Doctors say that in order to recover,little follow the prescribed regime, drink medicine and undergo procedures. We still need to really want to recover. Want to live. This is a huge problem - people are so tired of fighting the disease that they simply give up to him. And not only adults. Small patients also get tired of living - always entangled in tubes, exhausted by endless painful procedures ... In one of the hospitals in Australia they found a "medicine" that helps the kids to start smiling again. "The medicine" is called Ralph. This is a huge shaggy dog - a giant risen schnauzer, if it's for sure. He is already two years in the staff of the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne. He walks down the corridors with a badge attached to the collar. And the reputation of Ralph - you do not believe - a real miracle worker.A photo: Newspix / Rex Feauters The whole thing is that the dog magically acts on children. Nothing like Ralph seems to be doing. He just visits kids - every Monday he makes a detour around the wards: "To someone comes to the room, with someone sitting next to him during chemotherapy sessions," they say in the hospital. And the children, they say, the heaviest procedures are easier to bear when the furry "doctor" is near.A photo: Newspix / Rex Feauters Ralph made the 15-month-old Zack smile. The boy was born with a rare genetic disease - his body is unable to digest protein. A normal piece of chicken can kill a baby. Treatment is heavy, painful. In the hospital you have to be almost more likely than at home. But there is Ralph here. This makes the life of little Zack a little easier. Like the life of two-year-old Claire. Five days ago, she had an operation - removed a cancerous tumor in the kidney.A photo: Newspix / Rex Feauters "As soon as Ralph entered the room, Claire saw him and ... got up! She rose very slowly, very insecurely to her feet. But she did. And then I went to the dog - staggering, but went! I could not even say a word with surprise, "says Mary McPhee, Claire's mother. Mary still can not believe that her daughter got to her feet - and so quickly. But he knows for sure - now everything will be fine with them. By the way, Ralph is not the only dog that helps seriously ill people. Here, for example, retriever Eddie. He also "works" in the pediatric department. True, in another hospital. Every day the dog makes rounds in the wards. And he always takes his bag of toys with him. It seems that not even all people are capable of this.Photo: