Symptoms of diphtheria in children

The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets fromsick or carrier bacteria to healthy. In rare cases, a child can become infected through toys, household items. Diphtheria bacillus can live for a long time in the external environment, maintaining a low temperature. Dies only when disinfecting and boiling.diphtheria in a childPrevention of diphtheria in a child is vaccinatedPhoto: Getty How does diphtheria manifest in different organs:

  • Diphtheria nasopharynx. Nasal passages are affected and serous or circulatory discharges develop, developing into purulent ones. Slight increase in temperature, difficulty breathing due to edema. Rarely leads to complications.
  • Diphtheria of the oropharynx. Tight tonsil deposits are formed, bleeding begins when you try to scrape them off. Zev red and swollen, pain when swallowing. The temperature may rise to 39 ° C. Sometimes accompanied by abdominal pain and vomiting.
  • Diphtheria larynx. The most dangerous and rapidly developing form of the disease. In the initial stage, a high temperature is observed, more than 39 ° C. Increasing hoarseness, strong barking cough. In the second stage begins noisy intense breathing. And at the third there is oxygen deficiency, at this stage due to asphyxiation may be fatal.

The danger of diphtheria is possible complications, such as toxic shock, severe heart disease, pneumonia, kidney damage and the peripheral nervous system.

Prevention of diphtheria in children

The main preventive measure is vaccination, whichheld on a calendar schedule. The vaccination is done in three stages in 3, in 4.5 and in 6 months. Then revaccination is performed at 18 months, at 7 and 14 years. A vaccinated child may develop diphtheria, but in a mild form, without complications. It is also very important to strengthen the immunity of the child. In the event of a disease the patient is isolated. Contact persons are monitored during the week, they are examined. When a disease is detected, an immediate treatment is started, and anti-diphtheria serum is mandatory. Quarantine is introduced in a preschool or school where the patient was. Diphtheria is not dangerous if treatment is started on time. Have the child noticed at least one of the listed symptoms of the disease, immediately consult a doctor. Read also:

