in which to melt the engagement ringIs it possible to melt the engagement ring? Photo: Getty

Signs associated with engagement rings

Most people refer to wedding rings.very seriously. This is not only a decoration, but also a symbol of the marriage union. By exchanging rings during the wedding, the bride and groom tie themselves to each other. There are many signs and superstitions associated with this wedding attribute. 1. The newlyweds must buy rings at the same time, but the groom must buy. In this case, family life will be happy and carefree. 2. To keep love strong, the ring is put on to the very base of the finger. 3. Divorce threatens those who have lost .4. You can not let your wedding ring try on, this will lead to an unhappy fate. 5. Taking parents' rings to the wedding - repeat their family life. 6. Separation threatens those who drop their wedding rings during registration. Most are of the opinion that if you do not get rid of the ring after a divorce, there will be no happiness in a new family life. And it will not be possible to find a new life partner. But what to do with a family symbol that did not bring happiness?

What melting engagement ring?

How to deal with the wedding ring afterdivorce? You can not wear it categorically, especially for those who believe in omens. After all, this jewelry has accumulated all the energy about your married life. And in the period of divorce, it is more negative than positive. According to the beliefs, the ring can not even be stored with other ornaments. It will always interfere with the new happiness. There are several options that can be done with the attribute of an unrepresented family life. Give back to her ex-husband. If he bought them, then it will be the most correct.2. Pleasure yourself, make a small gift. Give the ring to the workshop, let them make out of it a bracelet or chain. You can try to just sell the product or take it to the pawnshop. But if you are a superstitious person, you know that the wedding ring is a store of energy, and you should not transfer this energy to other people. Sometimes engagement rings become family relics, and they are passed on from generation to generation. In this case, you need to return the ring back to the birthplace. Many people are wondering whether the primer works if the engagement ring is melted down. On this account, there is an opinion that at high melting temperatures all information stored in the ring is erased. Therefore, we can safely make of it a new jewelry.

And old engagement rings, can they be melted down to new ones?

In this issue, there are many opinions.It is considered: a new life - new rings. Although, on the other hand, to wear wedding rings of parents, grandmothers or great-grandmothers who have lived a happy family life, is considered a good sign. If during melting all negative information from the product is eliminated, it means that the rings after melting we will get new ones! But if you really believe in signs, think about it constantly, make a ring from your ring, and start a new marriage with a new ringlet. After all, we ourselves attract to ourselves what we are most afraid of. Let the new family life be with a clean slate. Also interesting:

