dogs and cats"They live like a cat and a dog" - that's exactly itwe are used to giving this definition to people who are at odds with each other and live in the same neighborhood. It would seem that this statement should convince any person that hostility between these animals is inevitable in any case. However, many of us have witnessed a completely peaceful existence of a dog and a cat in the same house. So what is the matter here? Maybe only certain breeds can get along in the same house? Or does it all depend on the nature of the pets? Let's try to understand this issue.

Innate hatred or instinct?

What do you think motivates a street dog?chasing a cat? Maybe hatred or innate hostility? No. The hunting instinct is at work here. With the same zeal, a dog can chase a person who is running after a departing bus, or any moving object. And having caught up with a frightened cat, the dog will simply sniff it, bark, showing its superiority, and calmly run in the opposite direction. Of course, if the dog was not specially trained to hunt cats - this also happens. And why does the cat run away? After all, by nature, she is also a hunter. She is simply afraid to mess with those who are larger and stronger than her. The instinct of self-preservation is at work here. But cats do not run away from small dogs. They assume a defensive pose, hiss, arch their backs and are even able to show their claws, smearing the dog on the nose. And in such a situation, it is the dog that retreats - she does not want to be torn by sharp claws at all. As you can see, even on the street these animals remain equal. What can we say about the home environment? By the way, cats and dogs behave completely differently inside and outside the house. For a cat, "its" dog and "someone else's" are two opposites. However, for a dog, too. And animals instinctively understand who they can be friends with and who they shouldn't.cats and dogs

A new tenant in the house: acting on the basis of the situation

If you already have one pet, having decidedget a second one, you may encounter some nuances. And here everything depends on the age of both the cat and the dog. It is most difficult for adult animals to make friends, especially if the cat was the first to appear in the house. After all, it was he who was the only and rightful owner of the territory for a long time, so it will be difficult for him to come to terms with the appearance of a new neighbor on it. And in this situation, the cat will dominate the dog, even if she turns out to be larger and stronger than him. A cat and a dog get used to each other faster if one animal is already an adult. Of course, the dog will not immediately take the appearance of a fluffy and meowing lump for granted. It is best to settle the newcomer in another room and try to ensure that future friends do not meet for now. Let the kitten get used to the new home, and the dog come to terms with the new smell. In about a week, you can introduce the pets. Be prepared for the fact that the kitten will perceive the new neighbor aggressively: it will hiss and release its claws. With such behavior, it shows the dog that it can stand up for itself. At first, feed the animals separately, equip each with its own place to rest. Gradually, the cat and dog will get used to each other, and in a couple of weeks you will see them sleeping hugging each other in a secluded corner of the house. Having brought a puppy into the house where an adult cat lives, you can introduce them right away. The cat's behavior will depend on her character. If she already has a developed maternal instinct, she will accept him as her own child. If your lady has a character, then you will not be able to avoid discontent on her part. At first, she will express contempt for the new tenant, hiss at him, and may even release her claws, thereby showing who is the boss in the house. Do not worry, the cat will soon come to terms with the existence of a neighbor. The main thing is not to forget to pay attention to her, show that you have not stopped loving her. Let her know that she was and remains the mistress of the house. The best solution is to get a kitten and a puppy at the same time. A dog and a cat will become best friends if they grow and develop together. The stages of development of these pets are similar to each other, so they will definitely find something to do to their liking. Of course, two noisy and playful pets can bring a lot of trouble to their owners: gnawed house slippers, damaged furniture, constantly torn curtains. But there is nothing to be done about it, you will just have to accept it and wait until your pets grow up. Some features of joint education of a dog and a cat

  • If your dog has recently become a mother, try to protect her from the cat;
  • It is not necessary to feed the animals from one bowl. If they want to share with each other, they will do it without your help;
  • Be sure to equip for the cat and dog separate berths;
  • When playing, animals can cause serious injuries to each other. Watch your cat's claws - trim them in time to protect the puppy from painful scratches;
  • Both pets pay the same attention. Do not allow the appearance of jealousy on their part.

In any case, over time the animals will understand thatthey live in the same house and that "a bad peace is better than a good quarrel." The main thing is that you help them with this. They should feel that you need them, and that caring for them is a joy for you, not a burdensome and dog

We are responsible for those who have tamed us.

When raising a cat or dog, you must understand,what exactly depends on you, how their future life will turn out. Any pet needs constant and proper care. So that the process does not cause you much trouble, start accustoming your pet to it from the first days. A cat and a dog should know the owner's hands, certain gestures and movements. This will make it easier for you to carry out all hygiene procedures: cleaning ears, eyes and teeth, trimming claws, bathing or washing paws after a walk. Hygiene procedures Caring for the fur of dogs and cats depends on many factors: the season, the physical condition of the animal, the length and thickness of the fur itself. Dogs are bathed once every two months, using special shampoos, as well as antiparasitic agents (fleas and ticks). But it is advisable to wash their paws after each walk, simply rinsing them with running water. Cats are bathed much less often - here everything depends on the conditions of their maintenance. Pets need to be accustomed to trimming their claws from puppyhood. It would be good to carry out this procedure once a week. Caring for your pet's teeth is also very important, especially for dogs. A special brush and paste are used to remove plaque. If plaque has appeared on the teeth, contact a veterinary clinic, where they will perform an ultrasonic cleaning procedure. Do not forget to regularly examine the ears of your pet. When there are no abnormalities, the pet will not object to this process. But if you notice that your cat or dog does not allow you to touch their ears and breaks out of your hands during the examination (although this has not been noticed before), immediately consult a doctor. And of course, do not forget about annual vaccinations and antihelminthic drugs, which must be given to the animal every 3-4 months. Diet of pets This issue worries the owners of both cats and dogs. Often people are confident that the animals have enough leftovers from the dinner table for a balanced diet. This approach is fundamentally wrong! The pet's diet should contain all the necessary substances for proper growth and development. Ready-made dry and liquid food is good in this regard. They already have everything they need. However, remember, when giving preference to store-bought food, be sure to consult a veterinarian. And do not chase a low price, buy food only in specialized stores that have a quality certificate for their products. Otherwise, no one can vouch for the health of your pets. With this approach to feeding, animals do not need additional minerals and vitamins. If you decide to feed animals natural products, study the recommendations below, which will help you create the right diet.

  • And for cats, and for dogs are obligatory cereals - rice and buckwheat;
  • Meat should also be present - chicken, beef, turkey;
  • Fish is needed not only for cats, but for dogs. Be sure to remove the bones from it before feeding;
  • Vegetables - everything, except potatoes and legumes. Greens are not recommended;
  • Do not give too much fatty milk and sour-milk products to animals;
  • Chicken eggs and offal (liver, kidney, stomach) can be given no more than 2 times a week;
  • You do not need to spoil the animals, feeding them from a common table. Firstly - it's harmful. And secondly - so you will ruin the regime, which is also not very good for the health of the pet;
  • Sweets cats and dogs are contraindicated.

With this type of feeding, your pet will needsome vitamin supplements. To choose the right medications, consult a veterinarian. We hope that our advice will help you in raising four-legged friends. And if you have not yet acquired a puppy or kitten, be sure to do so! It is not for nothing that they say that animals are more loyal than people. A loved one can leave, friends and relatives can turn away, but a pet will always remain close, no matter what situation you find yourself in! We recommend reading:

