expectant mother duringpregnancy should worry you the least. But it's not that simple - a woman remains a woman, no matter what. That's why she worries about extra pounds. There's only one way to cope with this fear - to realize that this change in figure is temporary. Everything is in your hands and after giving birth you will be able to return to your usual shape. And yes, by the way - don't forget that even during pregnancy you can gain really extra weight. And all because there is a popular belief that a future mother should eat for two. And for some reason the woman eats sweet buns and terribly delicious chocolate. This is a fundamentally wrong approach - you should discuss your diet with your gynecologist.unpleasant fears in pregnancy

Fear of being a bad mother

Very, very often a pregnant womanis terrified of being a bad mother - and it doesn't matter whether she is expecting her first baby or already has experience raising a child. A woman giving birth for the first time is afraid that she won't be able to cope with the child, won't be able to properly care for him, raise him properly. Those women who already have children are afraid that they won't be able to cope with two at once. Or even worse - they are afraid that their love will not be enough for two children, no matter how stupid it may sound. Dear mothers, this is almost impossible, because the ability to be a good mother is inherent in the genetics - nature itself has taken care of this. And you can help her - fortunately, today there is a lot of good literature devoted to child care and upbringing.

Fear of spoiling one's career

Today, emancipation has done its jobbusiness and women value their careers no less than men. And very often the expectant mother fears that the birth of a child will put an end to her career. On the one hand, this is fair - after all, a woman is leaving work for a long time. But on the other - everything is in your hands. In extreme cases, you can resort to the help of relatives or a nanny so as not to interrupt the work process for a long time. And time on maternity leave can be used rationally - read literature, improve your skills. In a word, maternity leave can be a great way to improve your specialization. And believe me - your career will only benefit from this!

Unreasonable fears

Such groundless fears are found in 90% of all pregnant women. As a rule, they manifest themselves in the following way:

  • The appearance of nightmares.
  • An increased sense of anxiety.
  • Panic attacks of varying severity.
  • Emotional instability - tears for no reason.

Doctors believe that such psychologicalthe condition of a pregnant woman is directly related to the physiological changes that occur in her body. Such changes can be an increased load on the cardiovascular system, a change in the usual blood flow, a powerful hormonal restructuring - there are a lot of options. As mentioned above, only a few expectant mothers manage to avoid this condition. And all other women will have to cope with this condition. Well, or just come to terms with it - whatever you like best. But in any case, you need to talk to a psychologist who will help you understand yourself.

Let's sum up the results

So, the general picture of fears during pregnancy is more or less clear. But let's sum it up: after all, repetition is the mother of learning.

  • Choosing a doctor

It is very important to choose a good doctor whowill monitor the course of your pregnancy. Moreover, a good doctor is not only highly educated, but also one you can completely trust.

  • Choosing a maternity hospital

Most women experience fear ofunknown. Therefore, it is worth taking care of finding a maternity hospital that suits you in advance, without putting this issue off until the end. Approach this issue carefully - ask your friends, read reviews on the Internet, visit the chosen maternity hospital. And only then make any decision.

  • Limit reading of medical literature

Don't get too carried away with readingmedical literature that describes pregnancy pathologies and, even more so, problems with the child's health. A pregnant woman is extremely impressionable - you can develop a real phobia.

  • Attend courses for expectant mothers

Psychologists claim that courses for expectant mothersaffect the psychological state of a woman in the most favorable way. They receive useful knowledge and communicate with other pregnant women. Being a mother is a huge responsibility. But also the greatest happiness that can only be in a woman's life. So do not darken this happiness with groundless fears. We recommend reading:

