elastic buttocksAccording to surveys conducted among menpeople of different ages, nationalities and religions, the buttocks are one of the most attractive female body parts. They even - which is absolutely incredible! - managed to get ahead of such a serious "competitor" as the breast. What epithets the stronger sex does not award to the female butt - "gorgeous", "appetizing", "sexy", "luxurious" - it's nice to hear! But, unfortunately, it often happens that when studying your own reflection in the mirror, completely different definitions come to mind ... Why such injustice? In fact, everything is arranged very correctly. Initially, the roles of men and women in society were strictly delineated. Therefore, their physiques are very different. A man is a hunter, a warrior, "hope and support." A woman is a mother and "keeper of the hearth." Simply put, a man had to run more often, and a woman - "Sit on your butt". Firm buttocks are, of course, very cool... But it is more comfortable to sit on a soft butt. And one more important point. The hated fat is nothing more than "canned" energy. A woman needs it to bear and feed a child. And it is much easier for those with wide hips to give birth. So everything is thought out very cleverly. By the way, initially and up until recently, the ideals of female beauty completely corresponded to the "idea" of Mother Nature. Remember, at least, Titian's women. You don't think that the artist worked with models that were supposed to cause disgust in others? Of course not. This is exactly the kind of physique that was considered perfect. However, you don't even have to go that far - just watch old films from the 50s and 60s. All recognized beauties have quite curvy shapes. And the epithet "thin" was perceived as "sick", "ugly". And the word itself comes from the word "thin". The meaning, I think, is clear. But each century has its own ideals of female beauty. Today, the notorious standard 90x60x90 is firmly entrenched in women's heads. And, it seems, specifically in women's. It is hardly possible to imagine a normal man - unless, of course, he is a tailor - who would rush to the lady he likes with a tape measure in his hands. However, women are stubborn creatures. They continue to stubbornly strive for the cherished figures. And if they fail to achieve them - well, or at least get close - an inferiority complex arises and depression begins. How can this problem be solved?buttocks elastic

How to make the buttocks elastic with the help of cosmetology?

Unfortunately, if you didn't take care of thisnature, - there are such lucky ones! - then making your butt "firm" is not easy at all. Not easy - but possible. It will just take a lot of time and effort. But if the goal is set - you need to strive for it. True, first you need to choose the ways to achieve it. And there are at least three of them. The simplest, but the most expensive - seeking help from professionals. There are options here too. The first is suitable for determined women. Those who live by the principle of "I want everything at once". This is - plastic surgery. True, before deciding on such radical measures, you should think ten times. Of course, modern plastic surgery does not stand still. New methods, high-tech equipment ... add to this intrusive advertising and the personal example of various "stars", and it becomes clear why more and more women decide to take this step. Of course, it is so tempting - to "make" yourself a new, sexy butt in just one day, without putting any effort into it! So this method has quite a lot of supporters. However, if you are one of them, you need to take into account that any surgical intervention has a lot of contraindications and is fraught with the most serious complications. There are several methods of surgical correction of the buttocks. Perhaps the most famous are liposuction and gluteoplasty.

  • Liposuction

Liposuction involves the removal of fat from"problem" areas. The operation is quite serious. The recovery period is about two weeks. The final result can be seen only two or three months after the operation. Unfortunately, not everyone is happy with it. Quite often, instead of a firm, beautiful butt, you can get "something" literally "pitted" with incomprehensible "holes and bumps".

  • Gluteoplasty

Gluteoplasty is a correction of shapebuttocks with implants. The rehabilitation period is about two weeks. Full recovery will take about three months. After the operation, you cannot sit for a long time and it is recommended to wear special support shorts. In general, whether to resort to such radical measures or not is, of course, up to you. At least, before doing this, you need to carefully collect all the information and take the choice of the clinic very seriously. The second option for professional help is salon procedures. In any beauty salon, you will be offered a whole range of various services that will make elastic buttocks not a dream, but a reality. What has not been invented for these purposes! Various masks, wraps, mesotherapy, hardware cosmetology and many other pleasant and not so pleasant procedures. By the way, some of them also have many contraindications. Therefore, before "giving yourself over to the hands" of specialists, you must consult a doctor. Let's consider some of them.

  • Mesotherapy

This procedure is suitable for those who are not afraid of injections.The principle is very simple - special preparations that destroy fat cells are injected under the skin. This allows you to get rid of local "accumulations" and simultaneously tighten the skin. It is believed that to achieve the effect, you need to do at least four procedures. In fact, most likely, this number will not be limited. You should focus on 10-15 sessions.

  • Hardware cosmetology

You will be given detailed information about the various devices andwill offer a variety of methods - ultrasonic liposuction, electrolipolysis, hardware vacuum massage, infrared radiation, etc. They differ in the degree of pain, the strength of the impact and, of course, the price. The choice is yours. However, you need to know that whichever option you choose, you will need to undergo a course of several procedures.

  • «Manual modeling»

It is relatively new and very effective.a way of modeling the figure. It is especially suitable for those whose butt has so-called "ears". As a rule, the procedure is carried out once a week and takes about three hours. The disadvantages of "manual sculpting" include the fact that these manipulations are very painful, and the "treated" areas swell and become covered with bruises. However, as a result, you will not only get rid of excess fat, but also acquire seductive forms that will last for a long time. Various anti-cellulite masks and wraps are not only effective, but also pleasant ways of modeling the buttocks. They can also be done in a salon, using professional cosmetics. However, even cosmetologists confirm that homemade masks are no less effective. And here we come to the second way to achieve the goal.

Physical exercises «Elastic buttocks»

Is it possible to achieve firm buttocks at homeconditions? Of course! But this task is not simple, and its solution will have to be approached comprehensively. Instead of expensive and painful procedures, you can use simple and effective exercises. The main thing is to do exercises for elastic buttocks regularly. Only in this case will the training be beneficial.

  • Lying on your back, lower your left ankle to the rightknee (to increase the load you can raise your left leg up). Slowly raise and lower the pelvis, without touching the floor and pausing in the upper position. For each leg - 15 times.
  • Standing and holding on to the back of the chair, pull back the leg, while the foot is unfolded to the side. Do 20 mahov each leg, without bending at the waist and straining the muscles of the press.
  • Take dumbbells in each hand, legs - on the widthshoulder, back to the chair. With a little bending your arms, sit down gently when you touch the seat of the chair, straighten up. Do 15 sit-ups, holding the blades together, and your back flat.
  • Lie on your stomach.Clasp your hands together and place them under your chin. Bend your knees as if you want to touch your buttocks with your heels. But you don’t have to touch them, just pull your legs in that direction. Do the exercise quickly and at least fifty times. If desired, you can attach weights to your legs. But don’t overdo it — its weight should not exceed two kilograms for each leg.
  • The starting position is the same - lying onstomach, hands - under the chin. Bend your legs so that they are perpendicular to the floor. Tighten the muscles of your legs and buttocks as much as possible and try to lift your knees off the floor by one or two centimeters. This must be done smoothly and slowly. Also, slowly lower yourself to the starting position. Be very careful, otherwise you can damage the kneecap. The exercise is performed 10 times in a row. The number of approaches is three.
  • exercises elastic buttocks

    Healthy lifestyle

    Well, in conclusion, I would like to tell you how to make your buttocks firm with the help of proper nutrition and body care.

    • Massage

    Believe me, this is not at all necessary.go somewhere or call a massage therapist to your home. Independent mini-massage sessions, provided that they are carried out regularly, give very good results. So, twice a day, in the morning and in the evening before going to the shower, you need to lightly "pinch" the skin of the buttocks. Achieve a slight redness. This will ensure better blood flow. Then, already in the shower, massage the buttocks with a hard brush or washcloth. After the shower, be sure to apply cream. Depending on the condition of the skin, you can use anti-cellulite, nourishing, moisturizing or lifting cream.

    • Food

    Review your menu.Try to reduce the amount of flour, sweets and fatty foods. Eat more cereals and vegetables. Divide your daily diet into five or six meals and eat it slowly, in small portions. Try to organize your daily routine so that you have dinner at least four hours before bedtime.

    • In order to enhance the effect of exercise and massage, use "folk" recipes for anti-cellulite masks

    There are even entire programs in salons.But you can do it yourself. For example, this one will do. A mask made of blue clay. It will not only help to “draw out” excess fluid from the skin, but also get rid of toxins. Take three large spoons of clay, pour in some warm water and stir. You should get a paste. Add two large spoons of ground coffee beans and essential oils. For example, 3 drops of rosemary and 5 drops of thyme. Apply to the buttocks and hold for 10-12 minutes.

    • Try to lead an active lifestyle

    Cycling, skiing, and skatingroller skating, dancing, aerobics, swimming - all this strengthens the muscles well and makes the buttocks elastic. Of course, you should not hope that you will be able to "get" elastic buttocks in a week - it will take much more time. But, as you know, if a woman really wants something, she will definitely achieve it. That's how we are made. We advise you to read:

