A person is faced with enormous danger at every stepa number of different diseases. And one of these diseases is pulmonary emphysema. With pulmonary emphysema, a pathological change in their structure occurs: the bronchioles expand excessively, and the walls of the alveoli undergo destructive changes. Emphysema is one of the most common atypical lung diseases. Doctors distinguish two forms of this disease:
Depending on where it is localizedemphysema, it can be either diffuse - affecting all the lungs, or focal - affecting a specific part of the lungs. This factor is also very important, as it significantly affects the determination of subsequent treatment tactics. Treatment of both types of emphysema is quite complex. And it is very important to notice the problem in a timely manner.
Causes of emphysema
The development of pulmonary emphysema is provoked by various reasons. But doctors classify all these reasons into two main groups:
- Factors provoking a violation of the strength and elasticity of structural elements of the lungs.
Such violations may arise as a result ofa wide variety of factors. For example, pathological blood microcirculation significantly reduces the elasticity of lung tissue. Chronic deficiency of vitamin A in the human body leads to approximately the same result. The purity of the air inhaled by a person also plays an important role. The more dust microparticles it contains, the higher the risk of developing pulmonary emphysema. And finally, smoking. Inhaling tobacco smoke leads to severe irritation of the lung tissue and inhibition of their normal functioning. Strictly speaking, almost any smoker sooner or later inevitably faces such a problem as pulmonary emphysema. All these reasons in all cases without exception lead to the emergence of a diffuse system, in which pathological modification of all parts of the lungs without exception occurs. However, nevertheless, with primary pulmonary emphysema, bronchial obstruction does not develop.
- Factors provoking an increase in pressure in the respiratory parts of the lungs.
Factors related to the second group leadto a significant increase in pressure in the lungs. As a result, there is overstretching of the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli. Most often, such an outcome is caused by the presence of chronic obstructive bronchitis in a person. This disease is the main cause of secondary emphysema precisely because it creates conditions under which the mechanism of overstretching of the alveoli is formed.
Symptoms of pulmonary emphysema
Of course, this disease cannotbe asymptomatic. Patients suffering from pulmonary emphysema have characteristic shortness of breath, chest expansion, weakened breathing, weakness. Of course, these are only the main signs that a sick person can detect in himself. However, these are far from all the symptoms of pulmonary emphysema that a sick person has. However, most of them can only be detected by an experienced doctor. Therefore, at the first signs of malaise: chest pain, lingering cough, seek medical help from a pulmonologist as soon as possible or, if there is none, from a therapist. And do not panic at the first coughing fits, panic and suspect emphysema. However, remember that it is necessary to treat not only pulmonary emphysema, but also even ordinary bronchitis. Therefore, timely treatment is necessary in any case. The doctor will examine the sick person, listen to him. After this, as a rule, the sick person undergoes an X-ray of the lungs. If additional diagnostics are required, a bronchoscopy may be performed – a lung examination using a special probe. Based on all the data obtained, the doctor diagnoses the disease. After that, taking into account the huge number of individual characteristics of each individual, the doctor will choose the treatment tactics. Treatment of pulmonary emphysema is quite complex and labor-intensive. In addition, all treatment should be carried out under strict medical supervision. Therefore, it is not worth focusing on it. The main thing that a person should do is to consult a doctor in a timely manner.