About tall chest, slender legs and thin waistмечтают практически все женщины мира. Чтобы довести эти атрибуты женской красоты до идеала и постоянно поддерживать в таком состоянии, многие проводят уйму времени в тренажерных залах. Но лишь некоторые знают и понимают, что часть тела, которая находиться ниже спины, является главным магнитом, притягивающим мужские взгляды (и женские, кстати, тоже). Главной чертой красивых ягодиц является их округлая форма. Этого же мнения придерживаются и многие пластические хирурги мира. Интересен тот факт, что мужчины на 10 % чаще обращают внимание на идеальную попу, чем на грудь, и считают, что эта часть женского тела более сексуальная. При этом, по их мнению, ягодицы должны иметь округлый, аппетитный вид и повышенную степень упругости. Следовательно, попа женщины не должна быть слишком худой. Обвисшие мышцы никого не делают привлекательным. Но вопрос упругости ягодичных мышц должен волновать женщин не только тогда, когда дело касается красоты. Стоит знать, что одной из основных мышц, отвечающих за здоровье спины, ног, мочеполовой системы, а также удерживание тела человека в вертикальном положении, является именно ягодичная. Поэтому, благодаря крепкой и упругой попе, здоровое женское тело будет украшено ещё и прямой осанкой, что значительно добавит её обладательнице сексуальной привлекательности. Но даже самая стройная и изящная фигура не возымеет должного внимания при наличии проблем в области ягодичных мышц. Как же от них избавиться? На самом деле работа с мышцами ягодиц – это задача не из легких, так как существует вероятность сопутствующей накачки ног и других, не интересующих вас на данном этапе, зон. Дабы избежать таких нежелательных результатов, следует очень внимательно относиться к технике выполнения определенных упражнений, направленных на подтяжку именно ягодиц. Следующий вопрос: стоит ли посещать тренажерный зал или можно ограничиться выполнением упражнений в домашних условиях? Многие считают, что лучше, эффективнее и удобнее тренироваться дома. Но в этом случае не стоит забывать и о своих «любимых» соседях снизу, которые только и выжидают момента для жалобы за нарушение тишины в доме. Кроме того, весь необходимый арсенал тренажеров займет немало полезной жилой площади. Ответ: делать упражнения нужно в тренажерном зале. Ведь только комплекс физических упражнений, сопряженный с применением спортивного оборудования, поможет вам за сравнительно короткий срок откорректировать форму своей попы до такой степени, что мужчины не смогут оторвать от неё взгляд. Для накачки ягодиц в зале, вам потребуется примерно 1 месяц, но не отлынивания, а добросовестной и регулярной работы в тренажерном зале. Помните, что это нужно не кому-то, а только вам. Выполняя специальные силовые упражнения, вы увеличите мышечную массу на ягодицах и, соответственно, избавитесь от лишних жировых отложений в этой проблемной зоне. Ни в коем случае не начинайте выполнять упражнения без предварительной разминки, которая поможет хорошо разогреть все группы мышц. Для этого можно применить легкий бег или быструю ходьбу с обязательным присутствием элементов маха рук. Не забывайте о правильном дыхании. Также, стоит прислушаться к своим суставам: если при их полноценной работе слышатся щелканья, наблюдаются посттренировочные отеки и боль, то разминаться следует с помощью аэробных нагрузок на беговой дорожке, велоэргонометре, эллипсе на протяжении 10-15 минут. Закончить разогрев нужно серией выпадов без отягощения. По итогам последнего упражнения можно судить о состоянии готовности Ваших суставов к нагрузкам.
Train the buttocks
Almost all basic exercises,aimed at shaping and growing the gluteal muscles, should ideally be performed using free weights, which often include barbells and dumbbells. To achieve gluteal hypertrophy, try using the so-called "gold standard of glute training" rule - squats and deadlifts are supplemented with lunges and leg swings with weights.
Squatting Those who don't know might say:"Squats, big deal! It's so easy." In fact, such exercises are among the most difficult and at first they should be performed under the supervision of a trainer and taking into account all the recommendations below. So, when lowering into a squat, remember that the foot of the leg should rest completely on the floor. Deep squats that cross the parallel with the floor are not recommended, since they do not bring much effectiveness to the muscles, but can only seriously harm the joints. Rising from a squat should be done not with the help of the front surface of the thigh, which is also called the quadriceps, but as a result of strong tension of the gluteus maximus muscles. Those who want to gain weight in the buttocks area can be advised to perform such squats every other day in 5-6 approaches, each of which will contain 8-10 repetitions. If you already have appetizing forms, then to maintain them in this state, it is quite enough to train in the specified way once a week, but in the amount of 4-5 approaches of 12-15 repetitions in each.
Performing deadlifts. It will be useful for beginners.use dumbbells when performing deadlifts. This maneuver will help to keep the shoulder blades together longer and will ensure the presence of a physiological lumbar deflection throughout the set. Next, take the dumbbells, bring the shoulder blades together and, with your butt slightly pulled back, bend forward, looking in front of you until you feel a stretch in the back surface (biceps) of the thigh. You need to straighten up using the effort of your buttocks. This exercise is great for pumping up your buttocks. In addition, this is a chance to build muscle mass on thin legs, in particular on their back surface. Your forms will grow before your eyes if you perform deadlifts regularly, namely a couple of times a week in about 4-5 sets with 10 repetitions in each. To maintain the achieved result, it is enough to train only once a week, performing 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions in each.
Doing lunges Modern fitness is full ofall sorts of variations of lunges. But for strength training of the buttocks, you should use only backward lunges. Some trainers also advise doing static lunges from a platform. Use a step or other elevation that reaches 15-20 cm in height. Before starting the exercise, turn your back to it. Then do backward lunges. In this case, the toe of the foot should be on the platform. After reaching this position, you should lower yourself into a squat to a level equal to 90 degrees at the knee of the leg that is in front. Using the effort of the gluteal muscles, rise from the squat, and then lower yourself again. You should not return the leg that is on the platform to its original position. This is why such lunges are called static. This exercise is performed every other day in 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions in each. If, in addition to the buttocks, you need to pump up your legs, then classic forward lunges will do a great job of this task.
We perform swings using weights. Forto work out the small muscles - the flexors of the buttocks, you need to do exercises on special devices, which are often available in gyms. But, in the absence of these, it is quite possible to do this in another way. So, you should put weights on your ankles, kneel down and rest your hands on the floor. Then bend your leg with the weight at a right angle and lift it so that the quadriceps takes a position parallel to the floor. The basis of the exercise is pushing upward movements, which resemble pressing a button with your heel. It should be done several times a week in 2 sets of 20-25 repetitions for each leg.
Spread your legs to the sides This exerciseis an isolating exercise, as it involves only the hip joint. The main load falls on the small and large gluteal muscles, which are located one behind the other, due to which their functions are similar to each other. To perform the exercise, you should sit down on a special machine until your pelvis and seat are completely touching. The presence of back support allows you to lean on it and fix your position. The outer surface of the thighs should be pressed against special stops and, using a powerful isolated effort of the gluteal muscles, spread your legs apart. Having reached the critical point, make a distinct pause without interruption by the force of inertia and stay in this position for a few seconds. Then, under control, return to the starting position. Without resting, perform the next repetition. In this case, the knee and ankle joint should not be included in the work, since only the gluteal muscles should be involved. Remember that there should be no jerking movements when performing the exercise. If you feel extremely strong tension on the muscles, it is better to reduce the working weight. The exercise is performed in 3-4 sets of 20 repetitions each.
Bring your legs together in the machine For such exercisesa machine similar in appearance to the previous one is used, but different in functionality and muscle group development - in this case, the adductor muscles of the thigh are involved. If both of them are used during one workout, the buttocks become pleasant to look at. If you work hard on only one of the specified machines, this can lead to disproportionate development of muscle mass. The gluteal muscles will look beautiful only when the adjacent areas are also worked out. Sit down on the machine, straightening your back and straightening your chest. Try to fix the position. The inner surface of the thighs should be rested on special pads, and the center of gravity should be transferred to the ischial bones. Bring your legs together with an isolating effort of the adductor muscles. Having reached the critical point, hold and create a peak contraction. Withstand a few seconds of such tension and slowly return to the starting position, without allowing the force of inertia to work. Without pausing, begin performing a new repetition. The exercise should contain 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions each.
We take our legs away on the block. Many modern fitness— the centers have acquired special cuff handles that are attached to all block trainers. They will help you to “hit” the gluteal muscles in isolation. Fasten the cuff intended for the lower block on the far leg and stand sideways to the machine. Your back should take a natural bend, and your gaze should be directed forward. To balance your position, you should grab the block with the hand closest to it. Please note - if the cable is taut at the beginning of the trajectory, then the starting position is correct. You should move your leg to the side with a slow and controlled movement, without bending the knee joint, and without moving other parts of the body, the torso. It is forbidden to rotate the pelvis. When the leg is at the top, hold for a second and smoothly return it back. After it touches the floor, begin a new repetition and so on 11 more times. Do the same procedure with the other leg. The exercise is performed in 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions each on both legs. Girls, remember that reaching the critical point in such an exercise does not imply too much abduction of the leg.
How to do a one-legged press using a machineIt is not surprising, but girls are very fond of this particular machine. It allows you to perform a movement using both legs with your feet high and wide apart. This perfectly loads the gluteal muscles and those located on the back of the thigh. This option is classic. In our case, try to complicate the task by isolating the buttocks. For this, use a bench press, but with only one leg. Lie down on the machine designed for pressing the platform and place your working leg as close to its upper edge as possible. Note that if a right angle is formed between the support and the shin, then the starting position is correct. The other leg should remain on the floor. Next, take the weight of the weight on your working leg and bend it at the knee until the angle reaches 90 degrees, then start squeezing the platform upward. The knee should not bend more than required by the movement. Upon reaching the top, begin performing a new repetition. The most rational working range for this exercise is considered to be 4 sets with 10-12 repetitions in each for both legs.
We take our legs back with the help of the simulator How weWe have already mentioned that lunges can achieve very good results in pumping up the gluteal muscles. But at the same time, many other muscle groups will also be involved, and you don’t need additional pumping of them at all. To avoid such situations, a special simulator was developed and successfully used in practice, which involves working in an inclined position, as a result of which the lower back is unloaded. In plain language - this simulator is designed for an “increased attack” of the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh. Rest one foot on the simulator, and grasp the handles with your hands, specially designed to maintain balance. The other leg should be rested on the platform. In this case, both legs should be in a position with slightly bent knee joints. Next, try to push the platform back and up with a powerful effort of both legs. Note that your legs should not straighten too much. When you move your leg back, the line of the thigh should be parallel to the floor. Having reached the critical point, without pausing, begin to return to the starting position in a controlled manner. Without resting, proceed to the next repetition.
Remember that this exercise should bethe final one for the entire complex of your workout. Ideally, it is performed in 3 sets of 10 repetitions each on both legs. Do not forget about choosing a reasonable working weight. Otherwise, this may lead to unwanted pumping of the quadriceps. To determine the ideal working weight of the weights in each individual case, listen to your feelings when performing the last two sets of a certain exercise - clenched teeth and severe fatigue are a sign of your mistake in choosing the weights. Do not believe the promises of advertisements about magical ways to correct the buttocks to an ideal state. Only working in the gym and proper nutrition will give you an elastic and attractive "highlight".