1 How can we sometimes want to sleep! Just close your eyes and plunge into the bliss to rest from a busy day and gain strength for the next. And in a dream dreams come to us. Sometimes good and sweet, and sometimes - disturbing and even frightening. What a dream is, modern science can not yet fully explain. Perhaps this is for the best. Let the country of dreams remain surrounded by a mysterious veil. There are many people who are sure that sleep somehow influences the future and helps to remember important moments from the past. For example, there is a belief that during sleep we are bound by entities from the other world, while some try to intimidate us, while others are trying to convey a warning about future events. Only they say not directly, but rather hints. Hints can be recognized if you use dream books. Now it is hardly possible to find out when the first dream book appeared in writing. In different cultures, from generation to generation, information was passed verbally on what to do in this or the other way, if a dream had a dream. Until now, some small nations, which are not so spoiled by civilization, have preserved the customs of deciphering dreams to shamans and elders. By the way, experienced people advise that if you have a terrible dream, then you need to go to sleep again to see a good dream. Then the nightmare will not come true. It is known that Democritus and Aristotle made their dream books, and nowadays it spreads Because the explanations of the dreams in it are prettyunderstandable and well-systematized. Some people make their personal dream books, though it takes a year to do it. The procedure looks simple. Every morning, we must write down as much as possible everything that was dreamed, and in the evening remember all that happened during the day and compare it with the images from sleep. After a while, information will accumulate and it can be analyzed. It is useful to consider every detail, including the day of the week, the phase of the moon and so on. Such a dream book will be of value only for the person who composes it, however, psychologists say, keeping records of dreams is useful for mental health and certainly cures insomnia. In this case, of course, do not try to sleep as much as possible. First, dreams no longer dream, and the real life can suffer. Making your dream book is a very fascinating activity, but very few people have so much patience and self-discipline. Much easier and faster to choose , going to special resources on the Internet. Very conveniently, that it is possible to check a dream at once on several known dream books and even choose the most attractive value. It is known that sonnets from different authors do not always coincide, which is due to the difference in cultures and the time of composing the dream book. For example, in the Middle Ages in Europe, dreams were attributed to occult significance, so the interpretations are full of mystical images, and sometimes incomprehensible to modern man revolutions.

