gestational age for hGGHow to determine the duration of pregnancy on hgch? Photo: Getty

What is HCG?

HCG is an abbreviation of the concept of "chorionichuman gonadotropin ". This is the name of a hormone that is released in a woman's body after fertilization of the uterus. Particles of gonadotropin are also included in the urine of the expectant mother. The level of hCG in early pregnancy is noticeable, but insignificant. Over time, the concentration of the hormone increases.

Methods for determining the hormone

To determine the level of hCG, one of thetwo types of biological material: · urine · blood. The most simple and affordable way to confirm pregnancy is to conduct testing at home. To do this, you need to buy in the pharmacy special strips, which reveal the presence of a hormone in the urine. The higher the concentration, the more noticeable will be the reaction of the test and the brighter "two strips". Want to know on what term hCG will show pregnancy? Approximately on 12-14th day after conception. Data are confirmed in 80-90 cases out of 100.

  • To accurately (99-100%) determine the amount of gonadotropin, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory blood test.
  • To eliminate the mistake, a woman should prepare the body with a diet that excludes alcohol and fatty foods.
  • On the appointed day, only a glass of water is allowed to drink. This method is able to confirm future motherhood on the 10-14th day from the moment of conception.
  • Exact correspondence of HCG to the term of pregnancy will help determine the doctor.

Pregnancy for hCG: erroneous data

  • There are situations when the result obtained during home testing or laboratory research is not subsequently confirmed.
  • Most often this is facilitated by previous abortions, the impact of hormonal drugs and many other factors.
  • In this case, you should seek the help of a gynecologist, who will prescribe repeated tests or an additional examination.

Knowing how to determine the duration of pregnancy for hCG,doctors help future mothers in time to make changes in the usual rhythm of life to ensure full development of the fetus. The implementation of recommendations facilitates pregnancy and the process of childbirth, and also reduces the risk of developing complex diseases in the baby. Advices to mothers:

