Men and women are completely differentperceive the concept of "beautiful abs". If the representatives of the stronger sex see ideal abdominal muscles in the form of three rows of cubes, then the beautiful half of humanity believes that an elastic stomach and a thin waist make them attractive and sexy. Exercises for the abs for girls will help you achieve your goal in training your own body.
How to pump up the press?
As you know, a sculpted torso means big andpumped abdominal muscles that acquire a beautiful shape after regular work on them. Men, acquiring a relief press, can afford a few extra centimeters at the waist, because we are talking about muscle mass, not fat. In the case of girls, the appearance of an extra two centimeters of waist volume as a result of pumping up muscles is a “tragedy of universal proportions”. But these troubles can be avoided by following the following recommendations. Most girls try to pump up the press at home. It is more advisable to do such exercises on an empty stomach. As a result, you can get rid of the fat layer in the abdominal area. Since during sleep the body burns all the energy left over from the evening, during physical activity before eating, fat is automatically burned. In the morning, the waist has a smaller volume and therefore the load on the abdominal muscles in this state significantly reduces the risk of acquiring extra centimeters. After doing abdominal exercises, you should definitely have breakfast. This does not mean that you need to eat until you burst. Breakfast should be light and include light carbohydrates (porridge) or proteins (cottage cheese, eggs, chicken). And most importantly: do not abuse cakes, chocolate and other heavy foods. This will not bring any benefit. You need to exercise regularly. But do not overdo it, because daily exercise will give you a sculpted, but still voluminous tummy. To maintain a thin waist, it is enough to exercise three times a week. The workout should last about 10-20 minutes. During the workout, do not do only exercises for the abdominal muscles. Do stretching, dance exercises, jumping rope beforehand. They, burning excess fat, will prepare you for the loads.
Strengthening the abdominal muscles at home
Blowdown of the bottom and side press
To train your lower abs, lie downfloor, and put a small pillow under your head. Bend your legs at an angle of 30 degrees, while your back should be straight. Hold this position and, placing your palms on the edge, massage it with a movement across the abdomen. The pressure should not be too strong, the amplitude and pace of the movements are chosen arbitrarily. The main goal of this exercise is to warm up the subcutaneous fat and muscles in the massage area. To get a noticeable result, you need to do it for at least 15-20 seconds. The exercise for training the lateral press is performed from a standing position on straight legs, which are set at shoulder width, and the arms should be bent at the elbows and brought behind the head. Pull in your stomach and connect the cup of the right knee with the left elbow in a twist. Fix the position and return to the starting position. The same exercise should be done with the left knee and right elbow.
Recommendations for active girls
If you have finally decided to dohome abdominal exercises, take into account several very useful tips. So, do not pump the abdominal muscles more often than the rules require. Otherwise, you risk quickly spoiling the effect and beauty of your own tummy. Do not forget about proper breathing while performing a set of selected exercises. Remember that a full exhalation should accompany the moment of the strongest muscle tension. At the same time, deeply draw in the front wall of the abdomen and relax the ribs. At the same time, they should go down. When inhaling, try not to relax the abdominal muscles. The stomach will swell mainly to the sides and up. As a rule, the next day after a full workout, most girls suffer from severe pain in the area of the muscles that were subjected to the load. This is not a reason to stop performing a set of abdominal exercises. You should just do a good warm-up immediately before the main workout, and you will notice how the pain recedes, and over time, completely leaves the body. You can only give up training and reschedule it for another convenient day if the muscle pain is unbearable. When doing abdominal exercises, try to refrain from overloading your abdominal muscles. At best, this is fraught with the fact that you will not fit into your favorite fitted dress. You will have to correct this situation with quick and multiple repetitions of pumping up the press, which will allow you to get rid of excess fat from the sides and abdomen. To increase the effectiveness of abdominal exercises, use a fitness ball, wheel or roller and monitor the correct technique for performing all the necessary movements. And, of course, do not forget about your own mood - it should be positively tuned to the fight against extra pounds and flabbiness of muscles.